Chapter 850 The Frightened Li Wan ([-]rd update)

In a remote alley, Sun Wei let out a low cry, clutched his forehead, and woke up.

And Li Wan is still unconscious.

Sun Wei's physique is much stronger than Li Wan's, which is why Li Wan called him tonight.

Opening his eyes, Sun Wei saw that he was in a strange alley.

After a moment of bewilderment, he looked at Li Wan who was still sleeping soundly beside him, and he immediately became angry.

"Damn it, Li Wan, get up!"

Hu Wei cursed and kicked Li Wan hard.


The expression on Li Wan's face was a little distorted, which was enough to see how heavy Hu Wei's kick was.

After opening his eyes, Li Wan looked at the surrounding environment in a daze, and said, "Sun Wei, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong, that girl was lost by us!"

Sun Wei said angrily, he was so angry.

If it wasn't for Li Wan's insistence on going to a fixed location before making a move, he would have done it long ago.

It wouldn't be until now that the two of them just lost it!
Hearing Sun Wei's words, Li Wan also remembered what happened. The two seemed to be following Ye Binger, and then,

Thinking of this, Li Wan frowned, and said, "Even if we lost track, why are we in this small alley?"

Hearing Li Wan's words, Sun Wei was taken aback for a moment.

He is a typical simple-minded and well-developed limbs. After waking up, he just got angry and didn't think much about it.

Now that Li Wan reminded him, he also realized that something was wrong.

Why are the two of them in this strange alley?

"woke up?"

At this time, a cold voice came, making the two of them fall into an ice cave, and the hairs all over their bodies exploded.

A cold air rose from the soles of the two people's feet and spread directly to the whole body.

"Who is pretending to be a ghost?" Sun Wei boldly shouted at the entrance of the alley.

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure appeared at the entrance of the alley, it was Feiying.

Feiying was still wearing the same black clothes, and his cold gaze scanned the two of them, as if he was looking at two dead people.

"who are you?"

Sun Wei's voice had a lot of confidence, because he saw that Feiying was alone, and from the looks of his body, he wasn't very strong either.

Feiying didn't answer him at all, and slowly walked towards them from a distance.

"Sun Wei, it is very likely that he knocked us out!"

At this time, Li Wan suddenly shouted loudly.

He thinks more comprehensively than Sun Wei. The two came to this place suddenly, and they were still in a coma just now.

Most likely, someone else knocked them out and dragged them here!

Hearing this, Sun Wei was taken aback for a moment, then he gritted his teeth fiercely and said, "Boy, tell me, is that so!"

However, Feiying still didn't answer him, but walked towards him slowly.

"Sun Wei, hand it over to you!"

Li Wan was always as timid as a mouse, but when he saw Feiying approaching, he was almost scared out of his wits.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Sun Wei showed off his strong muscles, and patted his chest to assure him.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Feiying, and the expression on his face became vicious.

"Boy, you played sneak attack well. I want you to know that a hero has to pay a price to save the beauty!"

Li Wan hid aside, feeling extremely nervous.

What happened tonight was a little too abnormal, and he always had a bad premonition in his heart.

But looking at Sun Wei's strong muscles, he felt a little relieved.

He knew Sun Wei's strength, and the two ordinary people were no match for him.

The reason why he wanted to pull Sun Wei tonight was because Sun Wei was so powerful that if he was alone, he might not be able to restrain Ye Binger.

After looking at Feiying's not-so-strong figure, Li Wan felt relieved a lot.

No matter how you look at it, Sun Wei can clean him up!
"Boy, go to hell!"

At this time, Sun Wei roared and rushed towards Feiying.

Until Sun Wei's fist was almost in front of Feiying, Feiying didn't move at all.

Seeing this, Li Wan was overjoyed, as if he had seen Feiying being knocked to the ground by Sun Wei's punch.

However, in the next second, his face froze, and his eyes widened instantly, as if he had seen the most incredible thing in the world.

Just when Sun Wei's fist was about to hit him, a coldness flashed across Feiying's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he slammed his knee hard on Sun Wei's lower abdomen.


Sun Wei let out a low cry of pain, and his whole body directly bowed into a prawn.

He just ran towards Feiying quickly, coupled with the strength of Feiying's knee, the counter-shock force almost shattered his internal organs!

Sun Wei's face was full of pain, and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, which was enough to show how painful he was at this time.

And Feiying's gaze suddenly flashed a chill, and he kicked Sun Wei out fiercely.


Instead of the expected muffled sound, there was a crisp sound.

However, it was this sound that made Li Wan's hair stand on end.

Because of this, it was clearly the sound of bones exploding!
Feiying's kick just now broke at least a few of Sun Wei's ribs.

The painful expression on Sun Wei's face was even worse, his mouth was opened wide, trying to make any sound, but nothing came out.


Just when Sun Wei was about to hit the wall, Flying Eagle appeared behind him like a ghost and kicked him hard on the back.

Because Sun Wei was flying upside down towards the wall, Feiying's kick directly made him bend into an inverted bow.


A belated scream finally came from Sun Wei's mouth.

The sound was like howling ghosts and wolves, extremely shrill.

Li Wan's scalp tingled when he heard it, and his heart was even more frightened to the extreme.

In his eyes at this moment, Flying Eagle was like a devil, extremely terrifying!
After Feiying's kick, Sun Wei immediately rolled his eyes, taking in less air and exhaling more, almost immortal.

Looking at Sun Wei who was extremely weak, Feiying's eyes turned cold again, he suddenly retracted his right foot, and kicked his left foot hard!


There was a muffled sound, and Sun Wei had no strength left to scream, and was directly kicked high and flying.


Sun Wei fell heavily to the ground, making a heavy impact sound.

This is not over yet, under the action of inertia, his back directly slid out against the ground, and he didn't stop until he hit the wall, life or death is unknown.

Glancing at Sun Wei in the corner, Feiying slowly turned around and looked at Li Wan.

The icy coldness in his gaze almost pierced Li Wan's entire body!

Li Wan's mouth was opened wide, and his back was completely drenched in cold sweat, and he felt completely surrounded by fear.

Under the great fear, he only felt his legs go limp for a while, and he almost collapsed on the ground.


(End of this chapter)

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