Chapter 853 Holy hand? (third change)
The barrage just now also reminded other viewers who didn't know.

The person who draws lots is the protector of the country?

"Damn it, is it Jokkr who drew the lottery?"

"Really or not, if it is really a mage, then it will be cold!"

"Jokkr's poisonous milk is indeed quite poisonous, but his hands are not so poisonous, right?"

"It's really hard to say, what if the mage is not only a poisonous milk, but also a 'poisonous hand'..."


Hearing that it was Jokkr drawing lots, all the audience in the live broadcast room began to howl.

Luo Xia was also speechless for a while, and even felt a little funny.

The lottery hasn't started yet, why is he almost losing confidence.

At this time, some viewers weakly said: "Is the lottery grouping so important? I feel that there is no difference in any lottery."

In the barrage sea, this barrage is extremely special.

All of a sudden, many people started to agree.

Seeing this, Luo Xia shook his head and said, "No, grouping is very important."

"The group stage is a double-round BO1 in the same group, that is, each team has to play twice with the other three teams in the group, a total of six games."

"Before the quarter-finals enter the semi-finals, the teams in the same group are the initial opponents. This is related to whether they can easily advance to the quarter-finals."

"More importantly, no team is willing to expose its cards early. If a strong team runs out of cards at the beginning, it will become more and more difficult to play later."

Hearing Luo Xia's words, many audience members showed a sudden look, and understood.

Whether they can easily enter the quarter-finals is still a secondary issue. I am afraid that the last point is the most important.

If you face a strong team too early and play all your cards, it will definitely be difficult to play in the semi-finals or even the finals!

After realizing it, the audience didn't say anything, and quietly waited for the draw to start.

The countdown on the live broadcast screen ticked by, and finally, the advertisement on the screen was put to the end, officially entering the lottery mode!
"Okay, welcome everyone to the draw ceremony of the S7 Global Finals. I'm the commentator Miwa."

"Welcome everyone, I'm the commentator Leva."

At the beginning of the lottery ceremony, two magnetic male voices came over.

Luo Xia looked and saw two men in neat suits appearing on the screen.

The two were dressed extremely formally, and their appearance was also extremely clean. It looked as if they had been prepared in shock.

Luo Xia knew that these two people were famous commentators in League of Legends professional games, Mi Wa and Le Wa.

Their voices are full of magnetism, but they are still passionate, and the two have some unique insights into the ever-changing forms of professional games, and their analysis is also very correct.

It can be said that the two have gained a lot of fans and were dubbed "Haier Brothers" by fans.

After Miwa and Lewa mobilized the audience's emotions, Miwa shouted directly.

"Let's show the picture to our guest of today's lottery, Master Protector, Jokkr!!!"

Hearing Miwa's voice, Luo Xia couldn't help but twitch his mouth even though he knew it was probably Jokkr.

Is Jokkr's luck really reliable...

Jokkr is wearing a white suit today, with a mid-section haircut and a completely clean-shaven face.

In addition, he wears double-rimmed glasses, giving people a gentle feeling.

The male commentator on his left has short hair and a beard on his chin.

And his short hair is always upturned, giving people a feeling of coexistence of mature fan and uncle fan.

It was the short-haired commentator who stood with Jokkr when he commented on the double-F battle last time.

In addition to the two, on the far right, the female commentator named Han Ying last time was also present.

She has short Sassoon hair, has a good face, and has shallow dimples when she smiles.

Although she was not as stunning as Su Chunyu and Lu Shiyan, she could still be called a beautiful woman.

It's just that her height is a little shorter. Although she is wearing high heels, she can still see some gaps when standing next to the two men.

The three of them seem to be a fixed combination. The last time they commented on the game, they were all three together.

This time the lottery ceremony, or three people together.

Shorthair and Han Ying stood beside Jokkr, holding two small boxes each, waiting for Jokkr's draw.

"Cough cough."

Jokkr coughed pretendingly, and said, "It's a great honor to draw lots for everyone today."

"Everyone calls me the protector of the country, and some people call me poisonous milk. What I want to tell you is that I am just poisonous milk, and my hands are not poisonous!"

With that said, Jokkr drew the first lottery.

What he took out was QWG!

For a moment, the entire audience was terrified, and the hearts of Li Hongwei, Zuo Tiande and others in the audience couldn't help but tugged.

Jokkr was also a little surprised. He didn't expect to get the No. [-] seed team from LPL in the first lottery.

Without further hesitation, he continued to smoke.

After he drew out all four teams from a group, the audience fell silent.

In Luo Xia's live broadcast room, the bullet screen couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Looking at Jokkr, even Luo Xia felt extremely headache.

Jokkr's luck is really good!
The group of teams he drew out were QWG, FNA, SSS, and FD!

FNA and SSS, among the four big mountains Li Hongwei mentioned in advance, were directly drawn by Jokkr to two.

The FD team is a team from Baodao, known as the Lightning Dog team.

Even this Lightning Dog team is much stronger than the wild card team.

Jokkr smiled awkwardly, as if he didn't realize it, and continued to draw lots for the next group.

In the first lottery, he drew the second seed of the LPL, the MTC team!

Twice, what a coincidence.

Jokkr also held his breath and continued to draw lots.

As soon as the result came out this time, Jokkr himself was a little dumbfounded.

Because the second group of teams he drew was MTC, YSM, G3, and LZZ!

The YSM team that Bilson and the big brother belonged to was given to the MTC team as an opponent by Jokkr'friendly'.

The European G3 team is also a veteran team.

And South Korea's LZZ team, known as the Dragon Pig team, although they are the third seeded team in South Korea, their strength is also extremely strong.

The second group is also the competition between the strong teams, which is extremely fierce!
Jokkr still didn't say anything, and pulled out the third group of teams.

This time, he was also completely stunned.

Because the third group of teams is surprisingly four teams: EAF, FKT, GAA, and AHW!

This time, Jokkr directly sent the behemoth FKT over!

Seeing this scene, Luo Xia couldn't help but gasped.

This Jokkr is really a 'holy hand'!


(PS: The team name and commentary name are basically replaced with other words, everyone should understand who it is.

Hmm...a special reminder, Miss's real name is Han Yiying.

In addition, this grouping in the finals has nothing to do with S7. It was all set up on paper by me for a long time and combined brain-intensively, which is different from reality. )
(End of this chapter)

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