Chapter 886 A Familiar Way of Conversation (Third Change)
Luo Xia originally only regarded this as a trivial matter, but soon, he was dumbfounded.

Because when Mu Xueyi went to pick up the pen on the ground, she didn't just squat down, but bent down to pick it up.

The skirt on her body was already very short, this bending down directly exposed her lace underwear to Luo Xia again.

Seeing this scene, Luo Xia was really a little dumbfounded.

Just now he was still thinking about how to remind Mu Xueyi tactfully, but he didn't expect that it would come again so soon, which made Luo Xia unexpected!
For some reason, Mu Xueyi couldn't hold the pen with her hands, and her body swayed from side to side.

Luo Xia was really stunned for a moment, he didn't have any charming thoughts in his mind, it was completely stuck in his subconscious mind!

And if Luo Xia could see Mu Xueyi's small face at this time, she would also find that her face was blushing at this time.

After all, it was the first time she made such a bold move in front of a boy.

But when she thought that this was the boy she had liked and admired for a long time, she became more courageous.

She is different from Zhong Xiaodie, although they seem to have similar personalities, but deep down, Mu Xueyi has a stubborn paranoia, especially when it comes to love.

If you have someone you like, you have to chase after it, otherwise you will miss it, and if you miss it, you will definitely regret it.

This is her concept of love, very paranoid, but also very bold!
Thinking of this, Mu Xueyi somehow made up her mind, her little face blushed again.

"It's so hard to pick up."

Mu Xueyi said softly, the pen on the ground was flicked by her lightly, and rolled back a few points.

She could only take two steps back, and continued to bend down to try to pick it up.

Luo Xia finally came to his senses, and hastily averted his gaze.

At this time, Mu Xueyi finally picked up the pen, and slowly straightened up.

At this time, Mu Xueyi also felt very uneasy.

She didn't know how to face Luo Xia, and what Luo Xia would think of her.

Taking a deep breath in her heart, the rosiness on Mu Xueyi's face faded a little, and she turned around slowly.

Luo Xia also calmed down, and said, "Xueyi, where did we talk just now?"

Seeing Luo Xia's unmoved appearance, Mu Xueyi didn't answer.

Looking at the time again, it's not too early now, and Qiu Yunyun and the others should all be back in the afternoon.

She bit her lower lip lightly, and finally made up her mind: "Luo Xia, let's not talk about training, okay? I want to ask you something else."

"Anything else? Just ask, no problem."

Seeing that Mu Xueyi didn't mention what happened just now, it seems that she really didn't notice it, it was completely unintentional, Luo Xia didn't hold back anymore, and replied very naturally.

"Can you be mine"

Halfway through Mu Xueyi's words, Luo Xia was stunned.

Because the way of this conversation is so familiar
He seemed to have seen that scene again when Zhong Xiaodie shyly asked 'Can you be my brother' in front of him.

"no problem."

Before Mu Xueyi finished speaking, Luo Xia spoke directly.

Hearing that Mu Xueyi's eyes exuded a moving look, she said in surprise, "You agreed?"

"That's right, whether it's brother, good friend, or master, I agree." Luo Xia said.

Zhong Xiaodie wanted to let him be his elder brother at the beginning, some time ago Lu Shiyan wanted to be good friends with him, and a few days ago Zuo Tiande insisted on recognizing him as his master.

From Luo Xia's point of view, Mu Xueyi is similar, as if she doesn't have any other 'functions'
Oh, no, we also need to exclude Jin Yuena, that goblin-like woman who yells like a good brother!
But when Luo Xia thought about it, it seemed that his life was quite colorful.
"It's true that all the identities are almost complete. If a father comes out one day and insists on recognizing me as his son, then it will really be consummated."

Luo Xia couldn't help muttering in his heart, but he didn't even believe the last sentence, so he was just thinking about it for fun.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Mu Xueyi showed a disappointed look on her small face, but Luo Xia's words made her look a bit more determined.

Taking a deep breath, Mu Xueyi's heart was unprecedentedly calm, and her expression became extremely serious.

"I want you to be my boyfriend!"

(PS: I saw some book friends asking Mu Xueyi, to be honest, I don’t know how to answer, so I can only let everyone find the answer by themselves.

In fact, when I set up this role, I was very entangled in my heart, and I didn't know how to evaluate this role.

If you have to comment, it should be "four can, eight characters" - pitiful, hateful, hateful, pathetic)

(End of this chapter)

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