Chapter 1499 Have Fun! (first update)
After Luo Xia finished speaking, upon hearing Jin Yuena's words, Luo Xia also had a feeling in his heart that it really was so.

Thinking of this, Luo Xia's mood became more and more complicated.

Jin Yuena said today that she wanted him to return the favor, but the main purpose was to give him a supercar.

Now, the two of them were just playing horse racing and other entertainment, and Jin Yuena didn't ask him to pay anything.

It is said that it is a favor, but in fact, even if a favor is returned in this way, to a certain extent, Luo Xia is still in favor.

Luo Xia couldn't help sighing softly in his heart.

Although Jin Yuena's home is extremely luxurious, like a castle, she and Ling Yan are the only ones living in such a huge home.

There are even four houses like Jin Yuena, and four gates. If she lives in this one today, she may live in another one tomorrow.

Most of the time, maybe she and Ling Yan don't live together.

She has always been quite lonely...

The infrared device in this villa area, as well as the poison pill that Jin Yuena had been holding in her mouth before, all proved that she was very insecure.

Although she has wealth, power, and status unimaginable by others, I am afraid that there will be many troubles.

Even the chance to have fun like ordinary people may not be much.

Thinking of this, Luo Xia couldn't help tightening her arms around Jin Yuena's slender waist, and said, "Okay, Elder Sister Fairy, since I'm playing with you, today, I'll play with you for a good time!"

Hearing what Luo Xia said, Jin Yuena's pretty face revealed a look of surprise, and there was even a little more surprise in her eyes.

"Bad brother, you said this, you can't go back on it~" Jin Yuena blinked her beautiful eyes and said.

Luo Xia smiled and said, "Do what you say, come on, let's go!"

As he said that, he directly steered the horse under him, increased the speed of the horse to the extreme, and ran forward quickly along the runway.

Luo Xiadao didn't have the slightest distracting thoughts in his heart, he just wanted to play with Jin Yuena to the fullest!
Jin Yuena was already leaning in Luo Xia's arms, but now, she leaned a little further into Luo Xia's arms, raised her head slightly, and looked at the confident and proud Luo Xia.

A pair of beautiful eyes full of endless charm also added a few different emotions.

Jin Yuena's racecourse is very big, and the racetrack is very long, but no matter how long the racetrack is, it will always have an end.

When he was about to reach the finish line, Luo Xia slowed down his speed, and moved forward slowly with Jin Yuena.

In his heart, there is also a bit of reluctance.

It was agreed to have a good time with Jin Yuena, but just running from the starting point to the finish line seemed not enough.

He can only slow down, let Jin Yuena experience this feeling more.


The two walked forward slowly for an unknown amount of time, when a horse neighing came from behind.

Luo Xia looked back, and a surprised expression appeared on his face.

It turned out to be the maroon horse that Jin Yuena rode before.

"Hey, Elder Sister Fairy, that horse of yours is very intelligent. It's so far away, and you know it's coming to find its owner." Luo Xia said in surprise.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Jin Yuena glanced back and said with a light smile: "Bad brother, you are wrong, that horse didn't come to find its owner~"

After Jin Yuena finished speaking, Luo Xia couldn't help feeling a little confused.

Soon, the maroon horse followed, walking side by side with the horse he and Jin Yuena were riding.

The heads of the two horses were grinding together.

Luo Xia seemed to understand something in his heart.

Is it...

"Hehehe, bad brother, you understand now, this horse is not looking for an owner, but it and the horse we are riding under are a pair of lovers~"

Looking at Luo Xia, Jin Yuena chuckled lightly.

Saying that, Jin Yuena looked at Luo Xia with a pair of charming eyes, and said: "Bad brother, the horse is a lover's horse, where is that person~"

Hearing Jin Yuena's words, Luo Xia couldn't help showing a hint of helplessness on his expression.

"Sister Fairy, stop making fun of me."

In his opinion, Jin Yuena is playing a joke on him again.

It's probably for fun to tease him like this all day long, I want to see him at a loss, even flushed by her teasing.

If Ling Yan was here, knowing Luo Xia's thoughts, he must have the thought of smashing his head.

How low is your kid's EQ? It's probably negative!
With your negative EQ, how did you get such a beautiful girlfriend, and there are more than one of them!
The two horses drove forward for a while, and soon, they both reached the finish line.

After reaching the finish line, Luo Xia and Jin Yuena dismounted.

Looking at the two horses in front of him, Luo Xia said, "Sister Fairy, don't we need to put them back into the fence?"

Jin Yuena shook her head lightly, and said, "No need, they haven't come out to play for a long time, let them have a good time~"

Luo Xia smiled and said, "That's right, I thought so too."

After thinking for a while, Luo Xia said again: "Sister Fairy, in fact, your racecourse is so big, it doesn't look like you often use it, why don't you use fences to lock up those horses."

"Isn't it great to let them play freely in the entire racecourse?"

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Jin Yuena's beautiful eyes flickered, and said: "My sister will always listen to what the bad brother says, but..."

Jin Yuena smiled charmingly, and said, "However, this time, it's only okay if the bad brother plays with sister~"

Hearing what Jin Yuena said, Luo Xia couldn't help being confused.

Have fun?
Do you want to ride a few more laps around this racecourse?

Without explaining, Jin Yuena opened another small door and left the racetrack.

Luo Xia also followed. After leaving the racetrack, Luo Xia was a little stunned when he saw the scene in front of him clearly.

Because behind the door, it turned out to be a large, oh no, super large playground!

"Bad brother, just now you said you wanted to have fun with your sister, now, don't you regret it~" Jin Yuena said charmingly.

Luo Xia was extremely excited, and said: "How can you regret it, this playground is obviously just right for you!"

Just now he felt that he said he wanted to have a good time with Jin Yuena, but it was obviously not enough to just run from the beginning to the end of the racetrack.

For this reason, he deliberately slowed down and headed for the finish line slowly.

Now that he came to this playground, it was like giving a pillow when he was dozing off. He could also fulfill the promise just now and have fun with Jin Yuena!

(End of this chapter)

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