Chapter 868 You go! (third update)
Seeing the heated discussions among the audience, Luo Xia didn't say anything.

In the past few days, he has probably studied the team styles of each team.

He knew that based on the team style alone, LPL is indeed more restrained than FNA.

But how can a team that can make it to the World Championship have no hole cards, and how can the team style remain unchanged?
At this time, the audience is still arguing.

Some analysts who like to analyze have already started various analysis.

"If you go on the road, there is absolutely no problem with Maple God, and you don't have to worry about the jungle position."

"Febiven, the king of the middle lane, is a little troublesome, but he can't make any big waves by himself."

"Not to mention the bottom lane, you will definitely be crushed to death. With only one yellow star, how can you be sure that you are Luo Shen's opponent?"

"That's right, if Ou Cheng is still in the bottom lane, maybe FNA will still fight. Bringing a new player, isn't it looking for abuse?"


The Yellow Star that the audience spoke of was FNA's captain, Yellow Star who was in the support position.

With good strength and experience, he is definitely a very strong support.

But a good support requires a good AD.

For example, Huang Xing, the most suitable for him is Ou Cheng, who is known as the most handsome man in European e-sports.

Steelback in the current FNA team is indeed not weak, he is a very powerful semi-rookie, but he has no experience in major competitions, so how can he perform so well.

Maybe they can beat most teams' bottom lane combinations, but they will definitely not be QWG's opponents.

At this time, the opening ceremony was over, and Miwa and Leva appeared as commentators.

"Okay, the annual global finals has started again, and the first battle tonight is a battle of Tianwangshan!"

At the beginning, Mi Wa spoke impassionedly.

"That's right, the first match on the first day is QWG against FNA!"

As soon as Mi Wa finished speaking, Le Wa followed closely.

The magnetic voice, as well as the long tone deliberately elongated in a special way, have a different kind of appeal.

After Leva finished speaking, Miwa said again: "In this year's FNA, we will see an old friend again."

"He is, Ou Cheng!!!" Leva answered perfectly.

Hearing Miwa and Leva's words, the entire audience fell silent.

Instead of cheering, they looked shocked.

Ou Cheng, are you back in FNA?
Ou Cheng, known as the most handsome man in European e-sports, and even the entire e-sports circle, the absolute veteran in FNA, has returned to FNA!
After reacting, the audience all had the same thought in their hearts:
FNA did a good job of keeping secrets, but before the game, no news came out!
"Aren't you surprised? In fact, we just got the news."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that the most handsome man in European e-sports would return to FNA at this time."

Mi Wa and Le Wa were chatting, but the audience in Luo Xia's live broadcast room were not in the mood to listen to what he said next.

The audience in the live broadcast room were going to be blown away!
"Damn it, Ou Cheng is back!"

"Then the strength of FNA has really directly risen to a higher level."

"No wonder FNA has been so low-key these days, it turns out they are holding back their big moves!"

"It's a bit difficult to deal with now. The combination of Ou Cheng and Huang Xing is very strong."

"Not necessarily. I didn't see Ou Cheng as a substitute. Maybe Ou Cheng's current state is not good. There is nothing to be afraid of."


The audience insisted on their own opinions. Those who were optimistic at the beginning are not so optimistic now.

The combination of Ou Cheng and Huang Xing is not comparable to the original combination of Huang Xing and a semi-novice AD.

However, there are still some viewers who don't care, because Ou Cheng is sitting on the bench.

It's not because Ou Cheng is a substitute to reassure the audience, but because the World Championship can only bring one substitute.

In this case, the starting players are generally in poor condition, depending on the condition and the substitutes take turns to play.

Since FNA left such a precious opportunity to the AD position, it means that only one AD cannot reassure them.

All these signs indicate that Ou Cheng's condition may not be good.

Of course, this is just the audience's speculation, and I don't know if this is the case.


White Country, San Francisco, Bill Graham Municipal Auditorium.

This year's S7 global finals will be held in Baiguo, and the group stage will be held in Baiguo's Bill Graham Municipal Auditorium in San Francisco.

In fact, because of the time difference, it was only afternoon when they played here, but it was already evening in China time.

Before the official start of the game, all members of QWG are preparing nervously in the backstage preparation area.

Li Hongwei's brows were furrowed, he was holding a folder, and he was constantly sketching something.

Several other people are also actively preparing, preparing to do their best to deal with the opening match of the first game.

Only Zuo Tiande was relatively relaxed. Looking at the schedule for the next three days, he seemed to be thinking about which match Li Hongwei would let him play.

It is worth mentioning that the schedule is generated every three days.

It's not because it can't be arranged, but because we have to consider the issue of extra matches, and there will always be adjustments in subsequent games.

After looking at the game schedule for a while, Zuo Tiande looked at the nervous Fei Luo, and walked towards him slowly.

"Fei Luo, here it is!"

Zuo Tiande took out a small bag of potato chips from his pocket and handed it to Fei Luo.

"Tiande, thank you"

Fei Luo said gratefully, took the potato chips and tore them open to eat.

The paleness and rosiness on his face also dissipated a little.

Zuo Tiande looked helpless, it can be said that only he understands Fei Luo's characteristics.

When you are nervous, you must eat!
Only when he ate something could he feel better about his nervousness.

If Fei Luo's group of female fans knew about his characteristics, they still don't know how they would react.

While Fei Luo was eating potato chips, Li Hongwei was still making strategic arrangements.

Unlike ordinary players, people in the professional circle have long known about Ou Cheng's return.

It was also because of this that the pressure on Li Hongwei's shoulders was even greater.

"Febiven in the middle lane, Ou Cheng and Huang Xing in the bottom lane, Soaz in the top lane"

Li Hongwei recited it silently, and finally drew a stroke on Soaz.

As if he had made up his mind, Li Hongwei let out a deep breath and said, "Tiande, this match, you go!"


"Cough cough!"

Hearing Li Hongwei's words, Zuo Tiande directly sprayed out the mineral water from his mouth.

Fei Luo also choked on the potato chips, coughed violently, snatched the bottle of mineral water from Zuo Tiande's mouth, gulped it down, and got better.

Both of them were a little confused, what exactly was Li Hongwei planning?
(End of this chapter)

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