Chapter 1497 Racecourse (first update)
Hearing what Jin Yuena said, Luo Xia couldn't help being slightly stunned.

Obviously he didn't expect that Jin Yuena had such an idea.

Jin Yuena wanted to give him a sports car, not only to fulfill the promise to him, but also to want him to come to her often?
I don't know if Jin Yuena thought this way in her heart, or said it on purpose.

Looking at Jin Yuena who was almost close to him, Luo Xia couldn't help but took a step back, and said, "Sister Fairy, stop joking."

"Although I can drive, I... don't have a driver's license, yes, I just don't have a driver's license!"

Luo Xia found an excuse and prepared to prevaricate it.

In fact, he didn't think he was deliberately looking for reasons to prevaricate, because what he said was indeed the truth.

Although he can drive and drives very well, he has not yet obtained a driver's license.

Even if Jin Yuena gave him the car now, he would not be able to drive it.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, the corners of Jin Yuena's lips curved slightly, and she said, "Bad brother, what's so difficult about a driver's license, as long as you want, my sister can get it for you now~"

Luo Xia hurriedly waved his hand, and said: "No, no, let's talk about it later. As for the car you want to give me...just owe it first."

Hearing what Luo Xia said, Jin Yuena stared at Luo Xia for a while, then smiled charmingly.

"Okay, since the bad brother has said so, then as the bad brother said, the car is owed first, but for other things, the bad brother can't refuse~"

With that said, Jin Yuena walked towards another place, motioning for Luo Xia to follow.

Luo Xia scratched her head, not knowing what Jin Yuena was planning, so she also followed.

Soon, Jin Yuena stopped in front of a gate.

Following Jin Yuena's instruction, the gate slowly opened, and Luo Xia walked in with her.

After walking into the gate, Luo Xia saw that the ground inside the gate was actually in the shape of a lawn. Looking at the plan, it still felt like a runway.

And when Luo Xia looked at the two sides, he immediately showed a surprised expression, and said, "Horse? It seems that it is not an ordinary horse."

There are fences on both sides of the road, and inside the fences are horses.

"Hehehe, bad brother has good eyesight. Most of the horses here are British royal horses, and the rest are all famous breeds from various places."

Jin Yuena smiled and said, "This is my sister's racetrack. Since the bad brother doesn't want the car that my sister gave you for the time being, how about riding a horse with my sister?"

Hearing what Jin Yuena said, Luo Xia was shocked at first, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

The shock was because he never expected that Jin Yuena would have such a huge racecourse.

And Jin Yuena didn't mention the sports car, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

"Okay, isn't it just riding a horse, what a joke!" Luo Xia said confidently.

He is confident that no matter how fierce a horse is, he can tame it!

Jin Yuena curled her lips into a smile, and led Luo Xia to a fence. Inside was an extremely tall and strong horse that looked like a hero.

"Bad brother, how about you ride this horse, do you dare to ride~" Jin Yuena said charmingly.

Luo Xia patted his chest and said, "Why don't you dare!"

Saying that, he opened the fence directly, took the rein, and jumped onto the horse's back.

At first, the horse struggled violently, but after a while, the struggle completely weakened and was tamed by Luo Xia.

"Sister Fairy, the horses here don't seem to be wild enough." Luo Xia said.

He originally thought how difficult this horse would be to tame, but he didn't expect it to be so easy.

Thinking about it, these horses are for people to ride, and the wild nature has been almost tamed, otherwise what if they hurt people.

"Hehehe, that's just the bad brother's strength. If it were someone else, it would be impossible to tame this horse so quickly~"

As she said that, Jin Yuena stepped out of the fence next to her, and got out a bay red horse that looked more docile.

After Jin Yuena also rode on the horse, soon, the two of them were driving on the track side by side, moving forward together.

"Sister Fairy, your racetrack is really big..."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Xia didn't know what he saw, and he couldn't help being stunned.

There are some words that cannot be said later.

Seeing Luo Xia's reaction, Jin Yuena smiled and said, "Bad brother, sister's figure, okay~"

Hearing Jin Yuena's words, Luo Xia's heart was filled with distress.

Jin Yuena's voice was naturally charming, like a cat moaning softly, which made one's whole body soft. Coupled with the scene in front of her, it really challenged one's concentration.

Luo Xia was afraid that once he opened his mouth, his mind would be completely lost.

Seeing that Luo Xia didn't speak, Jin Yuena accelerated the horse under her, moved to Luo Xia's side, and gently exhaled hot air on Luo Xia's face.

"Fairy, elf, she definitely did it on purpose!" Luo Xia said over and over again in his heart.

If Jin Yuena didn't do it on purpose, he would never believe it.

Otherwise, why would she choose to ride a horse when there are so many things she can play?

"This goblin just deliberately seduced me, wanting to see me make a fool of myself." Luo Xia said in his heart.

In his opinion, Jin Yuena was deliberately seducing him, wanting to see him at a loss.

Jin Yuena must have made up her mind that he won't do anything to her.

Luo Xia also felt helpless in his heart, it had to be said that he really had nothing to do with Jin Yuena.

Because of him, he really wouldn't do anything to Jin Yuena.

Except for the time when the two lived together when Luo Xia played live broadcasts to make money, Luo Xia once pretended to do something to her, which made Jin Yuena slightly flustered once.

For the rest of the time, Luo Xia didn't take advantage of the confrontation between the two.

Just like the time when Luoxia went back to his hometown, when the two of them were in the car at night, Jin Yuena seduced him like that, didn't he have nothing to do?

However... the fact is that that time he not only took advantage of Jin Yuena, but also took advantage of it.

It's just that Luo Xia doesn't know about all of this...


(End of this chapter)

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