Chapter 1500 Haunted House (Second Change)

"Sister Fairy, let's go!"

Looking at the playground in front of him, Luo Xia couldn't wait to grab Jin Yuena's jade hand and ran towards the playground!
Suddenly being caught by Luo Xia's hand, Jin Yuena couldn't help feeling a tingling sensation in her palm.

Looking at the excited Luo Xia, the corners of Jin Yuena's lips could not help but evoked a beautiful arc, and together with Luo Xia, they ran towards the playground.

The playground in front of it is very large, very large, and it can definitely be regarded as a super large playground.

All facilities are available.

Except that there are no staff, no tourists, etc., everything else is no different from those large playgrounds.

And even if there is no staff, the safety of the playground is sufficiently guaranteed.

Because all the facilities here are programmed to run automatically.

Compared with manpower, the operation of the program is obviously safer.

The two played for a long time, almost all the items in the playground, especially the exciting ones.

Roller coasters, jumping machines, big pendulums and the like are the places where the two of them frequent.

Today, the two of them set off from Modu in the morning to Jin Yuena's home in Kyoto.

Counting the time on the road, the time at the racetrack, and the time at the playground, the time is unconscious, and it is noon.

Due to the high amount of exercise in the playground, coupled with the rising temperature at noon, Luo Xia couldn't help sweating a little.

Just when the two were about to leave the playground, Luo Xia looked towards a certain corner and couldn't help but listen to his footsteps.

"Bad brother, what's the matter~" Jin Yuena smiled charmingly.

There was always a smile on the corner of her mouth, she had never, never been so happy as today.

"It's nothing, just seeing that haunted house brought back some memories." Luo Xia said.

Seeing the haunted house not far away, the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually grew stronger.

He still remembered that when he and Su Chunyu had their first date, it was in the haunted house, and he mustered up the courage to steal her first kiss.

Even if the haunted house is not a place for the two to make love, it is almost the same.

At the same time, it was also Luo Xia's first kiss.

Of course, this kind of first kiss excludes the kissing with Luo Zhixuan when she was a child.

At that time, the kiss between the two was limited to the touch of the lips, and there was no further movement.

The kiss between Haunted House and Su Chunyu can be regarded as Luo Xia's real first kiss.

Under Jin Yuena's questioning, Luo Xia also told her all this.

Anyway, in his opinion, there is nothing to hide.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Jin Yuena's eyes turned slightly, and she said, "Bad brother, let's go play in the haunted house~"


(PS: I'm going to accept the naturally charming, enchanting and charming, and at the same time, the aloof and arrogant President Jin Da. Transition and foreshadowing are indispensable.

In addition, about how many women Luo Xia will have, in fact, there have been enough hints in the previous article, and here it is almost explicit.

What they have in common is, first, they have paid a lot to Luo Xia; second, they call Luo Xia differently; third, Luo Xia calls them differently; fourth, they are all in H City Luo Xia I slept in the rented house.

Regarding the fourth point, if there are any book friends who have forgotten, please review Chapter 1271: Lease Agreement. )
(End of this chapter)

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