Chapter 851 Abuse (Part [-])

Under this unbearable fear, Li Wan finally couldn't bear it, and fell limply to the ground.

"Excuse me, we don't know that woman, no, that fairy is your girlfriend."

Under the great fear, Li Wan didn't even dare to have a little luck, he knelt down on the ground and begged Feiying for mercy.

"If we knew, we sure wouldn't uh."

Li Wan's words were halfway through, and he couldn't say the rest no matter what.

Because Feiying came behind him at some point, and stretched out his arms to tighten his neck!

Under Feiying's great strength, Li Wan was strangled and lifted up, with an extremely painful expression on his face.

Li Wan was forced to stand up, his eyes protruding, almost suffocating.

Before Li Wan could react, his arm was directly grabbed by Feiying.

Feiying strangled Li Wan's neck with one arm, and grabbed Li Wan's arm with the other hand, his eyes froze slightly, and then he twisted hard!

A crisp bone breaking sound came directly from Li Wan's arm.

Li Wan's face turned pale, and he wanted to make a sound, but because his neck was strangled by the eagle, he couldn't make a sound at all.

After letting go, Li Wan's arm dropped powerlessly, and it looked like it was completely broken.

Feiying had no expression on his face, and under Li Wan's horrified gaze, he took his other arm again.

Li Wan opened his mouth, trying hard to say something, but at this moment, Feiying twisted his hand forcefully again!

There was another crisp sound, and Li Wan's other arm was directly twisted off by Feiying.


Under the tremendous pain, Li Wan's throat finally overflowed with a painful moan.

After Feiying let go of his hands, Li Wan's hands hung down limply, shaking slightly in the breeze due to inertia.

When one arm was crippled just now, Li Wan's face turned pale as a pig's liver. When this arm was crippled again, his face turned as pale as paper.

After crippling his hands, Feiying didn't move for a long time.

Just when Li Wan thought he had escaped a catastrophe, a sharp pain came directly from between his legs, and at the same time, Feiying also let go of the hand that strangled his neck.


A cry that was countless times more horrific than Sun Wei's scream sounded directly in the alley.

Li Wan's whole body also half-kneeled on the ground.

After his hands were crippled, his right leg was also directly broken by Feiying!


Li Wan's screams hadn't ended yet, and there was another sound of bone cracking, and Li Wan, whose limbs had been crippled, knelt down on the ground.


Under the severe pain, Li Wan passed out directly, and his head hit the ground with a muffled sound.

Feiying looked at Li Wan who was like a dead dog on the ground, his eyes did not fluctuate at all, they were still full of endless coldness.

From Sun Wei to Li Wan, Feiying is no longer a simple lesson.

Simply, it was abuse from body to heart!
Glancing at Li Wan who was on the ground, Feiying lifted him up like a chicken, and then came to Sun Wei who was breathing more air than breathing in, and lifted him up as well.

Then, he slammed hard towards the far wall!


Two muffled sounds came, and under the tremendous pain, the two woke up at the same time.

Before the two of them could make a move, Flying Eagle had already disappeared in place like a ghost, pinching their necks with both hands, and pushing them against the wall.

"Forgive me."

At this time, Sun Wei, who had just started to be invincible, was also scared, and begged for mercy with difficulty.

Feiying looked at the two expressionlessly, and said lightly: "Today, you will die."

Tonight, Sun Wei and Li Wan heard Feiying speak for the first time.

But the first sentence Feiying said made the two of them fall into an ice cave.

The two of them couldn't believe their ears. How dare the young man in front of him kill someone? !

As he said that, the strength in Feiying's hand increased a bit, almost suffocating Sun Wei and Li Wan.

Just when the two of them were out of breath and were about to suffocate to death, Feiying let go of his hand again.

There were two muffled sounds, and Sun Wei and Li Wan fell heavily to the ground.

After his feet touched the ground, Sun Wei covered his neck with both hands, coughed violently, and gasped for air.

However, Li Wan's limbs had no strength to support his body, and he fell limply to the ground, as if life was worse than death.

Feiying glanced at Li Wan who was on the ground, pinched Sun Wei's neck again, and lifted him up easily.

Looking around, Feiying saw a kitchen knife left in a corner due to rust, and bent down to pick it up.

Seeing this, Sun Wei's eyes were full of panic, not knowing what Feiying wanted to do.

Feiying didn't look at Sun Wei, and seemed to be talking to himself, but also seemed to say to him: "When a person dies in an instant, he will not lose consciousness immediately."

"Probably, there will be a reaction time of about three seconds."

As he spoke, Feiying slowly lifted the kitchen knife in his hand.

"If my knife is fast enough, you can see the scene of your decapitated body in the last few seconds..."

Hearing Feiying's soliloquy, Sun Wei's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of horror.

Even Li Wan on the ground trembled violently, his face was as pale as paper, without a trace of blood.

Under the horrified eyes of the two, Feiying slowly turned around and looked at the two with cold eyes.

Suddenly, the corner of Feiying's mouth slightly raised, revealing a smile on his face that it can be said that he would never see it once in ten thousand years.

It can be said that Sun Wei and Li Wan are lucky.

Because of the two of them, I saw Feiying's smile.

At the same time, the two are unfortunate...


A few minutes later, Feiying walked over from the small alley, still without any expression fluctuations on his face.

It seemed to him that he just did a trivial thing.

What if he really let these two people go today and left here by himself in the future, what if these two people are not good for Ye Binger?
Feiying knew in his heart that the benevolence of a woman would only leave disaster for herself.

Just like when Luo Xia was worried that Fang Peng would be bad for Su Chunyu and asked Qin Zong to get rid of him.

Feiying didn't know that he and Luo Xia made the same choice on this point, regarding their favorite woman.

It's just that Su Tianxiong let Qin Zong let Fang Peng go, which made Luo Xia a little unexpected, but the final result is still good.

As for Feiying, he would not have Su Tianxiong's concerns.

Without looking at the alley behind him again, Feiying walked directly into the distance.


After walking a few steps, Feiying suddenly felt weak all over, and half-kneeled heavily on the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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