Chapter 64 What to Procrastinate?

Hearing the system's kill prompt, Spider and Karma were stunned for a moment, and looked towards the middle, only to see that the Tsar had turned into a corpse, lying on the middle line.

"What else to fight, prepare for 20!" The Tsar said angrily.

"You have the nerve to say that your wave was killed?" Karma sneered at the right time, and it was obvious that he had always remembered the tsar's previous wave of mocking him.

Seeing this, the spider hurriedly persuaded: "Don't make noise, don't make noise, hold on, this game can be played later."

In fact, the spider is not comforting them. If it can be delayed to the later stage, Vayne and the Tsar are almost incomprehensible heroes.

Moreover, Karma's mobility is also very strong. Even if he is disadvantaged, it is not impossible to fight. In professional games, Karma and Lulu's double shield combination is often used to disgust the opponent.

Therefore, the question in this game is whether it can be delayed!
"Drag, can you tell me what to use, can I rely on you?" The Tsar couldn't help but gasped again.

The spider's tone faltered. Indeed, in this kind of game, the disadvantage is already very obvious when it is 5 heads behind.
Normally, in Dianyi's master game, not too many kills can be erupted in 10 minutes.
In just 6 minutes, 5 heads exploded!
That's all for it, they also dropped a bot lane tower, almost no economy to support Karma, and ad Vayne's last hit is even far behind.

The only one on the field who hasn't died now is the spider, but he is far behind the prince in terms of wild numbers and kills.

Can't play online, can't go against the wild, what do you expect to procrastinate?

The spider doesn't even know it.
"No matter who is procrastinating, just procrastinate!"

At this moment, Wei En, who had been silent all this time, spoke. After speaking, Wei En finished making up the last pawn and chose to return to the city.


Looking at Wei En who spoke suddenly, the Tsar was stunned for a moment, and then mocked: "I was caught twice in the next lane, and I was given a tower. How can I have confidence."

Luo Xia didn't answer. He has always disdained to talk to such trolling teammates. The best way is to use his strength to slap them in the face!
The assistant Karma and the Tsar had another quarrel, and then started the game again, but it could be seen that the Tsar seemed to be a little careless, and he didn't know how to be wretched at all.

Seeing this, Spider wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. Although he knew that the lineup could delay the game, it was really too difficult to delay.

"Ah..." the jungler spider sighed, didn't speak, and brushed up the toad. Now, he can only slowly improve his economy.

However, just as the spider turned into a spider and began to scavenge, he saw a figure walking over the blue buff.

"Prince?" Spider seemed unable to believe his eyes.

Because the spiders had brushed the river crabs in front of the Dalong Pit just now, there was a view there at this time, but unexpectedly, it didn't play any role!
"With thousands of troops and horses and a general, how difficult is it to find something!"

The prince seemed to smile coldly, and after a loud roar, he directly EQed at the speed of light!


The spider player reacted fairly quickly, and flew directly to avoid the prince's EQ, and at the same time quickly inserted an eye on the partition wall.

The prince smiled coldly, "The response was good, but unfortunately, you didn't make it!"

This is true, even though Spider Feitian avoided the prince's EQ, he still couldn't escape the fate of death after two seconds of landing.

At this time, it would be great if there was a wild monster refreshed!

The spider looked at the pit of three wolves, and couldn't help thinking anxiously.

However, the miracle did not happen. Two seconds later, the spider fell down. After the prince made a big move that shook the screen, the spider was killed in a few hits.

The score on the field is one behind!
The spider was not reconciled, but there was nothing he could do. Just now, because he had the vision of the river eye, he didn't look at the river, but the opposite prince directly went around the eye.

High-end players know that the vision of the river crab is far inferior to that of the artificial eye. In fact, his vision is only that small circle. As long as he goes around that circle, he will not be noticed at all.

The prince opposite obviously knew this, and he did a very good job of controlling the details!

As soon as the blue square toad was refreshed, the opposite prince came over. If it was a coincidence, the spider would not believe it.

Now the spider is also a little discouraged, just like the Tsar said, what to drag
The spider looked down the road, only to find that Wei En, who had been drawing and developing, had joined forces with the policewoman opposite him at some point!
After a short period of astonishment, the spider's spirit was shaken, because Thresh was not there on the opposite side, if Wei En was singled out at level [-], even if he was almost equipped, he still had a chance to beat the policewoman.

The spider looked down the road full of hope, but in an instant, he was stunned again.
Wayne is not level six, but level five!

Wei En, a level five, with such a big gap in equipment, go to the female police to fight one-on-one?

What is the difference between this and courting death!
When the policewoman saw that Wei En was going to fight her, after a brief surprise, she immediately became vigilant, "Someone is here!"

Her first reaction was that someone from the opposite side was grabbing her, and she wanted to retreat, but suddenly, she realized that something was wrong.

The opponent's wild spider just died, the Czar was in the middle, and his own eye position also saw the position of the opponent's assistant Karma, which was far away from here.

The only one who might come to support him is Shen who used his ult, but Shen is now facing the crocodile in the top lane. If he uses his ult forcefully, he may be interrupted by the crocodile.

And what really reassures the policewoman is her almost invincible prince, who is currently in the wild area of ​​the blue side!

Prince plus crocodile, it would be good if you don't kill Shen by force, how could Shen be overpowered.

That being the case, then... hit!
There are three small soldiers behind Wei En, and there is no small soldier behind the policewoman, but the damage of these small soldiers can basically be ignored.

Because the purple side doesn't have a single soldier, the policewoman isn't worried at all about Wei En's sudden gain of experience and her promotion to level [-]. Wei En, who doesn't have a big move, how can she have the capital to fight against her?
Down the road to the ruins of a dilapidated tower, two heroes met, one with a stern look and the other full of arrogance.


Relying on the advantage of the range, the policewoman shot Wei En first.

It hurts!

There was no headshot, no crit, just a simple shot, and a lot of Wei En's health was lost.

Indeed, the equipment of the two at this time is really very different!
The female policewoman on the purple side first mixed up two assists in the first wave, and then controlled the line to make up for several waves of soldiers, crossing the tower to kill Karma, taking a tower, and killing the Tsar in the middle
The rhythm of the female police station is really good to the extreme!

Can Wei En, who is only at level five, really beat her?
 If you have a recommendation ticket or something, please come here~


(End of this chapter)

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