League of Legends: I really don't want to master all positions

Chapter 1613 Quantitative Change Produces Qualitative Change

Chapter 1613 Quantitative Change Produces Qualitative Change (First Change)
"Shiyan, how do you know that it is my dream to win the global finals?"

After Lu Shiyan finished speaking, Luo Xia asked her.

He remembered that he never seemed to have said such a thing.

"I can feel it. Maybe it wasn't in the past, but now, winning the finals must have become your dream." Lu Shiyan said softly.

Hearing what she said, Luo Xia hugged her even tighter, and sighed: "Shiyan, you still understand me as always."

Lu Shiyan was right. At the beginning, Luo Xia did not regard the championship of the global finals as his dream.

In the beginning, he played professionally only because he had already reached the peak in other fields besides professional. If he wanted to continue to improve himself, he could only enter the professional path.

Among them, there are still some factors of reconciliation in it. I am not reconciled that LPL has not won a championship in the global finals and wants to win a championship.

But on Luo Xia's journey into the profession, too many things have happened, time passed little by little, and Luo Xia's state of mind was also changing little by little.

He has seen the sadness of too many people, and the joy of too many people after victory, and he has been infected by them a little bit.

In addition to these, there are also ugly faces of some teams, such as MMP team, EAF team and so on.

There is also the WSF team that did not enter the World Championship last year, and the QWG team that returned sadly when they entered the World Championship and fell into the sand when they encountered FKT in the end.

If you don't really enter this circle, you will never truly experience all this.

Now, Luo Xia is really eager to win the championship of the global finals, and winning the championship of the global finals has become his dream.

Luo Xia didn't say anything else, and hugged Lu Shiyan quietly. Lu Shiyan also leaned in Luo Xia's arms, quietly enjoying the warmth that Luo Xia's embrace brought her.

Time, also inadvertently passed by little by little.

After a while, looking at the sky outside, Lu Shiyan said: "Xia, it's getting late, let's... let's rest."

Hearing Lu Shiyan's words, Luo Xia came back to his senses, looked at the completely dark sky outside, and said, "Well, it's really time to rest."

After Luo Xia finished speaking, Lu Shiyan's snowy face couldn't help turning a little red.

"Xia, you...do you want to do that? If you want to do it, I...can do it with you..." Lu Shiyan whispered.

Speaking of the back, the sound has long been inaudible, almost inaudible.

Earlier, when Luo Xia looked at her with fiery eyes, she changed the topic slightly, not because she didn't want to do that thing with Luo Xia.

It's just that she is afraid that her state will be affected the next day. If it affects the team's game and then the team's performance, then she will become a sinner.

Because she knew that Luo Xia's combat power was really terrifying.

At noon, every time the two of them did that thing, they used up the noon break, and for a full hour, Luo Xia still felt unfinished.

At night, Luo Xia would toss her for at least a few hours.

Even if her physical recovery ability is strong, she may not be able to recover so quickly afterwards.

It was because of this that she changed the subject just now.

But if Luo Xia really wanted to do that with her, she would not refuse.

She will never reject Luo Xia, in her opinion, Luo Xia is everything to her.

Before the two of them, even if it was some shameful request, she would agree to it.

Besides, in her heart, she really wanted to do that kind of thing with Luo Xia. She had always wanted to be pregnant with Luo Xia's child.

It's not that she wants to compare with Su Chunyu and the others, she has never had such a thought.

It's just that she feels that only after she is pregnant with Luo Xia's child and has the crystallization of love with Luo Xia, can she be considered complete.

Seeing Lu Shiyan's eagerness to refuse but also to welcome, hesitating to speak, with a cute look, Luo Xia couldn't help feeling better.

"Haha, let's stop today, it's getting late, let's have a good rest." Luo Xia laughed.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and caressed Lu Shiyan's delicate and flawless snowy face.

Lu Shiyan nodded lightly and hummed, and before she could say anything, she exhaled coquettishly.

Luo Xia directly picked her up by the waist and walked towards the room.

Soon, Luo Xia put her on the bed.

Immediately afterwards, both of them took off their clothes and prepared to rest.

"Xia, tell me, when can I get pregnant with your child?" Lu Shiyan asked suddenly.

Luo Xia didn't know how to answer, so he could only say, "Well, it depends on the probability."

He has said similar answers many times.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Lu Shiyan stretched out her jade hand and rubbed her flat and smooth belly. Although she tried her best to conceal it, her expression still showed a bit of disappointment.

Seeing her like this, Luo Xia said: "Shi Yan, don't think about it, maybe you are pregnant with my child now."

After Luo Xia finished speaking, a burst of extremely beautiful light burst out from Lu Shiyan's beautiful eyes.

"Really? Xia, is it really possible that I'm pregnant with your child?" Lu Shiyan subconsciously grabbed Luo Xia's arm and asked.

Luo Xia didn't want to hurt her, and said, "Of course it's possible, didn't mom say before that quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes?"

"According to this statement, it is entirely possible. You know, the two of us have done that the most times."

Ye Xingli had said to Luo Xia before that quantitative changes led to qualitative changes. At that time, Luo Xia was only speechless, but now he just took it out to comfort Lu Shiyan.

Indeed, according to this statement, Lu Shiyan would really be the first girl to conceive his child.

Although Luo Xia and Su Chunyu have been together the longest, but Luo Xia was tricked by Ye Xingli before and directly made a hundred promises with Lu Shiyan.

This one hundred times, the proportion is really too big.

In addition, the two are in the same training base and in the same room, so the geographical location is even more advantageous.

Compared with Su Chunyu and the others, Lu Shiyan and Luo Xia did that the most times.

Of course, Ye Xingli failed to cheat Luo Xia and Jin Yuena for the [-] times before, otherwise, Jin Yuena would have done the most times now.

Now, if we really use this theory of quantitative change to qualitative change, then it must be Lu Shiyan.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Lu Shiyan said excitedly: "Then...then I will test it now."

After saying that, Lu Shiyan got up, and it seemed that she was really going to get a pregnancy test or something.


(End of this chapter)

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