Chapter 849 You Are Smart (Second)
Staring at Yu Duoduo for a while, Feiying said expressionlessly, "Why don't you think I'm their boss?"

After finishing speaking, Feiying stared closely at Yu Duoduo, hoping to see any change in her expression.

Hearing Feiying's words, Yu Duoduo smiled and shook his head, "No."

Seeing that Feiying didn't speak, Yu Duoduo continued: "Although we met for the first time, your temperament is completely different from those of these two punks."

"Besides, how can there be two younger brothers to follow, and the boss will quietly follow behind?"

After Yu Duoduo finished speaking, Feiying's eyes softened a bit, but they were still cold.

At this moment, Yu Duoduo's pretty face changed suddenly, because she felt a killing intent!
But this killing intent is not aimed at her, but at...

"You want to kill them?"

Feeling Feiying's killing intent, Yu Duoduo said in surprise.

"Although the two of them are just ordinary gangsters, if you kill them, you will be in some trouble."

Feiying gave Yu Duoduo a cold look, but turned and left directly.

"They must die, but I will not kill two defenseless men."

"When they wake up, I won't let them see the sun tomorrow."

He still remembered what Sun Wei said just now, saying that it was worth dying tonight.

In that case...why not satisfy them!

Looking at Feiying's back, Yu Duoduo raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Very good threat."

Hearing her words, Feiying paused, but did not turn around.

Yu Duoduo didn't care, and said softly, "You are a person who doesn't talk much. This kind of person either doesn't speak, but as long as he speaks, every sentence will have its meaning."

"Even if you really want to kill them, you can kill them after I'm gone. Why did you say what you just said in front of me?"

Hearing Yu Duoduo's words, Feiying didn't say anything, he just stood there, no one knew what he was thinking.

Looking at Feiying, Yu Duoduo showed a faint smile, and said: "I think what you said just now is that you are threatening me, threatening me to protect Binger."

"If I don't protect Bing'er well, these two will be my fate, no matter how strong I am to resist, right?"

After Yu Duoduo finished speaking, Feiying finally turned around and looked at her coldly.

"Looks like I guessed right."

Yu Duoduo ignored Feiying's gaze directly, and there was still a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Then let me guess again, you have the ability to protect Binger, why do you rely on me?"

"It is very possible that your purpose is not to protect Binger at all. Your main purpose should be to go to other places, but you can't worry about Binger."

"That place should be far away, and it will take you a long time, or..."

As he said that, Yu Duoduo paused, his eyes became more wise, and he said, "Or... that place is very dangerous, and you are worried that you will not be able to come back!"

This time, Feiying was no longer unresponsive, and Yu Duoduo could clearly see that his eyes fluctuated violently.

The two stared at each other silently for a long time, and after a while, Feiying said coldly, "You are very smart."

Hearing this, Yu Duoduo smiled slightly and said, "Thank you for the compliment."

After finishing speaking, she only saw a black shadow approaching from a distance, and the flying eagle flew over suddenly, and the target seemed to be her!

However, Yu Duoduo didn't seem to notice, he still stood where he was, with a faint smile on his lips.

Feiying passed by her, stretched out his hands to Li Wan and Sun Wei who were on the ground, and easily pinched their necks.

When passing by Yu Duoduo's side, Feiying and Yu Duoduo exchanged a glance. From her beautiful eyes, she could read calmness and wisdom.

After grabbing the necks of the two people on the ground and lifting them up easily, Feiying walked a few steps, turned his back to Yu Duoduo, and spoke in a cold voice.

"Why don't you dodge, you won't be afraid, my target just now was you?"

Hearing this, Yu Duoduo smiled slightly and said, "Because I know your target is the two people on the ground."

"This is where Binger walked. You are afraid that the police will bring trouble to Binger in the future, so you will definitely take them to another place before doing anything."

After Yu Duoduo finished speaking, Feiying's eyes fluttered again, but because her back was facing Yu Duoduo, she didn't see it.

"What else can you guess?"

Feiying didn't turn around and said coldly.

"Do you want me to guess again?"

Yu Duoduo stroked his long hair, and said: "I can still guess that you won't go to that place for a short time, at least you will stay around Binger for a week."

"First, you have to see if Binger will be in danger again, and second, you also have to see if I can protect Binger properly."

"I don't know, are you right?"

After Yu Duoduo's words fell, Feiying's breathing was visibly disturbed.

For the first time, he knew that women can be scary to this extent.

There were two sounds, Feiying let go, and Sun Wei and Li Wan, who had passed out, fell to the ground again.

Feiying turned around slowly, stared at Yu Duoduo, and said coldly, "Who are you?"


Hearing Feiying's words, Yu Duoduo gently stroked his hair, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I am Yu Duoduo, the owner of Piao Piao Yu TV, a 32-year-old girl with no power to restrain a chicken, do you have any questions?"

Feiying stared at her for a while, said nothing, and was about to leave.

"Wait a moment!"

At this time, only Yu Duoduo suddenly spoke.

Feiying frowned suddenly, because he sensed something was shooting towards him.


With a soft sound, Feiying firmly grasped what Yu Duoduo threw over him.

Feiying opened his hand to take a look, and found that it was an extremely small bottle.

"I have a very good relationship with Binger, and you are also here for Binger, meeting is fate, I will give you a small gift."

"Of course, if you are afraid of something that will harm you, you can choose not to open it."

Looking at the flying eagle not far away, Yu Duoduo smiled.

Hearing this, Feiying snorted coldly, and directly opened the small bottle.

When he saw a few red pills lying quietly inside, he couldn't help but frown.

"It's something my husband concocted when he was bored. It is said that it can cure all diseases, but don't hold out too much hope."

Seeing Feiying frowning, Yu Duoduo smiled.

Looking up at Yu Duoduo, Feiying didn't say anything, put away the small bottle, pinched the necks of the two people on the ground, and quickly disappeared into the night.

After Feiying left, the smile on Yu Duoduo's face gradually disappeared, but soon, he smiled again.

"I'm used to being alone and have a boyfriend, so that's why..."


(End of this chapter)

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