Chapter 882 Gambling? (Second update)
It can be said that there is a dark side in any place. In commodity trading, there is such a thing as a black market.

In the game about winning and losing, there is something similar to an underground casino, and the game League of Legends is the same.

Regarding this World Championship, there are also many big bets, and there will always be local tyrants who spend a lot of money here to have fun.

One of the bets is that the EAF team can qualify for the group stage. This is also a bet that Xuelian Cangming and the others can make a fuss about.

"Speaking of which, I would also like to thank that commentator named Jokkr. Without his seemingly rubbish lottery, we would not have made such a big profit."

At this time, Wssb also showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said with a sinister smile.

In the eyes of others, Jokkr's lottery in the World Championship draw was so bad that it couldn't be worse. The coach of the EAF team at the time thought so too.

Jokkr's lottery completely disrupted their original plan.

However, Wssb and others later discovered that this method of drawing lots seems to be not bad.

Because of Jokkr's lottery, a behemoth FKT was arranged in their team.

The other two teams, whether it is the Baodao team or the wild card team, seem to be much weaker than the EAF team.

In this case, the strength within the group is very uneven.

FKT is really much stronger than the other two teams. Although the EAF team is weaker than FKT, under normal circumstances, it is no problem to win the other two teams.

In this situation, almost everyone believed that the EAF team could securely qualify for the group stage, and the majority of people bet on this.

It can be said that there are very few people who bet on the EAF team not qualifying. In this case, the odds of the EAF team not qualifying have risen to one to ten!

After quickly realizing this point, all members of the EAF team were ecstatic, because the decision-making power for this kind of battle situation was completely in their hands.

As long as they perform well and prevent the team from qualifying, the 500 million bet will become more than 5000 million!

This is a temptation that none of them can refuse.

So they have to lose, and they have to lose until they can't qualify!
In order to avoid being too obvious and being punished by the Kespa Association, they could only go to great lengths and dragged on for nearly four to 10 minutes, causing countless mistakes and then losing the game.

In this case, it looks relatively normal, and it will not make people suspicious.

"What the captain said was that the tainted milk Jokkr really helped us a lot."

Xuelian Cangming said with a smile, but there was a hint of hatred in his tone.

Come to think of it, he still held a grudge because Jokkr's 'poisonous milk' got him punched last time.

However, Zhao Hao, who beat him last time, has withdrawn from the LPL professional circle, and coupled with his pressure, no one dares to take it even from the LSPL team.

Thinking of this, Xuelian Cangming felt better.

At this time, one of the Korean aid teammate didn't know what to think of, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Captain, will there be a local tyrant suddenly rising up and begging us not to get out of the line?"

"In this case, the odds will drop as a whole."

The odds of the EAF team not being able to qualify are of course high, but it is also because the funds betting on the EAF team to qualify are too large.

If there is a large influx of funds that completely changes the balance of funds between the two sides, then the current odds will definitely drop as a whole.

For example, regarding the bet on the championship of this year's finals, it can be said that betting on FKT is a sure profit.

But just because the amount of betting on FKT is too much, the odds are already frighteningly low.

Even if you put 100 million in, when you get your hands, it may only be a few dozen yuan.

With such low odds, even if it is a business that is sure to make a profit without losing money, not many people do it.

Hearing this, Wssb smiled disdainfully, and said: "How is it possible, the amount of money flowing into the gambling game is already huge, who can easily change it?"

"If you want to change, how terrible financial resources will be needed to do it?"

"This kind of worry is simply unnecessary!"

Hearing what Wssb said, the person who spoke just now thought about it and thought it made sense.

If you want to change the odds now, you can't do it without more than [-] million funds.

Even those local tyrants rarely have such huge financial resources, and even if they do, they will not easily throw hundreds of millions.

After he figured this out, he didn't say anything more.

At this time, Wssb looked at Xue Lian Cangming, and said: "Speaking of which, this matter is thanks to Cangming's idea."

"You are much smarter than the ignorant people in other teams. It is very comfortable to cooperate with you."

Hearing Wssb's words, Xuelian Cangming smiled, and said proudly: "Of course, I'm not as pedantic as others."

"What is a dream? Can it be eaten as a meal? Maple Leaf Setting Sun and that Fudo Tianluo have always been in the No. [-] seed team QWG, haven't they never won against FKT?"

"It's the same with the sea waves and dust, sticking to a WSF team, even if they are a little better than us, wouldn't I prevent them from entering the World Championship with a little trick?"

"There is also that Dark Night Wufeng, who has supported a team by himself, but he has been playing professionally since S3, and he is already considered a veteran. I don't know how many years he will be able to play."

"Those guys who talk about dreams, with the title of number one in the national server, are more pedantic than the other!"

Hearing Xuelian Cangming's words, Wssb couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Blood refining Cangming really suits his appetite!

"Haha, you're right, Cang Ming, you, the number one mid laner in the national server, are much smarter than those of them."

"What is a dream? Can it be eaten as a meal? The most important thing is to make a fortune while e-sports is still hot."

"Don't look at how much face I'm giving to the Kespa Association now. If I retire to sell cakes in the future, the Kespa Association will be a fart!"

After Wssb finished speaking, a group of people burst into laughter.

They have the same idea as Wssb, the most important thing is to make a fortune while e-sports is still popular.

As for the dream, let others continue to talk about it!

It is said that those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black. The five members of the EAF team can be said to be really congenial.

The next morning, after Luoxia woke up, as usual, after washing and eating, he rushed directly to school.

Two days ago, he had missed a lot of classes because he asked for leave at home to accompany Su Chunyu.

I have to go to class this morning.

Although there are no classes in the afternoon, today's schedule is still full.

Because this afternoon, he also agreed to help Mu Xueyi perform single training.
After the morning class ended, Luo Xia also came directly to the e-sports club.

After entering the e-sports club, Luo Xia found that Mu Xueyi was already waiting for him at the door of the small training room.

However, seeing Mu Xueyi, Luo Xia was slightly taken aback.

Because she looks different today than usual.
(End of this chapter)

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