Chapter 1476 It's Time (Second Update)
After leaving Piao Piao Yu TV, Luo Xia didn't stop at all, and rushed home directly.

At the same time, his expression couldn't help being slightly weird.

"I didn't expect that I also had poisonous milk." Luo Xia muttered.

When he was on Piao Piao Yu TV just now, he just thought about it, could Jin Yuena still find him at home?

In the end, Jin Yuena really found his home!

That's right, Lu Shiyan called just now to tell him about it.

Until now, Luo Xia actually still couldn't figure it out.

Jin Yuena, why did you come to his house directly?
Luo Xia was not surprised that Jin Yuena could find out his home address.

If you can't even find this, then it's not Jin Yuena.

Luo Xia was just wondering why Jin Yuena chose to come to his house today?
Unable to figure it out, Luo Xia didn't think too much about it, so he could only rush home as soon as possible.

"Sister Yueli, please drink tea."

Lu Shiyan brewed a cup of tea and handed it to Jin Yuena.

At this moment in Luoxia's home, Jin Yuena was sitting on the sofa, looking at the surrounding environment.

Although she already knew that Luo Xia lived here, it was the first time she came in.

Jin Yuena took it with her hand, and said with a faint smile, "Sister Shiyan, you don't need to call me that if you're not in the team. If you don't mind, you can call me Sister Yuena."

Hearing what Jin Yuena said, Lu Shiyan couldn't help being slightly surprised.

Usually Jin Yuena is cold towards her and others, this kind of gentleness is impossible to see on her face.

Lu Shiyan also knew that Jin Yuena was known as the iceberg queen in the business circle.

She always thought that the incomparably cold Jin Yuena was all about Jin Yuena.

But she didn't expect that Jin Yuena had such a gentle side.

Without thinking about it, Lu Shiyan said, "Okay, Sister Yuena."

Jin Yuena nodded lightly, looked at Su Chunyu, with a faint smile on her lips, "Sister Xiaoyu, I'm not sure how old you are, so I'll call you Sister Xiaoyu."

"However. Sister Yu, you seem to be so hostile to me?"

Su Chunyu said: "No way, how dare I have any hostility towards President Jinda. Speaking of which, I still want to thank you for the watch you bought for Luo Xia."

Although she said so, the little hostility on Qiao's face never dissipated.

Hearing what Su Chunyu said, Jin Yuena smiled noncommittally, and said softly: "That's good, otherwise my sister really thinks that sister Xiaoyu is hostile to her."

"However, sister Xiao Yu is the daughter of the mayor of Su Da. Even if she is hostile to her, it seems that she can't do anything."

What Jin Yuena said was extremely ingenious, without any sparks in it, but it felt a little uncomfortable to hear people's ears.

Su Chunyu also took a deep breath, calmed down, and hummed a little in his heart.

Seeing this, the corners of Jin Yuena's lips curled slightly. Even though she is the gentle personality now, she has never been a person who will suffer.

At this moment, the door outside opened.

It was none other than Luo Xia who had returned.

The office building of Piao Piao Yu TV is very close to where Luo Xia lives, and it didn't take long for Luo Xia to rush back.

When Luo Xia returned home, he opened the door and saw Jin Yuena on the sofa.

Seeing Jin Yuena's movement of looking at the surrounding environment, Luo Xia also knew that Jin Yuena should not have been here for too long, she just arrived.

Lu Shiyan and Su Chunyu were beside Jin Yuena, talking about something.

Su Chunyu looked at Jin Yuena with a little hostility.

Luo Xia walked over, looked at Jin Yuena, and said, "Why did you come here?"

The corners of Jin Yuena's lips twitched slightly, and she said, "It's nothing, I just have some team matters and I want to discuss them with you."

After finishing speaking, Jin Yuena took out a folder.

Luo Xia: "."

He didn't expect that Jin Yuena would take things in the team so seriously, and now she came to his house directly!

Seeing that Jin Yuena's expression was no longer as cold as before, and there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, Luo Xia knew that she was not that icy Yueli now.

But now she is not that goblin-like Jin Yuena, if I have to say, she is the mild version of Jin Yuena.

Only when dealing with Luo Zhixuan and a few others, would Jin Yuena show such gentleness on her face.

Seeing this scene, thinking of Ye Xingli's words again, Luo Xia felt that what Ye Xingli said was very reasonable.

Jin Yuena's gentle character is not dominated by her Yueli character, but by another character of hers.

What Ye Xingli said about Jin Yuena's charming character is her dominant character, Luo Xia has already believed it.

Seeing that Jin Yuena didn't look like she was joking, Luo Xia said, "Okay, I just have time now, so it's good to discuss some team matters."

After speaking, he walked over and sat down.

When several people were discussing, Su Chunyu stepped aside.

It's not that she's jealous or anything, it's something in Luo Xia's team, she never participates in it.

She only wants to explain through her own ability, and doesn't want to know some tactics from Luo Xia in advance, and then say it on the commentary platform.

In that case, in her opinion, it would be a desecration of the profession of commentary.

Luo Xia has always respected her very much, never mentioned the team's affairs in front of her, and only let her explain based on her own ability and prediction of the battle situation.

Su Chunyu never got any information from him, but on the commentary stage, he was still able to explain accurately, almost without mistakes.

Luo Xia couldn't help but admire countless times in his heart, his Xiao Yu is really excellent to the extreme!

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

While Luoxia, Jin Yuena and Lu Shiyan were discussing, there was a knock on the door.

Luo Xia felt a little strange, there were very few people who knew that he lived here, so who came here?

Walking to the door and looking outside through the door mirror, Luo Xia's face suddenly showed a shocked expression.

"It's dad and sister who are here." Luo Xia, Su Chunyu and the others said.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Su Chunyu and Lu Shiyan were taken aback for a moment, and then they almost subconsciously checked whether their clothes were decent, as well as their image in various aspects.

At the same time, the hearts of the two women were also slightly flustered.

The last time Luo Hai came, Su Chunyu told Luo Hai that Lu Shiyan was here as a guest, and reluctantly made it through.

But this time, what reason should I use?
Are you a guest both times? What a coincidence!
On Jin Yuena's jade face, there was also a look of surprise.

She came here today and didn't tell anyone. She didn't expect such a coincidence that Luo Hai and Luo Zhixuan came to find Luo Xia.

Seems like it's about time.
(End of this chapter)

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