Chapter 885 Abnormal Mu Xueyi (Second Change)
When she first met Luo Xia, Mu Xueyi was very pleasantly surprised, and Luo Xia could see this herself.

She was also eager to help Luo Xia carry the bag, and it could be seen that she was looking forward to entering the small training room.

But now, she showed no interest in these trainings, which made Luo Xia feel very strange.

"Is it because I talk too much about theoretical stuff, which makes me a bit boring?"

Seeing Mu Xueyi's lack of interest, Luo Xia thought in his heart.

He really talked a lot about theories just now, it's normal for Mu Xueyi to feel bored.

But what he just said about counting experience and levels can only be theory first and then practice.

He had already made up his mind that after teaching her the theory, he would play a custom game with Mu Xueyi, and let Mu Xueyi count his experience by inserting eyes from time to time.

But now it seems that this speed may not be well grasped, making Mu Xueyi feel a little boring.

Luo Xia scratched his head and said, "Uh... Xueyi, maybe these things are a bit boring, so let's talk about the lineup first."

"In this way, it should be more interesting than those simple data of a few waves of soldiers and a few minutes."

After Luo Xia finished speaking, Mu Xueyi looked at the time and pursed her lips lightly, as if she was calculating something.


Immediately afterwards, she stood up suddenly, and the chair touched the ground, bringing a slight friction sound.

"Luo Xia, I'll take a pen and a notebook to record it, otherwise it's easy to forget." Mu Xueyi said to Luo Xia.

Hearing her words, Luo Xia didn't recover for a while.

Mu Xueyi is standing now, Luo Xia is sitting, and the skirt she is wearing today is too short, and she is not wearing safety pants inside.

This caused Luo Xia to look up like this, and saw her lace underwear directly...

"Oh, oh, good."

Luo Xia responded somewhat indiscriminately, and quickly turned his head aside.

Seeing Luo Xia's reaction, Mu Xueyi's already disappointed little face suddenly showed a look of surprise, and her eyes became a little more shy.

She dressed up so meticulously today, but Luo Xia remained unmoved, kept talking about training, and had no interest in her at all.

Mu Xueyi originally thought that she was hopeless, but seeing the situation now, she raised hope again in her heart...

Glancing at Luo Xia, she happily stepped on her high heels and went to the side to get a pen and notebook.

However, she didn't know that Luo Xia's thoughts were still not on her.

In fact, Luo Xia is worrying now.

"Why does Xueyi wear such a short skirt? What if she loses everything? I should remind her."

"But how do you open your mouth about this kind of thing..."

Luo Xia thought about all this in her heart, feeling helpless.

When Luo Xia was worrying, Mu Xueyi had already returned with her notebook and pen.

Seeing her walking over quickly, Luo Xia couldn't help being slightly puzzled.

Because Mu Xueyi's steps were extremely smooth this time, she didn't seem to feel awkward at all.

It's like wearing high heels all the time.

This discovery made Luo Xia even more puzzled.

If this is the case, how could Mu Xueyi lose her balance and fall into his arms at the beginning.

"Did Xueyi pretend at the beginning?"

For some reason, Luo Xia came up with such an idea.

When it came to Mu Xueyi's abnormal behavior from locking the door to coming in, Luo Xia couldn't help jumping in his heart when he thought of something.

"Could it be that Xueyi likes me? She asked me to come here today, not for training at all?!"

Luo Xia was startled by the sudden thought in his mind.

But soon, Luo Xia calmed down again.

"Uh, maybe I'm thinking too much, thinking too much about my own charm..."

Luo Xia touched his nose, feeling that he really thought too much.

Mu Xueyi would feel bored, maybe it was because she talked too much about her theoretical knowledge.

Mu Xueyi fell into his arms at first, maybe she really didn't get used to high heels, but now she has gotten used to it.

These words can all be explained by reasons.

Based on these two aspects alone, it is too far-fetched to judge that Mu Xueyi likes him.

"I didn't expect that I also became a little narcissistic. How could I have the idea just now..."

Luo Xia touched his nose and smiled casually.

The idea just now seemed a bit ridiculous to him.

"Okay, Luo Xia, you can continue talking."

Mu Xueyi took the notebook and pen, sat down on the seat, and said to Luo Xia.

Just now she had a bored and dejected look on her face, but now she has a smile on her face, as if she is very happy.

This further strengthened Luo Xia's judgment. What he said just now was indeed a bit too boring.

Perhaps the next thing to talk about is what can arouse her interest.

Besides, didn't she use a pen to take notes, which shows that she is more interested in this.

After figuring this out, the speculation in Luo Xia's mind about 'Mu Xueyi likes him' just now completely dissipated.

Luo Xia also started to analyze the lineup for him.

"Alright, Xueyi, let's talk about lineup matching."

"Xiaodie and senior sister have cooperated several times before, and the results are good."

"In addition, Fluttershy has a background in the mid laner, so she prefers to play clockwork, Karma, and even Lux's more aggressive support, the effect is good."

Hearing Luo Xia's words, the smile on Mu Xueyi's face faded a little.

When Luo Xia said what she just said, she still called Lu Shiyan 'senior sister'.

To other people, there is nothing wrong with this name, and Luo Xia has always called Lu Shiyan like this.

But because Luo Xia accidentally slipped her mouth that time, Mu Xueyi knew that Luo Xia didn't call Lu Shiyan that way in private.

It should be called 'Shi Yan' affectionately...

Thinking of this, Mu Xueyi felt uncomfortable for a while.

Luo Xia didn't notice Mu Xueyi's abnormality, and was still talking to herself.

"Sister, her personal strength is very strong. If you have the conditions, you can try to use some support with strong online suppression."

"By the way, I also cooperated with my senior sister in the bottom lane very early on. I know it very well. It can be said..."


In the middle of Luo Xia's words, a soft sound came, interrupting his thoughts.

Taking a closer look, I found that the sound was made by Mu Xueyi's pen falling to the ground.

"I'm sorry, Luo Xia, I...I'll pick it up right now."

Mu Xueyi said apologetically, and after she finished speaking, she bent down in front of Luo Xia to pick up the pen that fell on the ground.

And at this time, she also made up her mind.


(End of this chapter)

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