League of Legends: I really don't want to master all positions

Chapter 29 With the axe in hand, I only owe the prey!

Chapter 29 With the axe in hand, I only owe the prey!
De Delevingne? !

"Fuck, Brother Xia, why don't you be so fierce!" The old wolf's eyes widened, and he shouted wildly in his heart.

Luo Xia actually took out Draven, so is it still necessary to play on the other side?

Just a little diamond bureau, no go!

The old wolf thought so, but the other side didn't think so.

Yan Pengtian is a member of the third rank in the Netcom area. Today, Wang Xiuming belongs to the highest rank among the group of people. He was a little surprised to see that the hero Delevingne was selected on the opposite side.

Not to mention that the opponent did not adopt a strategy of changing positions, and exposed the bottom lane combination so early, just talking about Draven as a hero is not stable.

Although Delevingne is a fierce online hero with strong suppression, he is easily cut and charged without displacement.

The output method can only rely on level A, and the requirements for standing in a group are extremely high.

Various factors make this hero almost impossible to play in professional games, that is, it can be seen in ordinary Rank.

"Brother Yan, it's Luo Xia that brat who took out Draven on the opposite side. I guess he can't even catch an axe, so there's nothing to be afraid of." Wang Xiuming laughed.


Yan Pengtian hummed, and looked at Wang Xiuming with some disdain. This Wang Xiuming was the weakest among them, so he could only be used as a support.

It is conceivable how uncomfortable Yan Pengtian will be, and Wang Xiuming is much worse in both consciousness and operation.

Even if he can beat the opponent online, it is all because of Yan Pengtian's brilliant operations.

Even yesterday when he played against Xiao Qi and the others, because Wang Xiuming's anti-gank awareness was so poor, he was caught once in the bottom lane.

If it weren't for Wang Xiuming's family background, who would want to play with this trash!
"I hope, this Draven on the other side can't play." Yan Pengtian could only pray secretly in his heart.

The lineups of the two sides have been finalized little by little. Luo Xia's side selected Rek'sai, presumably to go to the jungle, while Wang Xiuming's side selected jungler Zac and mid laner Victor.

In the selection stage, Yan Pengtian chose Lu Xi'an, an extremely strong ADC in the early stage.

After thinking about it, he said to Wang Xiuming, "You take out a Bron."

Lucian Gablon can be said to be a very old combination in the bottom lane, but it is extremely strong.

Because there are two flat A after Lucian's skill, it can be very good to control the control of Bron's Q skill.

"But." Wang Xiuming said with a bitter face, "I don't have Bron."

Hearing this, Yan Pengtian frowned, looked over, and saw that Wang Xiuming had many heroes, but most of them were Yasuo, Zed, Yao Ji and other heroes with relatively high operational requirements.

"It really is rubbish."

Yan Pengtian secretly despised Wang Xiuming in his heart, and pointed to a hero in Wang Xiuming's hero pool, "That's it."

Wang Xiuming looked at Yan Pengtian's finger, and finally clicked the confirmation button.

Yan Pengtian asked Wang Xiuming to choose the goddess of dawn, commonly known as the Japanese girl, who is also a very strong tank support with good control ability.

In the end, the lineups of the two sides were completely determined. Because Ban was the first to choose first, Luo Xia and the others were on the blue side, and correspondingly, the opposite was on the purple side.

The blue lineup is top laner Shen, mid laner Ryze, jungler Rexai, AD Delevingne, and support Fengnv.

The purple lineup is the top laner Alligator, the mid laner Victor, the jungler Zac, the AD Lucian, and the support Japanese girl.

From the perspective of the lineup alone, the output of the blue side is somewhat insufficient. Once Draven is targeted in a team battle, it will be very difficult to fight.

"Zhou Wang, I have the opportunity to catch a wave of bot lane in the early stage." Yan Pengtian said to the boy who controlled the jungler Zach.

"no problem."

Zhou Wang readily agreed, but he said lazily, "Pengtian, you take the opponent too seriously. I think you can blow them up online."

Yan Pengtian looked at the arrogant head with two axes on the opposite side, his brows were furrowed, and he said in a low voice, "Let's be more steady."

Entering the game, Wang Xiuming looked at the nickname on the opposite side, and couldn't help but mocked: "Haha, look at the other side, you can't even afford a name change card."

Wang Xiuming is rich and powerful, so he bought a name change card for several members of his side, and now they all have 'WXM' plus the suffix nickname, which looks extremely neat.

As for Luo Xia and the others, their nicknames are all messed up, there are all kinds of weird nicknames.

For example, if you say something like 'a handsome guy beyond reach', 'a little girl who eats bananas, etc., if you taste it carefully, you can even smell something abnormal...

The most eye-catching ones are Su Chunyu's "Sudi Chunyu" and Luo Xia's "Sudi Chunyu's Husband".

Yan Pengtian also smiled when he saw this. It seemed that the opposite team was indeed a motley team that had just been formed.

Even if they are really capable, they will still have a high chance of winning if they cooperate and support a lot.

Zhou Wang casually clicked on the query software, and checked the rank on the opposite side.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, when he looked at it, his mouth opened directly to an O shape, as if he saw something very terrible.

"Pengpengtian!" Zhou Wang stammered.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Zhou Wang like this, Yan Pengtian asked a little strangely.

Zhou Wang took a deep breath, "Look at the rank on the other side."


After Zhou Wang's reminder, Wang Xiuming and the others also realized that they only remembered to look at the nickname of the opposite party, but forgot to look at the important thing of the opposite rank.

Several people opened the query software one after another, and after a few seconds, their colors changed.

Those three foreign players are all extraordinary masters? !
Yan Pengtian gasped, he was the highest among Wang Xiuming's group, and he knew how big the gap between diamonds and masters was.

Needless to say, the master, even if it is drill one and drill three, there is still a gap like heaven!

Fortunately, there are two very special existences on the opposite side, which are particularly eye-catching among these masters.

Unyielding Silver Five Delevingne!
Glory to the Wind Girl of the Golden Five!

"It seems that we really need to find a breakthrough in the bottom lane." Yan Pengtian thought to himself.

At this time, Wang Xiuming was secretly regretting, why did he owe Luo Xia to find foreign aid, and none of the four diamonds he found was more than three diamonds.

Three masters came directly from the opposite side, how to fight!
And just now he secretly inquired about the nicknames of the people on the opposite side, hoping that they were the so-called master goalkeepers, but the result made him half-hearted again.

The person with the lowest score is around [-] points for the master!
"Let's cheer up and target the opponent's bottom lane more, maybe we can't fight!"

Seeing that his morale was a bit low, Yan Pengtian shouted.

Several people nodded, and the top laner Crocodile also secretly changed the Summoner skill from Flash + Ignition to Flash + Teleportation. Originally, he wanted to solo kill the opponent Shen, but now
Kill me!
It would be nice not to be killed!

"Welcome to League of Legends!"

A pleasant and solemn female voice sounded, and both sides entered the game one after another.

Looking at the man with the double axes, Luo Xia felt extremely excited in his heart. He had already promised Su Chunyu that he would give him a good meal. How could he do it without Draven?

As if sensing Lorshaw's mood, Draven swung the ax in his hand, and let out his unique magnetic voice.

"With the ax in hand, I only owe the prey~"

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(End of this chapter)

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