Chapter 867 Before the opening battle (second update)
Hearing Luo Xia's words, Lu Shiyan, Qiu Yunyun and others were startled.

Because Luo Xia said this very naturally, with an expression of innocence and bewilderment, the tense atmosphere was instantly relieved by him a lot.

"Hee hee, yes, I almost forgot, we also have a genius here, and the quality is much higher than the other party."

Qiu Yunyun was the first to react, and said with a giggle.

Luo Xia scratched his head, smiled heartlessly and said, "Uh haha, you're right."

"You can't win by quantity alone, quality is still very important."

What Luo Xia said seemed a little arrogant, but it was more of a joke.

After Luo Xia adjusted the atmosphere in this way, the atmosphere in the entire training room has been completely relaxed.

"Well, we can't be completely intimidated by a powerful opponent before we fight."

"The most important thing now is to do everything possible to improve our strength. For example, after reaching the top [-], the training match with that team is a good opportunity."

Lu Shiyan's mentality also quickly adjusted, and said calmly.

Hearing what she said, Qiu Yunyun and the others agreed.

Instead of worrying about this, it is better to quickly raise your own strength.

"Speaking of improving your strength, Xueyi, didn't you ask Luo Xia to help you train alone that day? How is it?"

At this time, Xia Rou thought of something, looked at Mu Xueyi and said.

As soon as Xia Rou said this, Mu Xueyi's little face couldn't help turning red.

"Hey, is there such a thing?"

Luo Xia scratched his head, and said a little strangely.

Although he had such a plan in his heart, it was just his thinking, and Mu Xueyi never mentioned it to him.

"Of course there is."

Xia Judao, "Xueyi called you a few days ago, but you don't know what you are doing, the phone can't get through at all."

Hearing what she said, Luo Xia couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

In the past few days, when he and Su Chunyu were tired of being together, there was only one phone call, which was when the two of them were at that time.
Thinking of this, Luo Xia only felt his old face turn red, and the cold sweat was about to break down.

Fortunately, I didn't pick it up at the time. If I did pick it up, and Mu Xueyi heard something, I would really lose face in the future.

However, Luo Xia didn't know that because of his mistake at that time, Mu Xueyi had already heard it.

Although she only listened for ten seconds, she did hear it...

It's also to blame that Luo Xia didn't have the habit of checking the call records, otherwise, he would definitely be able to find something wrong.

He thought that he had directly rejected Mu Xueyi's call, but the actual situation was that after the call was connected, Mu Xueyi listened for ten seconds before hanging up.

These two situations are completely different in the display of call records.
Wiping the cold sweat that didn't actually exist on his forehead, Luo Xia gave a dry cough and said apologetically, "Xueyi, I'm sorry."

"I happened to have something to do when you called, and I forgot to call you back afterwards."

Hearing what Luo Xia said, Mu Xueyi hurriedly waved her hands and said, "It's okay."

Others don't know, but she knows what Luo Xia's 'something' means.

Thinking of this, her heart felt inexplicably sour.

Subconsciously, she glanced at Lu Shiyan, not knowing what she was thinking.

In fact, Luo Xia really couldn't be blamed.

Originally, he wanted to call back afterwards, but he didn't save Mu Xueyi's number. He originally wanted to wait for the other party to call back, but Mu Xueyi didn't call for the next few days.

Luo Xia also thought that someone had made a mistake, so he didn't take it to heart.

After thinking about it, Luo Xia said: "Xueyi, I have class this afternoon, let's do it tomorrow, I will help you train alone tomorrow."

He asked for leave these days and missed many classes. He was really embarrassed to skip this afternoon's class.


Mu Xueyi's beautiful eyes lit up, and she said, "Okay, no problem."

She said this on her mouth, but in her heart, she was thinking about other things.

"Single training."

Mu Xueyi murmured silently in her heart, her eyes flickered slightly, she didn't know what she was thinking.

After finishing the afternoon class and returning home, Luo Xia couldn't wait to click on the game and her own live broadcast.

Soon, a large number of water lovers gathered.

At this time, the opening ceremony has come to an end, and the official competition will start soon, and the time is just right.

Although some time was delayed due to the opening ceremony, the three games every afternoon are essential, otherwise the competition system arrangement will be disrupted.

It can be said that today's game will definitely go on until the evening, but this has not affected the enthusiasm of the audience in the slightest.

Because on the first day, there are two LPL games!
The EAF team's match against Baodao's AHH team was directly ignored by the audience, and the audience's attention was focused on another match.

The first game is QWG vs. FNA!

The audience in the entire live broadcast room started a lively discussion.

"QWG is playing FNA today, the first game, I hope they will be stable."

"Indeed, if you lose the first game, the pressure on your body will be much greater."

"Losing? It doesn't exist! Only those European and American players can beat me in the big LPL?"

"That's right, won't Europe and the United States play in the late stage? Under the attack of Fengshen and Luoshen, they can't even last for 10 minutes."

"FNA's strength is indeed not weak, but it only bullies Lightning Dog who bullies Baodao. If you want to fight LPL, don't think too much!"


The atmosphere of discussion in the entire live broadcast room was very strong, and the audience spoke to each other, expressing their own opinions.

Some viewers are somewhat worried about QWG, but most viewers are still full of hope for QWG.

In the eyes of many people, FNA will definitely not be the opponent of QWG.

The audience's behavior is not conjecture, but based on facts.

As we all know, the European and American teams are very strong in the late stage, but not strong in the early stage.

Especially the European teams, all kinds of black technologies have been emerging one after another, and the ability to delay operations is even stronger than South Korea in some places.

As for LPL, even if there are always people who criticize LPL for not being able to play in the later stage, the operation ability in the later stage is not strong.

But when it comes to the ability to play in the early stage, LPL is recognized as strong.

On this point, it can be said that the European and American teams are restrained to death.

Compared with the European teams, the American team has slightly stronger early stage ability, and has a better understanding of the European teams, so the winning rate of Europe against the United States has not been very high.

Because of this, there have always been the sayings in history that Ou Ke Han, Zhong Ke Mei, and Mei Ke Ou.

In terms of team style alone, it can be said that it is very difficult for the European team to pose a threat to the LPL team.

If FNA is against the MTC team that focuses on operations, or the EAF team, a team with four Korean aids in one team, the outcome may not be easy to say.

But for the QWG team, which is known for its fierce attack in the early stage and is extremely fierce in team battles, they can only beg for mercy obediently!

(End of this chapter)

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