Chapter 1486 Unstoppable! (Second more)
During the team's training, the seats are arranged according to the positions of top laner, jungler, mid laner, AD, and support. Luo Xia's left is Feiying, and Lu Shiyan's right is Ling Yan.

The kiss between Luo Xia and Lu Shiyan can be seen by people on both sides of them without turning their heads.

Hearing Ling Yan's words, Luo Xia froze for a moment, and then he realized that Ling Yan didn't really want him to clear the shopping cart, but wanted to talk about it.

Seeing Luo Xia's gaze, Jin Yuena turned her head and left with a blank expression.

Seeing this, Luo Xia scratched his head without thinking too much.


After the start of the competition between different groups, Luoxia and the others were completely unstoppable, with a tendency to sweep away.

As time went by, they finally met the MTC team!

When playing against the MTC team, coupled with the experience gained against the WSF team, Luo Xia deeply felt that it was not unreasonable for the MTC team to beat the WSF team.

From the previous analysis with Jin Yuena, Luo Xia has analyzed that the MTC team has a very strong linkage ability between the middle and the wild.

The captain of the MTC team, Anye Wufeng, is known as the No. [-] jungler on the national server, and his mid laner is even known as the second offensive mid laner on the national server.

Such a combination itself puts a lot of pressure on the bottom lane combination.

Even the top laner of the MTC team is known as the second offensive top laner in the national server, second only to the waves of the sea.

Although the strength of a team cannot be judged by these first and second scores alone, the strength of the players itself reflects the strength of the team to a certain extent.

It can be said that the jungler, mid laner, and top laner of the MTC team are all inclined to attack.

And the bottom lane of the MTC team tends to be stable.

The team style of the MTC team is simply complete against the WSF team.

The WSF team basically relies on the bottom lane to carry, which is an offensive type. If the MTC team's bottom lane style is also offensive, it can only be defeated.

But the bottom lane of the MTC team is stable. Although their overall strength is weaker than that of Cang Hailangchen and Chen He, they will not collapse so easily.

In addition, the other lane styles of the MTC team are all offensive, and the WSF team will be under great pressure.

This team style is almost perfect for the WSF team.

When playing against the MTC team, Luo Xia also had to admit that the strength of the MTC team is indeed stronger than that of the WSF team.

However, the MTC team is still not enough to watch Luoxia and the others!
The fact that the MTC team can beat the WSF team is more due to the team's style.

Although the hard power of the players is stronger than that of the WSF team, it is not much stronger.

And Luoxia and the others not only restrained the MTC team in team style, but even the strength of the players was stronger than the MTC team in all aspects!

In terms of team style, the MTC team is best at the mid-field linkage, and Luoxia's mid-field linkage is extremely powerful in itself.

Luo Xia and Feiying's cooperation is not weaker than Anye Wufeng and Scorching Sun.

In this case, there is no need to use any calculations, it can be fought head-on!

In terms of team style alone, Luo Xia and the others overwhelmed the MTC team.

In terms of player strength, it goes without saying that the mid laner is no match for Luo Xia.

Lu Shiyan and Ling Yan's bot lane is already the strongest bot lane combination in the national server, completely crushing the MTC team's bot lane combination.

Even because Ling Yan is good at AD support, combined with Lu Shiyan, the online will give people a kind of suppression similar to double AD, which is stronger than the bottom lane suppression of the WSF team.

The bottom lane combination of the MTC team can barely hold on under the attack of Canghai Langchen and Chen He, but under the attack of Lu Shiyan and Ling Yan, it hardly lasts long before collapsing.

As for the jungle position, although Anye Wufeng is known as the number one jungler in the national server, Feiying's strength is weaker than him at all, even stronger!
Even as a top laner, Specter is no weaker than the top laner of the MTC team.

Even the top laner on the opposite side is known as the second top laner in the national server!

In this case, there is no second result at all in the battle between the two teams.

Luoxia and the others directly won the MTC team 2:0!

In these two games, the MTC team also lost convincingly.

If they lose in the hard power competition, they will not feel any resentment in their hearts, only admiration.

After this game, Luo Xia's position among all LPL teams was completely established.

After winning the WSF team first, and then the MTC team, the current strength of Luoxia's team is completely at the level of the top team!
Perhaps, only the QWG team can compete with Luo Xia and the others.

Fans have been arguing about which team is stronger between the QWG team and the Lxsky team.

Some think that the QWG team is stronger, and some think that the Lxsky team is stronger.

The two sides insisted on their own opinions, and there was no result in the debate.

After all, the strength of the QWG team is really the strongest among the veteran teams, much stronger than the WSF team and the MTC team.

Before the two teams played against each other, no one dared to jump to conclusions.

However, just when everyone was looking forward to seeing the duel between the two teams, news from a match party came.

The competition system has temporarily ushered in a wave of reforms!

(End of this chapter)

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