Chapter 1487 Competition System Reform (First Change)
The summer split is now in the middle and late stages. At this time, there is a wave of reforms in the competition system, which no one expected.

The reform of the competition system is simple and simple, and it is responsible and responsible. It is just that in addition to the competition between the same group and different groups, a third group is divided.

It turned out that this is nothing.

But it was such a point that the Lxsky team and the QWG team could not meet together!

Now, the fans are completely blown away!
On the major forums, all kinds of complaints flew up, almost exploding.

"Damn it, what competition system reform, it won't be changed sooner or later, but it happens at this time!"

"Change the competition system, change the competition system, but don't change it so vilely, what the hell is it that the QWG team and the Lxsky team can't meet together!"

"That's right, I don't know how many people are looking forward to the duel between the QWG team and the Lxsky team. How can it be changed just like that?"

"I'm really convinced, whoever proposed this reform of the competition system, I will spray it every time I see it in the future!"

"Spray once when I see you? The temper upstairs is really good, I have to hit once when I see you!"


All major forums, major communities, and even any place where information can be disseminated, are full of complaints and grievances from fans.

Originally, there was nothing wrong with the reform of the competition system. In fact, looking at the rules alone, the reformed rules are more reasonable than the original ones.

It's just that this reform was not carried out at the beginning, but in the middle of the game, which made many people unacceptable.

However, many viewers and fans are just complaining and complaining, knowing that the result will not change.

Besides, the reform of the competition system is also very fair. Not only the LPL competition area has changed, but all competition areas have been changed, and there is nothing to say.

It's just that the QWG team can't face off against the Lxsky team, which makes countless people feel a pity.

In this regard, many viewers and fans can't help but sigh in their hearts.

And this reform of the competition system also surprised Luo Xia and the others.

"Competition system reform?"

When Luo Xia heard the news for the first time, Luo Xia couldn't help being stunned.

"If the current competition system is reformed, how will the No. [-] and No. [-] seeds be judged?" Luo Xia asked.

Jin Yuena has long been familiar with the rules of this reform of the competition system.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Jin Yuena said lightly: "We still follow the previous rules, but this year's situation is a bit special."

"If we have the same points with the QWG team in the end, we will use the method of drawing lots to determine the first seed team and the second seed team."

After Jin Yuena finished speaking, Luo Xia quickly understood.

There is nothing controversial about the No. [-] seed team. Even if several teams other than the No. [-] and No. [-] seeds compete in the end, the winner is probably the MTC team.

The MTC team has almost booked the position of the third seed.

As for the No. [-] and No. [-] seed teams, the No. [-] team wants to be the champion of the summer split, and the No. [-] seed team wants to be the first in points.

Now because of the reform of the competition system, Luoxia and the QWG team will not be able to meet each other. If this is the case, the real champion of the summer split will not be determined, only through points.

Even if the points are passed, the two teams are now unbeaten. If they continue to win unbeaten, the final points of the two teams will only be the same.

If this is the case, the No. [-] and No. [-] seeds will be determined by lottery.

Such a decision was quite fair, but Luo Xia felt somewhat regretful that he could not face off against the QWG team.

Hearing this news, Ling Yan felt relieved.

To be honest, she doesn't want to face the QWG team if possible.

Especially, I don't know how to face Li Hongwei...

The relationship between the two is simple to say, but complicated to say the least.

Seeing Ling Yan slightly distracted, Lu Shiyan said: "Master, what are you thinking?"

"Ah? Nothing." Ling Yan said.

After saying that, Ling Yan looked at Luo Xia again, and changed the subject: "Boy, are you thinking that we don't need to play QWG now, so we don't need to train much?"

Hearing Ling Yan's words, Luo Xia shook his head lightly.

"No, even if you don't play QWG, there are other teams to play, so you can't let go of training."

"Besides, no one knows, if we end up with the same points as the QWG team, whether the competition will add a game temporarily or something. Our state needs to be kept good."

The others also agree with Luo Xia's words.

Although the QWG team is not playing now, there are still other teams to play.

If even the training is wasted, and in the end because of this kind of arrogance, they lose to a team that is much weaker than them, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Besides, if they lose a game in the next game and the QWG team does not lose a game, then there is no need to draw lots.

In that case, the QWG team can surpass them based on points alone, and there is no such thing as the same points and then drawing lots.

It means that Luo Xia and the others surrendered the No. [-] seed, but Luo Xia and the others absolutely cannot accept it.

What Ling Yan said just now was just to change the subject. She also knew that the team would not abandon the training.

At this moment, Luo Xia noticed that the phantom was pinching his wrist, which seemed to be in some pain.

The gazes of Luoxia and Feiying turned over almost simultaneously.

"Moying, what's wrong with your hand?" Luo Xia asked with concern.

Although Feiying didn't open his mouth to ask, the expression in his eyes obviously meant the same as Luo Xia.

Moying smiled and said: "It's nothing, don't be nervous, it's just that in the match with the MTC team just now, the hands were a little too hard."

Hearing Moying's words, Luo Xia breathed a sigh of relief, but it's okay if you use too much force, and you'll be fine after a short rest.

Thinking about it, the top laner of the MTC team is known as the second top laner in the national server, stronger than the top laner Nan Tian Xiaoyun of the WSF team.

With Moying's hands, it is indeed a bit reluctant to face the top laner of the MTC team.

"Pay attention to rest." Feiying said expressionlessly.

Seeing the concern in Luo Xia's eyes, as well as the cold-hearted Flying Eagle, Mo Ying said with a smile: "Don't worry, I value my own hands more than you."

Hearing what the ghost said, the two didn't say anything more.

At this time, in the QWG team, it was almost the same situation.

Li Hongwei's reaction was almost the same as Ling Yan's, and he was inexplicably relieved.

Zuo Tiande was wailing, he couldn't match up with Luo Xia, and he had completed a wave of disciples counterattacking their master.

Of course, for Zuo Tiande to be able to beat Luo Xia in the lane, not to mention other people, even his good brother Fei Luo didn't believe it.

The maple leaf setting sun was thinking about something.

"Can't, have you played against the Lxsky team..."


(End of this chapter)

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