Chapter 28 Welcome to the Delai Alliance!
In the evening, Wang Xiuming invited people from Class 1 of Civil Engineering to the Tenglong Internet Cafe. In order to humiliate the opponent, Wang Xiuming also invited countless people to watch the battle.

On the other hand, there were very few people on Luoxia's side. Maybe it was because they were really scared of being beaten last time, or maybe they had no hope for this match. There were only a few people.

Besides the little fat man, Xiao Qi and Qin Hao were also present.

Looking at the crowd around him, Wang Xiuming only felt that his vanity was greatly satisfied, but when he caught sight of Luo Xia and Su Chunyu on the opposite side from the corner of his eyes, he still couldn't help flashing a flash of jealousy.

"Luo Xia, didn't you find foreign aid? Could it be that you still need these trash from your class to play?"

Wang Xiuming glanced at the few people opposite and said arrogantly.

Hearing this, Xiao Qi and Qin Hao's bodies trembled slightly. This was clearly a manifestation of extreme anger. How could they feel better when they were called rubbish in front of their faces!

Luo Xia ignored Wang Xiuming, he knew that the old wolf would not let him go, all he had to do was wait.

At this time, the entrance of the Internet cafe suddenly became chaotic, and a figure flew in backwards, and fell to the ground, in great pain.

"Damn it, you dare to stop me, I'm so impatient!"

A burly man with a scar on his face walked in cursing.

The man walked in, followed by more than [-] people.

These inexperienced college students had never seen this before, and they all became quiet, not daring to breathe, for fear that one of them would be unhappy to find him.

The man scanned around the Internet cafe, and wherever his gaze passed, those who were peeking all lowered their heads.

After looking around, the man seemed to have discovered something, and led his men straight to Luo Xia.

The onlookers' faces turned pale with fright, and some of them were even preparing to run away.

Wang Xiuming stood up bravely and said tremblingly: "Brother, we"

"Go away!"

The man cursed, and with a casual push, Wang Xiuming fell directly to the ground, and none of the people next to him dared to help.

Ignoring Wang Xiuming who was almost scared into incontinence, the man walked directly towards Luo Xia, staring at him with a pair of bull eyes.

Su Chunyu behind Luo Xia's heart tightened, and he couldn't help taking a step forward, subconsciously wanting to stand in front of Luo Xia.

The man glanced at Su Chunyu, and suddenly punched Luo Xia's chest with his fist!

Su Chunyu was taken aback, but when he looked carefully, he found that the man did not use any strength, but seemed to be greeting someone he knew.

"You're fine, kid. I thought you were lying to me, but I didn't expect it to be true!" Old Wolf laughed.

Seeing that the old wolf brought so many people over, Luo Xia felt helpless, "Old wolf, you"

"Don't talk yet, watch the meeting ceremony I prepared for you."

The old wolf interrupted Luo Xia, and gestured to the people behind him.

More than [-] people bowed their waists in unison, "Xia—brother—good!"

Luo Xia has long been used to it, but Su Chunyu is a little dazed, the plot seems to be a little different from what she thought.
Before she could react, she heard the other side say in unison: "Sister-in-law--good!"

Su Chunyu blushed, stretched out her small hand and pinched Luo Xia's waist fiercely, causing Luo Xia to grin her teeth in pain.

The old wolf waved his hand to signal them to stop.

"How about it, are you satisfied with the meeting ceremony? Why, don't you introduce my sister-in-law to me?"

As he said that, the old wolf took a look at Su Chunyu, and even with his eyes of countless women, he thought Su Chunyu was very good.

Su Chunyu stretched out his hand to the old wolf, "Hello, my name is Su Chunyu, and I am Luo Xia's girlfriend."

The old wolf squeezed his hands together and stretched out his somewhat thick hand, but at this moment Luo Xia inserted his hand in and grabbed his hand.

Luo Xia smiled, "Old Wolf, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

The old wolf still had a smile on his face at first, but then his face became more and more ugly. If you look carefully, you can see cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

"Brother Xia, my subordinates are still here, save me some face." The old wolf finally couldn't take it anymore, and begged Luo Xia for mercy in a low voice.

Hearing this, Luo Xia let go of his hand, and immediately grabbed Su Chunyu's little hand, and looked at the old wolf with a smile.

"A guy who values ​​sex over friends!"

The old wolf cursed in his heart, shook his sore hands slightly, and then turned to look at Wang Xiuming and the others.

"You are the group of turtle sons who want to trouble Brother Xia, don't you want to play a game, hurry up, I'm in a hurry!"

The people brought by Wang Xiuming took a step back in fright. Who would dare to fight against them in this situation!

Wang Xiuming's side became completely chaotic, and Wang Xiuming was so frightened that he didn't dare to breathe.

Luo Xia pulled the old wolf, "Okay, I didn't ask you to make trouble today, quickly find some people for me to come out and play well."

Wang Xiuming also realized that today he is not here to fight, but to play a game, why should he be afraid of this group of people!

The old wolf was about to go into battle himself, and picked three more people, plus Luo Xia happened to be five people, and Wang Xiuming also sat down opposite Luo Xia.

Sitting happily on the seat, looking at the five people across from him, Lao Lang's eyes were full of disdain.

Let alone diamonds, even five masters are not enough!

The old wolf suddenly felt a pat on the shoulder, and was about to swear, but found that it was Luo Xia, who held back the swearing words in his mouth.

"Brother Xia, what's the matter?" Old Wolf asked puzzled.

"You don't need to go, three people are enough for me, and I have someone to choose for the other." Luo Xia laughed.

Hearing that the old wolf glanced at Xiao Qi and the others, he curled his lips slightly. He really didn't believe that he would play well with just these few people?
At this moment, Luo Xia pulled Su Chunyu over, and said softly, "Xiao Yu, help me."


Su Chunyu froze for a moment, then felt a little embarrassed, "I'm not good at playing, I'm afraid it will hold you back."


With a narrow smile on Luo Xia's face, he whispered: "My lover's nickname, but I haven't changed it yet."

Su Chunyu's face turned red immediately, and she gave him a gentle look, but she didn't refuse any more, and sat down beside Luo Xia.

The personnel of both sides were confirmed, a recruiting room was built, and they entered the game soon.

In the Ban human stage, the opponent bans Spider, Blind Sin, and Kenan, while Luo Xiafang bans

Xin Zhao!


Commonly known as the Grass Trio
It could be seen that they didn't pay attention to the other side at all.

Wang Xiuming and the others were furious, and they also understood that the other side was blatantly humiliating them.

"Luo Xia, what should I choose?" Su Chunyu asked Luo Xia.

Coincidentally, the floors of the two are next to each other.

In other words, if there is no subsequent operation such as transposition, the combination of the blue side's bottom lane will be determined in the first round.

"Wind girl."

Luo Xia thought for a while and said, because the CD of Nurse W adding blood has become longer in this version, so he does not recommend Su Chunyu to use it.

Su Chunyu nodded, and after finding Fengnv, he pressed the confirmation button.

When it was time for Luo Xia to choose, Zi Fang stared at the screen closely, and the old wolf also stood behind Luo Xia with great interest. He also wanted to know what Luo Xia would choose.

Without any hesitation, Luo Xia found a hero's head portrait and clicked the confirmation button, "It's just him."

A burst of arrogant voice suddenly sounded, "Welcome to the Dreyer Alliance!"

(End of this chapter)

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