Chapter 887 Why Can't You Explain It? (first update)
Hearing Mu Xueyi's words, Luo Xia was completely stunned.


Luo Xia could say that he had thought of all the 'functions' he could think of just now, but he never thought that Mu Xueyi would say this.

"Xueyi, you...are you joking?"

After recovering, Luo Xia asked in disbelief.

He still doesn't believe that Mu Xueyi would say the words just now.

"I was serious."

Mu Xueyi looked at Luo Xia with an extremely serious expression.

After speaking, her mood calmed down instead, and she was not so nervous.

"I like you, I want you to be my boyfriend!"

Mu Xueyi said firmly, from what she said, there was really no hint of a joke.

Luo Xia didn't know what to say, and said helplessly: "Xueyi, I have a girlfriend, it's not like you don't know."

"I know, but I don't care."

Mu Xueyi said: "I can be your third girlfriend."

Hearing what she said, Luo Xia was really dumbfounded.

The third?
In other words, now he already has two girlfriends?
This... What kind of international joke is this!

"Xue... Xueyi, why...why is it the third one?"

Luo Xia managed to force himself to concentrate, and asked stumblingly.

"Sister Yan is your girlfriend. Others don't know it, but I know it. You can't lie to me." Mu Xueyi said with absolute certainty.

Hearing what she said, Luo Xia's brain was really overwhelmed.

Where the hell is this...!

Mu Xueyi looked at Luo Xia, and said again: "Your girlfriend is so beautiful, so perfect, I thought I had no hope, and I was about to give up."

"But after finding out about you and Sister Yan, I have hope again."

"Since you can accept sister Yan, then you can accept me. At worst, I will be your girlfriend with the two of them."

After Mu Xueyi finished speaking in one breath, she felt a lot more relaxed inside.

But then, he became anxious again.

She was waiting for Luo Xia's answer, but she was really afraid of hearing an answer she didn't want to hear.

Hearing her words, Luo Xia was stunned for a long time, and finally understood what she meant.

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Luo Xia's mouth, and said: "Xueyi, did you misunderstand something, senior sister and I don't have that kind of relationship."

Hearing that Mu Xueyi didn't answer, but looked at Luo Xia fixedly, and said: "You can't fool me."

"I also know that when the two of you were together, you would call Sister Yan 'Shiyan'."

Hearing Mu Xueyi's words, Luo Xia was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help scratching his head.

" already know it. In fact, it's nothing. Xiaoyu also knows that Shiyan and I are just good friends."

Luo Xia's last words were directly ignored by Mu Xueyi, who only heard her say: "I know your girlfriend knows all of this, so I admire her willingness to share her boyfriend with others."

"Since your first real girlfriends were so generous, now, I don't care about sharing boyfriends with them."

Luo Xia: "..."

Hearing Mu Xueyi's words, Luo Xia almost went crazy.

It's such a simple thing, why can't I understand it!
"Xueyi, Shiyan and I are really not the kind of relationship you think, we are just ordinary friends."

Luo Xia explained again, but seeing Mu Xueyi's appearance, she obviously wouldn't believe it.

Sure enough, upon hearing Luo Xia's words, Mu Xueyi didn't even change a single bit of expression, she just couldn't believe it.

"Since you have nothing, why do you call each other secretly, not in front of us?"

Hearing Mu Xueyi's words, Luo Xia shook her head and said, "I don't know, Shiyan wants this."

"Maybe, I'm afraid you guys might misunderstand."

As he said that, Luo Xia walked in his heart and added: I have misunderstood now...

In fact, what Mu Xueyi said made Luo Xia feel a little strange.

At that time, Luo Xia also asked Lu Shiyan, and wanted to explain it directly to Qiu Yunyun, Mu Xueyi and the others, but Lu Shiyan didn't agree.

Otherwise, Luo Xia would not want to exchange the two names, and oftentimes, he would be easily confused...

Actually, Luo Xia didn't understand Lu Shiyan's thoughts, nor did she understand girls' thoughts.

As far as Lu Shiyan is concerned, although she likes to call Luo Xia by her name when alone, she also likes to call him 'Xue Luo' when there are many people.

Especially the latter, it was a title that only belonged to her, and only she could call Luo Xia that way.

It can be said that to a certain extent, that has become her exclusive little happiness.

If it was really a showdown like Qiu Yunyun and the others, then this kind of little happiness would no longer exist.

After talking for a long time, Luo Xia found that so many things were mixed together, it was really hard to explain...

After being silent for a while, Mu Xueyi blushed and said, "Just now, I let you see everything I should see. This is the first time I have done this in front of boys."

"I really like you. If you become my boyfriend, I...I can let you look at other places..."

When it came to the end, Mu Xueyi's voice became obviously quieter.

Luo Xia now only feels that one head is two big, and he really doesn't know what to do.

He suddenly discovered that he really had no experience of being confessed by a girl.

Luo Xia's silence caused Mu Xueyi to misunderstand other aspects.

She looked at Luo Xia, her pretty face was blushing, and she said weakly: " you want to touch it a few times?"

"This... I'm not ready for this. I haven't even held a boy's hand since I was a child."

Mu Xueyi's voice became smaller and smaller, and her little hands were slowly entangled together, saying: "If you touch me, you will be responsible for me..."

Hearing Mu Xueyi's words, Luo Xia couldn't help being stunned.

It's hard to imagine that these shy and conservative words came from the bold woman just now.

But Luo Xia could tell that she wasn't lying.

Other things can be pretended, but this instinctive nervous and shy reaction is absolutely impossible to pretend...


(PS: I saw a lot of book friends asking about Mu Xueyi again, maybe I didn’t express it clearly before, which caused everyone to misunderstand.

First of all, the ending of this book must be happy and not tragic. The only thing I struggle with is how to arrange Mu Xueyi's ending.

Regarding the difference between Mu Xueyi's character and others, I have hinted it many times in the previous article)

(End of this chapter)

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