Chapter 1501 Swimming? (first update)
"Hey, Elder Sister Fairy, didn't you say before that apart from the games we played, everything else is not interesting?" Luo Xia scratched his head and said.

Jin Yuena smiled charmingly, and said, "My sister has changed her mind, can't she~"

Immediately afterwards, the two walked into the haunted house.

After entering the haunted house, Jin Yuena was still by Luo Xia's side at first.

But at some point, Jin Yuena disappeared.

"Why are girls so good at hiding? Xiao Yu was like this before." Luo Xia said helplessly.

When he and Su Chunyu went to the haunted house before, Su Chunyu disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Unexpectedly, Jin Yuena did the same.

Luo Xia walked forward alone. Although the surrounding environment looked scary, in his opinion, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Besides, there is no staff in Jin Yuena's playground, so naturally it is impossible for other people to pretend to be ghosts. As long as you meet other people, it must be Jin Yuena.

However, Luo Xia walked around the haunted house several times, but couldn't find Jin Yuena.

"This goblin is really calm." Luo Xia couldn't help muttering.

Just when he turned a few more times and almost lost his vigilance, a figure suddenly jumped out.

That's right, it came out!

Luo Xia naturally knew that it was Jin Yuena, but if Luo Xia pushed her away, she would definitely be injured based on her actions at this time, and if she got out of the way, she might also fall to the ground.

Luo Xia was worried about hurting her, so she hesitated for such a short time, and she was thrown to the ground by her.

Seeing the incomparably exquisite face in front of him, Luo Xia's heart skipped a beat, and he turned his head away hastily.

Then, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

If he hadn't flashed so fast just now, he and Jin Yuena would almost have kissed each other.

The time he rescued Jin Yuena before, Jin Yuena kissed him in a trance, and he passively took Jin Yuena's first kiss.

That time was barely excusable, and Jin Yuena didn't mention it afterwards.

If the two of them just kissed like this this time, the situation would be completely different. Who knows if this President Jinda would just go berserk right away!
Seeing Luo Xia dodging, Jin Yuena couldn't help but stop.

Afterwards, he said with resentment and resentment: "Bad brother, you are really incomprehensible, you don't even take advantage of sister if you have the opportunity~"

Hearing Jin Yuena's words, Luo Xia felt speechless for a while.

In his opinion, this goblin is really trying to fix himself all the time.

After a while, Luo Xia said with some embarrassment: "Sister Fairy, can you get up first?"

"Hehehe, bad brother, why did you let my sister get up~" Jin Yuena said with winking eyes.

Luo Xia could only feel the pain in his heart, but Jin Yuena didn't seem to notice it, and still had a smile on her lips.

"This goblin must have done it on purpose, just wanting to see me at a loss." Luo Xia thought to himself.

If Ling Yan was here, knowing what Luo Xia was thinking, I would feel sorry for his low EQ again...

In the haunted house, Jin Yuena was pressing on Luo Xia's body, and she didn't have much intention of getting up.

In Luo Xia's heart, he complained more and more.

"Sister Fairy, enough rest, can you... get up first?" Luo Xia asked tentatively.

In fact, he just said that, and didn't hold much hope at all.

Seeing Luo Xia's expression, Jin Yuena's eyes turned slightly, and she didn't continue to press on Luo Xia, she stood up and straightened her body.

Luo Xia couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and soon, the two left the haunted house, and then left the playground.

After leaving the playground, Jin Yuena took Luo Xia through a small gate and returned to the front of the villa.

Her home is really too big, if she continues to take Luo Xia for a walk, let alone a whole day, even a few days will not be able to finish it.

Besides, she brought Luo Xia here today, and she has other things to do...

Seeing that he was back in front of the villa, Luo Xia said, "Sister Fairy, it's already noon, so I'll..."

"Bad brother, where are you going? It's still early~" Jin Yuena said charmingly, "Besides, I sweated a lot in the playground just now, so I just went back like this, wouldn't I feel uncomfortable~"

With that said, Jin Yuena threw a piece of clothing to Luo Xia.

"That's right, it's time to wash up, Elder Sister Fairy, you're really thoughtful, so I'll borrow the bathroom in your villa." Luo Xia said.

After finishing speaking, he took the clothes in his hand and prepared to walk into the villa.

However, what Luo Xia didn't expect was that Jin Yuena reached out to stop him.

"Heck, bad brother, you misunderstood what sister meant, besides, why bother to look far away~"

Jin Yuena pointed to the swimming pool, exhaled lightly on Luo Xia's face, and said, "My sister asked you to swim with her~"

Swimming... swimming?
Hearing Jin Yuena's words, Luo Xia couldn't help being stunned.

As if thinking of something, Luo Xia looked at the clothes in his hand, and sure enough, it was a pair of swimming trunks!
Before Luo Xia could react, Jin Yuena had already changed into her swimsuit.

At that moment, Luo Xia fully understood what it meant to be a full queen aura!

Especially Jin Yuena, who has such a beautiful face.

The combination of the two is so perfect that it can't be more perfect, even the stars and the moon in the sky will be eclipsed...


(End of this chapter)

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