Chapter 1612 Dream (Second Change)

Hearing Lu Shiyan mention Zhong Xiaodie, Luo Xia unconsciously thought of Mu Xueyi.

He thought of this girl who was the most stubborn, even to the point of paranoia, among all the girls he met.

As for the fact that Mu Xueyi liked him, for a long time, Luo Xia felt a little headache, and didn't know how to deal with it.

After playing professionally, he didn't find out about Mu Xueyi's recent situation.

She only vaguely knew that the affairs of her hometown had been dealt with, and that she had gone back to school. Based on the time now, she should have been promoted to the sophomore year.

Luo Xia knew that even if he decided to play professionally, when he left Xincheng University, Mu Xueyi liked him at that time.

Now that so much time has passed, almost half a year, Mu Xueyi's feelings for him should have faded a bit...

Luo Xia was not sure at all about this.

Even Luo Xia is not sure now whether Zhong Xiaodie still likes him. At the beginning, Zhong Xiaodie absolutely liked him.

Later, after she knew that she and Su Chunyu had confirmed their relationship, she said that Luo Xia would be her brother.

No one knows what she really thinks in her heart, only she knows.

Regarding these matters, Luo Xia has never thought about them, nor did he dare to think about them.

If Zhong Xiaodie and Mu Xueyi really liked him, getting along with them would only feel awkward.

However, Lu Shiyan did not continue on this topic, as Luo Xia said, it was a long time ago.

Lu Shiyan walked to the refrigerator, looked at the ingredients in the refrigerator, then glanced at the kitchen, and said, "Xia, do you want to have supper, can I make it for you?"

Luo Xia had already adjusted her mood at this time, and when she heard Lu Shiyan's words, she nodded and said, "Okay."

Hearing Luo Xia's agreement, Lu Shiyan showed a surprised expression on her pretty face, took out the ingredients in the refrigerator, and walked towards the kitchen with them.

While Lu Shiyan was going to the kitchen to cook, Luo Xia sat on the sofa, looked at the surrounding environment, and was filled with emotion.

This place is really full of his countless memories, especially the happy memories with Su Chunyu before.

And this place also made him inextricably linked with the four girls who could no longer part with him in his life.

Not to mention anything else, just like the little bed in the room, the girls who slept on it have all become his women.

Needless to say, Su Chunyu spent the longest time sleeping on it.

When Luo Zhixuan came to deliver clothes to Luo Xia and clean up the room, sometimes it was late, and she would stay here directly and sleep on the bed.

Jin Yuena also slept on that bed when Luo Xia played a live broadcast to help Luo Xia record data.

After Lu Shiyan and Luo Xia had sex for the first time, Luo Xia also brought her here and let her sleep on the bed for one night.

Thinking about it now, that bed really seemed to have some kind of magical power, as long as he slept on it, even for one night, he would inevitably become his woman.

Although Luo Xia never believed in such things as metaphysics, and knew that it was all a coincidence, this coincidence was indeed quite a coincidence.

Luo Xia was even thinking about whether to offer up this bed and pass it on as a family heirloom in the future.

While Luo Xia was thinking about all this, the smell of vegetables came from the kitchen.

After thinking about it, Luo Xia walked towards the kitchen, walked behind Lu Shiyan, and hugged her gently.

Hugged by Luo Xia from behind, Lu Shiyan's snowy face flushed slightly, and said: "Xia, what's wrong?"

Looking at Lu Shiyan's delicate and flawless snow face, Luo Xia said sincerely: "Shiyan, you are so beautiful."

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Lu Shiyan didn't know how to respond, so she hummed lightly in embarrassment.

"Xia, go out and wait for a while, it will be fine in a while." Lu Shiyan said.

Luo Xia shook his head and said, "No need, I'll just watch you do it here."

Hearing this, Lu Shiyan smiled slightly, and said softly, "Okay."

As she spoke, she mustered up her courage, and quickly pecked the corner of Luo Xia's lips.

Afterwards, she felt her pretty face burning hot, and she didn't dare to look at Luo Xia.

Being kissed secretly by Lu Shiyan like this, Luo Xia's mouth also showed a smile.

Afterwards, he directly rested his chin on Lu Shiyan's fragrant shoulder, hugged her from behind, and quietly enjoyed this warm time.

After the supper is ready, this supper will be eaten by the two of you.

After eating supper, Luo Xia pulled Lu Shiyan into her arms, and Lu Shiyan's head lightly rested on Luo Xia's chest, feeling extremely at ease.

"Xia, do you remember what lineup we used for today's game?" Lu Shiyan said softly.

Luo Xia nodded and said, "Of course I remember."

Naturally, Luo Xia would not forget what happened just now.

Speaking, Luo Xia smiled and said, "Shiyan, you want to say that this lineup is very similar to the lineup in the finals of the college league, right?"

Hearing this, a beautiful smile appeared on the corner of Lu Shiyan's mouth, the smile was full of happiness, "Xia, so, you still remember."

As Luo Xia said, today's lineup is very similar to the final lineup for Huaxia University in the previous college league, and the core ideas are the same.

Last time, this kind of lineup was used in the third game against the Huaxia University team, which was the deciding game.

After using up this lineup, Luo Xia and them won the championship of the college league, which is of great significance to Lu Shiyan.

"Xia, you helped me achieve my dream before, and helped me win the college league championship. Now, I can help you. I am really happy."

"I will help you fulfill your dreams, and I will help you win the championship of this global finals!"

Her words were extremely firm, and her eyes gleamed with unshakable firmness.

After Lu Shiyan finished speaking, Luo Xia couldn't help but hugged her even tighter.


(PS: The author has caught a cold since yesterday, with a fever of 38°7, and his condition is not good.

My physique has always been relatively strong, and I have had a few minor colds since I was in college. This is the first time I have a fever in four years, and it is really uncomfortable.

The updates for the past few days will be kept as much as possible. If they cannot be written before 11 am, they should be updated in the afternoon or evening. )
(End of this chapter)

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