Chapter 883 Individual Training (Third Change)
"Luo Xia, you're here."

Seeing Luo Xia, Mu Xueyi showed surprise on her face, and greeted him sweetly.

"Uh, yeah."

As she said that, Luo Xia scratched her head, and said again: "Xueyi, you look beautiful today."

Luo Xia wasn't trying to make her happy, in fact, Luo Xia wasn't very good at coaxing girls, he just said something.

In all fairness, Mu Xueyi is not bad looking, even if she is not as good as Su Chunyu and Lu Shiyan, she is definitely a class beauty.

In the e-sports club, all the members have respect for Lu Shiyan, even if they have any thoughts of admiration, they just think about it in their hearts.

Besides Lu Shiyan, in the e-sports club, Zhong Xiaodie and Mu Xueyi are the two most popular little beauties, and there are many suitors.

Today's Mu Xueyi, obviously, has gone through a lot of careful grooming, adding a lot of points to her overall beauty.

She was wearing a short pink dress. Although the skirt was slightly short, the overall tone of the skirt was slightly warm, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

The skirt is dotted with cartoon patterns that several girls like. Under the skirt, white knee-length pantyhose wraps the slender legs.

She has long hair draped around her shoulders, fair skin, and a light blue hairpin pinned to her forehead.

Coupled with her childish and delicate face, she really looks like a princess in a fairy tale.

Even Luo Xia has to admit that Mu Xueyi's current appearance looks very pure and comfortable.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Mu Xueyi showed a shy expression on her face, and said, "Thank you."

Luo Xia walked over slowly, looked around, and said, "Everyone is not here, have you all gone back to the dormitory?"

"Well, it's noon now, the training has just ended, and everyone basically went back first."

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Mu Xueyi nodded.

After saying that, Mu Xueyi said apologetically: "Luo Xia, you won't blame me for calling you over so early."

Hearing this, Luo Xia was stunned for a moment, and then said with a heartless smile: "Uh haha, no, I'm fine anyway, and besides Xueyi, you work so hard, of course I will help you."

Hearing what Luo Xia said, Mu Xueyi felt relieved, walked over with a smile, and reached out to help Luo Xia carry his schoolbag.

However, when she got closer, Luo Xia frowned imperceptibly.

Because he smelled it, a strong perfume smell.

It's not that it smells bad. If something like perfume doesn't smell good, no girl will be willing to wear it.

Even Mu Xueyi's perfume should be a good one, because the fragrance already smells very natural.

But what she sprayed was indeed a bit too much. Luo Xia didn't like the strong perfume smell.

Luo Xia knew that Su Chunyu seldom wore makeup, and almost always showed off without makeup, and she also used very light perfume.

The same is true for Luo Zhixuan, Luo Xia has never smelled a strong perfume on her body, only a very faint fragrance.

Even in Luo Xia's memory, that fairy-like woman, Jin Yuena, didn't smell of any perfume on her body.

And the smell on Lu Shiyan made Luo Xia feel the most comfortable.

Because on her body, Luo Xia couldn't smell the slightest scent of perfume, and the faint scent on her body was completely the smell of shower gel and shampoo.

Very ordinary, but very clean, pure, very nice smell.

In Luo Xia's past impressions, Mu Xueyi never wore such a strong perfume like today.

Smelling such a strong perfume on her body today made Luo Xia feel a little uncomfortable.

"Oh, many girls still love beauty, it's nice to be as simple as Xiaoyu and Shiyan."

Luo Xia sighed in her heart, did not ask Mu Xueyi to carry her bag, and walked towards the small training room with her schoolbag on her back.

The two walked into the small training room, Luo Xia walked in front, Mu Xueyi walked a little slower, and walked behind.

After Luo Xia walked into the small training room, Mu Xueyi gently closed the door of the training room.


Luo Xia, who was walking in front, heard a soft sound and paused slightly, feeling a little strange in his heart.

Because of this, it was clearly the sound of locking the door.

Luo Xia turned his head and found that the door was locked.

"Xueyi, just close the door, why did you lock it?"

Seeing Mu Xueyi locked the door, Luo Xia said a little strangely.

"I thought if someone came in halfway through our training, it might interrupt us."

"It's better, it's better to lock it directly."

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Mu Xueyi said weakly.

Seeing her aggrieved look, Luo Xia hurriedly said: "Xueyi, I didn't mean to blame you, just lock it."

Hearing what Luo Xia said, Mu Xueyi smiled again.

Luo Xia didn't say anything, walked to the training computer, and turned on the two machines.

He had just sat down on the machine he often used, only to feel a strong smell of perfume coming from his nostrils, and a figure had already fallen into her arms.

"Yes... sorry, it's the first time I wear such shoes, and I'm still not used to it."

Suddenly fell into Luo Xia's arms, Mu Xueyi blushed and said.

When Luo Xia saw it, he felt both helpless and funny.

It wasn't Mu Xueyi who reminded him that he hadn't noticed yet, it turned out that she was still wearing a pair of high heels today.

At first glance, she has never worn such shoes, and she walks crookedly.

"Xueyi, it's good for girls to love beauty, but things like high heels, uh...not suitable for everyone."

Luo Xia couldn't think of how to persuade her, so he had no choice but to say this.

Hearing what Luo Xia said, Mu Xueyi bit her lower lip lightly, hummed like a mosquito, and stood up.

Luo Xia felt a little strange in his heart.

"Xueyi seems a little abnormal today..."


(End of this chapter)

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