Chapter 852 Lottery Ceremony (Second Update)

Feiying felt as if all the strength in his body had been drained, and his face, which was as cold as ice for thousands of years, had become as pale as paper.

He could only support the wall with his hands, and slowly sat down by the wall.

"Why, at this time..."

Feiying clenched his teeth, cold sweat had already broken out on his forehead, his face was terribly pale.

His body was shivering, his arms hugged him unconsciously, but he still felt cold.

If Ye Binger was here, she would definitely be able to recognize that Feiying's current situation is very similar to the situation at her home that day!
The whole body is as cold as ice!
Feiying leaned against the wall, closed his eyes tightly, and kept shrinking, as if he really endured great pain.

He didn't say a word, he knew that as long as he endured it, it would be fine.

But even so, his consciousness was getting weaker and weaker, and he was almost in a coma.

"No, you have to leave this place first!"

Feiying clenched his teeth, thinking so in his heart.

He thought that there was no trace of what he did just now, but the screams of Sun Wei and Li Wan just now could not have attracted attention.

If he passed out here, he might be in a lot of trouble when he wakes up!

Thinking of this, he struggled to stand up, but his vision went dark for a moment, and he fell to the ground again.

Now his body is no longer strong enough to support him to leave.


At this time, there was a light sound suddenly from around.

Feiying took a closer look and found that it was the small bottle Yu Duoduo gave him that made the sound when it hit the ground.

Looking at the small bottle, Feiying frowned slightly, and couldn't help but think of Yu Duoduo's words.

"It's something my husband concocted when he was bored. It is said that it can cure all diseases, but don't hold out too much hope."

Yu Duoduo once said that the red pill inside can cure all diseases...

Feiying just glanced at it lightly, then directly looked away.


At this time, Feiying suddenly let out a cry of pain, and his expression became even more distorted.

His brows were also furrowed at this moment.

Because he sensed that someone was approaching!

Subconsciously, he took the small bottle on the ground.

Without any further hesitation, he poured out one of the red pills and swallowed it into his mouth.


The moment he took the red pill, Feiying felt a sharp pain all over his body, which was several times worse than before.

Just when he was clenching his teeth, almost unable to bear it, a string in his body seemed to be broken, and the pain receded like a tide.

Feeling his body slowly recovering, Feiying couldn't help showing a bit of surprise in his eyes.

He was originally a dead horse as a living horse doctor, so he didn't have much hope at all.

I didn't expect that this red pill would really work.

"Yu Duoduo, and her husband..."

Feiying stood up slowly, frowned slightly, and murmured in a low voice.

At this moment, he felt that several people in the distance were getting closer.

Without thinking any more, he quickly put away the small bottle and left here.


Days passed, because the places in other cities in the college league hadn't been fully determined, Luo Xia's life became a lot calmer.

Three days after the phone call with Ke Bei, something that aroused Luo Xia's interest finally happened.

Tonight is the day of the final draw!

And Luo Xia also started the live broadcast early this evening, watching the lottery ceremony with the fans in the live broadcast room.

"Master of the anchor, what do you think the result of tonight's lottery will be?"

"If you want me to say, it's better to draw all three of their Korean teams together and let them fight civilly!"

"Brother just now, the ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny!"

"Indeed, there's no way that would happen by the rules."

"Compared to this, what do you think the best draw and the worst draw will be like?"


Before the lottery ceremony started, the audience in the live broadcast room started talking happily.

Glancing at the barrage, Luo Xia thought for a while and said, "Actually, the teams that can qualify for the World Championship will not be inferior in strength."

Luo Xia first said something not to offend others, and then said: "Well, if you really want to say it, you can still tell the difference."

"In my opinion, the worst grouping should be any one of the QWG, MTC, and EAF teams, and be in a group with the three teams of FKT, FNA, and YSM."

"If this is the case, it will be difficult to play against anyone in the same group. It can be said that there is no certainty of victory."

In the past few days, the World Championship is about to start, and Luo Xia has also paid attention to many professional teams.

Regarding the strength classification of these professional teams, he probably has a classification in his mind.

If Li Hongwei was here, he would definitely be surprised to hear Luo Xia's words.

Because what Luo Xia said was exactly the same as what he analyzed to Zuo Tiande and others!

A long time ago, Li Hongwei told Zuo Tiande and others that there were four mountains pressing down in front of them.

They are FKT, SSS, YSM, FNA respectively.

Needless to say, FKT, the big devil Saker is in charge, and there is a terrifying coach like Kim Jong-hoon in charge, who is QWG's number one rival.

The SSS four-star team is also extremely powerful. Except for FKT, it is almost dominant in South Korea.

The same is true for YSM, the French king Bilson who threatened to only serve Saker in the middle, his strength should not be underestimated.

Although some people always jokingly say that Bilson played in the World Championship with four real eyes, it is precisely because of this that we can see how terrifying Bilson's strength is.

And the big brother who said in Chinese, "With all due respect, everyone here is rubbish" and created a classic in one sentence, is also quite powerful.

It was only due to the drag of the other three teammates that YSM did not have very good results.

For FNA, there are many people who make Li Hongwei afraid.

Not only has the European French King Febiven, but also the experienced auxiliary captain YellowStar, and the AD player Steelback in the team is not weak.

If they are really assigned to such a group, even with the strength of QWG, it will be a fierce battle.

But this is also the worst situation, Luo Xia thinks it will not be such a coincidence.

The sixteen teams were divided into four groups, with four teams in each group, combined with the different regions of the teams, and combined with the principle of permutation and combination...

This is how unlucky you have to be to draw such a group!
"By the way, do you know who is drawing lots tonight?"

Thinking of the grouping of the team, Luo Xia asked casually.

Until now, he still doesn't know who the guest of tonight's lottery is.

"I heard that it seems to be Jokkr."

Hearing Luo Xia's words, the audience said in the barrage.

Hearing this, Luo Xia was taken aback, "Jokkr...Jokkr, the protector of the country?!"

For some reason, Luo Xia suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

I'm lucky, it's not really that bad...


(End of this chapter)

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