Chapter 1495 Going to a place? (first update)
to a place?
Hearing Jin Yuena's words, Luo Xia asked curiously, "Sister Fairy, where are you going?"

"Secret, you'll know when the bad brother is gone~" Jin Yuena made a fool of herself.

Seeing that Jin Yuena was unwilling to speak, Luo Xia didn't pursue her.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go quickly." Luo Xia said.

After Luo Xia finished speaking, Jin Yuena said with anger and resentment: "Bad brother, sister just took a bath, no matter what, she should rest for a while~"

"Oh, that's right." Luo Xia nodded.

Looking at Luo Xia in front of her, Jin Yuena smiled and said, "Bad brother, why don't you sit on the sofa and rest for a while?"

"I'm not sitting anymore, I'm not very tired." Luo Xia said.

"Hehehe, then sister, you'll take over the entire sofa~"

With that said, Jin Yuena changed from a sitting position to a lying position, and she lay on the sofa lazily on her side.

Such a posture evoked a thrilling body curve.

Her hair still has a little water vapor, which is slightly loose, and the color is a touch of golden.

Yuyan was so exquisite that she couldn't pick out any flaws, and her whole person exuded a mature and charming aura from head to toe.

Even Luo Xia was a little afraid to look at her.

Luo Xia has been waiting for Jin Yuena to say something, but Jin Yuena didn't say anything, she just blinked her charming eyes and looked at him with a half-smile.

"That... Sister Fairy, what are you going to take me to?" Luo Xia changed the subject.

Jin Yuena's lips curled up slightly, and she said, "It's very simple, complete one, I promise you~"

Fulfill a promise to him?

Hearing what Jin Yuena said, Luo Xia became more and more confused.

Before he could ask anything, Jin Yuena said, "Almost, enough rest~"

As she said that, she slowly got up from the sofa, stepped on her jade feet lightly, and stood on the ground with her slippers on.

Seeing Luo Xia in a daze, Jin Yuena's lips curled up slightly, and she said softly, "Bad brother, what are you looking at~"

Hearing Jin Yuena's words, Luo Xia came to his senses in an instant.

"'s nothing." Luo Xia said, "Sister Fairy, you should change your clothes, I'll go out first."

Just when Luo Xia was about to go outside the room, Jin Yuena said: "Bad brother, sister, don't worry about you, the door won't be closed when changing clothes~"

"If you want to see it, it's okay to barge in~"

Hearing Jin Yuena's words, Luo Xia hurried out of the room.

Behind him came Jin Yuena's giggling.


After walking outside the door, Luo Xia let out a long sigh of relief, feeling a little hard to calm down.

Jin Yuena's natural charm is too attractive.

He also relied on great concentration to get along with Jin Yuena normally.

Jin Yuena is a goblin through and through.

With her charm, there will definitely be countless men who are willing to fall for her for three lifetimes!

Luo Xia even wondered many times whether she was a banshee sent by the demon world to seduce the world.

After calming down, after waiting for a while, the door opened, and Jin Yuena walked out of it.

At this time, she had already changed her clothes.

Seeing that Jin Yuena had changed her clothes, Luo Xia also breathed a sigh of relief.

After changing her clothes, she was visually less shocked than when she was wearing a bathrobe.

Soon, the two left the base.

"Bad brother, if you are not afraid of being betrayed by your sister, get in the car~"

Putting her hands on her waist, Jin Yuena smiled charmingly.

Hearing Jin Yuena's words, Luo Xia didn't say anything, and got into Jin Yuena's car directly.

Jin Yuena smiled, sat in the driver's seat, and drove to the distance.

She was driving at the same speed as last time, and it was still extremely terrifying. Luo Xia was already prepared this time, so she wasn't too shocked.

But at Jin Yuena's speed, the two of them drove a long distance in a short time.

Gradually, looking at the surrounding environment, Luo Xia felt a familiar feeling in his heart.

After thinking about it, Luo Xia scratched her head and said, "Hey, Elder Sister Fairy, this road, isn't it..."

Jin Yuena completely ignored that she was driving, she turned her head and smiled charmingly, her hands were still skillfully steering the steering wheel.

"That's right, bad brother, this road leads to my sister's house, how about it, do you dare to go now~"

"It's not like I haven't been there before." Luo Xia muttered.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Jin Yuena didn't say any more, but the smile on the corner of her mouth got stronger.

The corners of her lips evoked a beautiful arc.


(End of this chapter)

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