Chapter 65 E Flash Wei En!
Everyone was not optimistic about Wei En, except the jungler prince, who frowned slightly when he saw this situation.

For some reason, he actually felt that in this wave, female policemen are more dangerous!

At this moment, Wei En, who was shot by the policewoman, not only did not retreat, but continued to move forward, "Bang!"

Wei En actually wanted to confront the policewoman!

"The idiot on the other side seems to be ready to surrender and give up on himself."

A trace of disdain flashed in the policewoman's heart. In her eyes, Wei En opposite had turned into a dead person.

"Yordle trap!"

The female policeman put down a shelf, ready to seal the position of Wei En on the opposite side, and then walked back slightly.

The female policewoman on the opposite side is obviously very energetic. Although she thinks that she can kill Wei En on the opposite side 100%, she still achieved the most stable situation.

Put down the clip first, and at the same time block the position of Wei En on the opposite side while leveling A, forcing Wei En to move.

As for her E skill, the policewoman has to make sure she can hit it before handing it over. After all, that is her main means of output.

one shot, two shots
The two ADs were crazily attacking each other, and neither of them released their skills. Wei En's blood volume had bottomed out, and although the policewoman was hit by Wei En with a W skill of three rings, it didn't hurt at all.

In this duel, in just a few seconds, the female policeman already had a huge advantage in blood volume, and there was almost no suspense.

"It's time." The female policeman saw the moment when Wei En attacked and released her skills, "90-caliber rope net!"

What the policewoman didn't expect was that Wei En actually stopped the attack in her hand, "Dodge the attack!"

Wei En's Q skill actually dodged the policewoman's E!


After avoiding the policewoman's E with a Q skill, Wei En quickly clicked on the policewoman.

Because Wayne has already reached level five and has a level three Q skill, so this time, the damage is still considerable.

However, in terms of blood volume, the female policeman still has the advantage, and in order to prevent Wei En from pinning her to the wall, the female policeman has been walking above Wei En.

Wei En was near the wall of the lower lane, and it seemed impossible to stun the policewoman.

The policewoman has already reacted at this time, looking at the bloody Wei En on the opposite side, even if he dodged his E skill, it is still easy to solve it by himself!
And just when the policewoman was about to launch a general attack, A suddenly lost her vision.

When Wei En used the Q skill to avoid the trap of the policewoman just now, his position was already very far away from the grass on the bottom road. At this moment, he walked into the grass, causing the policewoman to lose her vision!
"Hehe, do you think this will work?" The policewoman sneered, took a step forward, and inserted her fake eyes into the grass.


The prosthetic eye was inserted, and the policewoman was slightly stunned, because Wei En was standing on the edge of the grass, which was the best position for not leaving the grass, but infinitely close to her.

"I will let you die very happily!" Wei En looked at the policewoman with cold eyes.

The policewoman seemed to have thought of something, she was startled suddenly, and was about to retreat.

But it was too late, Wei En took a quick step forward, and then
"Devil Trial!"

At the same time as the E skill was used, a golden glow suddenly flashed across.

Wayne's profound meaning, E flash!

A wave of E flashed, and the policewoman didn't even have time to react, she was directly pinned to the wall by Wei En, unable to move.


The jungler spider who had been watching the battle couldn't help sighing, this wave of E flash is really beautiful!
The policewoman was very anxious at this time, but she couldn't move, she could only look at the crossbow in Wei En's hand and aimed at her.


When the notification sounded, the policewoman's screen turned gray. A sixth-level policewoman with complete equipment crushed the opposite policewoman, and was single-handedly killed by level-five Wei En!
"Hey, this is."

The policewoman suddenly noticed that there was a green lantern in front of her at some point, she looked forward, and couldn't help feeling cold.

Thresh, our support, has arrived at some point!
"call out!"

At this moment, a ray of light flashed, and Wei En, who killed the policewoman, reached the sixth level.

In an instant, Wei En clicked on the ultimate move - the ultimate moment!
Looking at the auxiliary Thresh in the distance, Wei En showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Let's hunt those—those in the dark!"

The final moment of the ultimate move was activated, Wei En gained speed instantly, and chased Thresh across the way.

Although the policewoman was a little worried, she was quite at ease, because Wei En had just used her E skill just now, as long as Thresh used his ultimate move without being blocked by the wall, it would be very difficult for Wei En to kill him.

However, after a few seconds

Wayne killed Thresh and got a wave of double kills!

How can it be?

The policewoman felt a little unbelievable, Wei En, how did you kill Thresh? !
At this time, Thresh player typed: "Sorry, no mana."

Policewoman: "."

The Thresh player was also extremely aggrieved. He was in a bad state after swimming in the middle lane just now, but he saw his policewoman fighting against Wei En in the bottom lane, so he rushed to the down lane.

He didn't expect that Wei En would suddenly be level six!

The score on the field changed from 1:6 to 3:6 in an instant.


"This Wayne is really a bit 6."

The spider player and the Karma player in front of the screen shouted excitedly, Wei En's double kill, if he can really hold on, it is really possible to turn over!
The prince's gaze became even colder, "It seems that the pace should be faster, and the opponent who wants to fight has no resistance!"

Thinking this way, the prince sent a signal to the crocodile, and the two of them wanted to jump over the tower to kill Shen!
The prince's equipment is already extremely good, and Shen was also consumed by the crocodile just now. If he really wants to jump the tower, there is a great possibility that he will succeed.

After going around the tower, the prince was ready to wait for the crocodile to attack, and Shen seemed to feel the crisis at this time, but he had no choice.

However, at this moment, something happened that surprised all the players.

"A big crocodile with a dream" quit the game.

"Unlimited Flying Hey" exits the game.

Everyone in the blue side was stunned. The crocodile and phoenix on the opposite side actually chose to quit the game at this time!
"It should not be disconnected, please don't connect up." The people in the blue side prayed silently in their hearts.

In this kind of game, if the opponent loses two, no matter how developed the prince is, he will never be able to lead his teammates to victory.

Luo Xia was also taken aback by this sudden change. He had been growing alone for so long, and finally took two heads. He was about to lead his teammates to comeback, but this happened.

Although the prince was a bit unwilling at this time, he could only retreat from the back of the tower and gave up the idea of ​​killing Shen. Shen heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly pressed the return button.

"Two trash!" A few minutes later, the crocodile and Phoenix still hadn't reconnected, and the prince also chose to hang up after sending this sentence.

It's just that he didn't know whether he was referring to the crocodile and phoenix who had hung up, or the policewoman and Thresh who stayed behind.

Luo Xia was not reconciled, because he hadn't had an upright confrontation with the prince on the other side, but the other side had completely given up resistance, and soon, the blue side pushed away the purple side's crystal!

"Is it possible that this prince is Flying Eagle?" Before pushing away the crystal, Luo Xia murmured in a low voice, looking at the stern figure holding Fang Tian's painting halberd in the opposite spring.

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(End of this chapter)

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