Chapter 1496 Complete the promise? (Second more)
On the other hand, Luo Xia felt relieved after knowing that he was going to Jin Yuena's house.

At first, he thought that Jin Yuena would not hesitate to waste a so-called favor when she came to him, because there was something difficult for him to do.

Now that I have gone to Jin Yuena's house, no matter how difficult it can be.

Could Jin Yuena still let him clean up her castle-like home?

Thinking of this, Luo Xia couldn't help but tremble all over.

"Shouldn't be like this..." Luo Xia thought in his heart.

Given the sheer size of Jin Yuena's castle-like home, even if she walked through it from beginning to end, she would be exhausted to death.

Luo Xia suddenly realized that if Jin Yuena really wanted to punish him, there were really countless ways.

Now, it depends on how Jin Yuena uses this favor...

When Jin Yuena drove near her villa area, Luo Xia was still shocked when she saw the scene in front of her, even though she had already been here once.

Jin Yuena's castle-like home is really too big!

Looking along the side wall, one can't see the end at all.

Simply, compared to a small town!
And Jin Yuena is like the queen in the city!
After driving into the villa area, Jin Yuena drove along the side wall for a long time, but Luo Xia didn't even see the gate.

You know, how fast Jin Yuena is driving, she has been driving for so long without Luo Xia seeing the gate, enough to imagine how big this place is!

After a long time, Jin Yuena finally opened the gate.

Jin Yuena stretched out a section of her forearm, and several kinds of infrared rays were intertwined. After scanning her forearm, the door finally opened.

With this kind of defense, coupled with the infrared device on the wall, the defense here is absolutely impenetrable, no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible for anyone to sneak in.

Jin Yuena turned her head to look at Luo Xia, then suddenly picked up a part of Luo Xia's forearm, stretched it out of the car window, and let the infrared device on the other side scan it.

How responsive Luo Xia is, he reacted when Jin Yuena wanted to take his arm, but he didn't resist.

He believed that Jin Yuena would never harm him.

After finishing all this, Jin Yuena smiled charmingly and drove the car into the gate.

After the car drove into the gate, Luo Xia saw the scene in front of him and didn't want to say anything anymore.

The first thing he saw were Jin Yuena's three luxurious private swimming pools.

And these three swimming pools are very conservative to describe them as swimming pools. They are as big as three lakes!
Finally, the two stopped in front of Jin Yuena's luxurious garage.

As the garage door opened slowly and automatically, when Luo Xia saw the huge garage area and all the luxury cars in it, his heart was about to reach a state of neither joy nor sorrow.

In particular, he still remembered that Jin Yuena told him that she had four such garages!
The one who brought him here now was only Ximen's house.

Even in such a luxurious villa in front of her, Jin Yuena has four of them, and they fit together, so she can live in whichever one she wants every day.

In Jin Yuena's body, Luo Xia really realized clearly what it means to be inhumane!
When driving the car to the garage, Luo Xia thought that Jin Yuena wanted to park the car in, and got out of the car in front of the garage.

However, what Luo Xia didn't expect was that Jin Yuena didn't do this, but got out of the car right after her.

"Bad brother, which one do you like, my sister will give it to you~" Jin Yuena said lazily.


Hearing what Jin Yuena said, Luo Xia couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"Why, you want to give me a sports car?" Luo Xia scratched his head and said.

Jin Yuena smiled and said: "Bad brother, didn't my sister say that I want to fulfill a promise to you."

"I promised you to give you a supercar worth more than 3000 million yuan, but I just didn't have the time. Now, it's time~"

Promised him to give him a supercar worth more than 3000 million?
Hearing Jin Yuena's words, Luo Xia couldn't help being slightly stunned.

Is there such a thing, why did he forget it?

I don't know what came to mind, a flash of inspiration flashed in Luo Xia's mind.

When he and Luo Hailuo Zhixuan went back to their hometown to pay homage to Shen Lanxin, when Wu Tianliang, Wu Xiaomei and others mocked him, Jin Yuena directly arranged for someone to fight back fiercely.

At that time, Jin Yuena was driving the 120 million BMW 740Li. Wu Tianliang also mocked why Jin Yuena didn't give this car to Luo Xia. Jin Yuena said at the time that she would give Luo Xia a 3000 million supercar.

Luo Xia thought that Jin Yuena was just talking casually, but unexpectedly, she remembered it all the time and was really planning to implement it.

Thinking of this, Luo Xia showed a hint of helplessness on his expression, and said: "Sister Fairy, so you are referring to this matter, no, I don't need you to send me any car."

"Hehehe, you can't listen to your brother badly about this matter. How can you go back on what your sister has already promised and not do it~" Jin Yuena said charmingly.

Hearing what Jin Yuena said, Luo Xia knew that if she didn't let her give her a car, she would not give up.

"Okay, then I'll take that BMW 740Li." Luo Xia said.

He knew that this was already the cheapest car in Jin Yuena's garage, and it was bought to cover up her identity when she came to the team as an analyst.

Otherwise, cars under [-] million won't even be eligible to enter her garage.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Jin Yuena smiled charmingly, and said, "No, my sister has already promised to give you a supercar worth more than 3000 million yuan, so how can I give you another car?"

"Besides, this car is too slow~"

too slow?
Hearing this, Luo Xia felt speechless for a while. Although the top speed of that BMW was definitely not as good as those supercars, it wasn't bad either.

Ordinary people, I don’t know how many people can’t afford it.

The speed of the car is too fast, and Luo Xia can't use it.

However, Luo Xia faintly felt that Jin Yuena's words seemed to point to something...

"Hehehe, bad brother, don't you understand~" Jin Yuena smiled charmingly.

Luo Xia scratched his head and said, "Understand what?"

Jin Yuena curled her lips into a smile, stepped forward suddenly, wrapped herself around Luo Xia's body like a beautiful snake, and their bodies were tightly pressed together.

"Just now, my sister has helped you pass the infrared scanning device. From now on, you will be the only man who can come in and out here. My sister's door will always be open for you~"

"If you drive such a slow car, it takes a long time to drive from the side wall to the gate, so how can you come to see my sister often~"

As she spoke, Jin Yuena's head slowly moved forward, gently touching Luo Xia's forehead.

Qiong's nose even touched the tip of Luo Xia's nose.

A pair of beautiful eyes shone with an inconceivable gleam, and seemed to have infinite allure, as they looked at Luo Xia...


(End of this chapter)

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