League of Legends: I really don't want to master all positions

Chapter 893 What happened to the Great Demon King?

Chapter 893 What happened to the Great Demon King? (third change)
Seeing that Saker also smiled at the camera, Luo Xia was slightly surprised.

Now it looks like Saker is looking at him through the lens.

Of course Luo Xia knew that it was impossible for Saker to see through the camera.

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if Saker can really look over, how can he see himself without even turning on the camera...

If it wasn't for Luo Xia knowing that Saker would definitely not be able to see him, he would really think that Saker was smiling at him.

Seeing Saker's little action, both the commentator and the audience felt a little surprised.

It was as if the scene just now existed in a dream.

Who doesn't know, Saker is the most unsmiling, as long as he is in the game time, he always has that serious expression.

At most, at the end of the game, during interviews, he would appear shy.

And Saker took the initiative to smile at the camera.
Even if this is not the first time, at least Saker has participated in so many big and small competitions, and the number of times this scene has appeared can be counted on half a hand.

Great Demon King, what happened today?
"It seems that the Great Demon King Saker is not so serious. Just now, he was greeting audiences all over the world~"

After being slightly surprised, Han Ying was the first to recover and said in a relaxed tone.

"Han Ying, what you said is very reasonable, but I think, maybe the big devil is just laughing at that beautiful Korean host~"

After Han Ying finished speaking, Short Hair also quickly answered.

Hearing Short Hair's words, the depression in the hearts of the viewers who were watching the live broadcast dissipated a lot.

Many people even started to make fun of the barrage.

"666, what you said is level, I like it!"

"To tell you the truth, I think what Shorthair said is the truth. It's been a long time since I saw the big devil smile like this."

"Understand, understand, after all, the Great Demon King is also a man, and he has normal emotions~"

"Haha, I'm afraid I'll take away the backstage lady who controls the live camera before I get to be the hostess~"


Many viewers started posting barrages to make fun of it, and the people who made fun of it were naturally Saker and the Korean beauty host in the short-haired talk.

The Korean beauty host is named Zhao Enjing, and she was a very popular beauty host in the previous Korean OGN league.

Saker and her really have some intersection...

As we all know, the big devil Saker is a player who devotes himself to training and competitions. He keeps himself clean and has never had any scandals.

The monthly living expenses are only about 60 yuan. Board and lodging are all settled in the club, and I can't buy a set of clothes for a year.

It's scary to sign Jin Gao, even the highest in the entire e-sports circle, but he never keeps any money and leaves it all to his family.

After removing those auras on him, Saker is more like a very sensible, ordinary boy.

If there is any gossip, it should be the story of Saker and Korean beauty host Zhao Enjing that many people ridiculed.

Saker, who is famous for his viciousness in the arena, was very shy when interviewed by the media.

But when facing the interview hosted by this Korean beauty, she was too shy!
Even after a post-match interview of a game, Saker won the game, and he, who has never shown any emotions, was surprisingly extremely happy.

He also turned to the camera and said:

"Because I lost last time and couldn't accept the interview, and I couldn't see Zhao Enjing as the host, so it's a pity, but I'm very happy to win today."

"I still remember Zhao Enjing hosting the finals."

Little gossip spread like this.
Another point is that the MVP can only accept Zhao Enjing's interview after the end of the Korean OGN league regulations.

Saker's strength is extremely powerful, but not every game can win the MVP.

But those who are interested find that when interviewing the host Zhao Enjing after the game, the shy Saker devil has always silently taken away the MVP
Not only the players, but many commentators and professional players are making fun of this.

Saker has always had that serious expression, never responded, and no one knows what his real thoughts are.

In addition, Zhao Enjing later resigned from the hosting of the OGN League due to her studies, and this little scandal gradually faded away.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is really a possibility.

After all, Zhao Enjing's main job is not to be a host, but a junior in school full of youth and vitality, not even a few years older than Saker.

Saker was in an ignorant teenager at that time, maybe he really had some thoughts in his heart.

But these are just thoughts, what is the truth, only the parties themselves know...

This stalk was almost forgotten by people, and with Short Hair's reminder, many viewers remembered this incident again.

Shorthair's words directly eased the tense atmosphere before the game.

"Saker, what's wrong with you?"

In the FKT team, someone noticed Saker smiling at the camera and asked softly.

It was FKT's jungler Benkg who spoke.

It is also the person who has been in the team for the longest time since FKT was established, except for Saker.

In the team, he has a very good relationship with Saker, and they are nicknamed "airplane combination" by the audience.

It's just that after the S7 finals, Benkg will retire.

On this point, Benkg told Saker the night Luoxia was sniped by Hanbok.

After this year, the aircraft portfolio will no longer exist either.

Benkg has always been very sensitive to Saker's every move, otherwise, he would not be a solid backing for Saker.

Now because he is about to retire, Benkg cherishes the last opportunity to cooperate with Saker.

Regarding Saker's every move, Benkg became more sensitive than usual.

"It's nothing, I just feel that this game should be played well."

As he said that, although he knew that the camera was probably not on him, Saker still looked up, as if he could see Luo Xia on the other side of the screen.

"I always have a feeling that if I don't play well in this round, I will be looked down upon by others."

Hearing Saker's words, Benkg was stunned, and several other teammates were also stunned.

Even Benkg who has such a good relationship with Saker can't understand Saker, let alone other people.

In fact, Saker didn't know why he said those words.

But in his heart, there was that feeling.

This round must be won perfectly!

(PS: When it comes to Zhao Enjing, to put it simply, she is not a soy sauce that is mentioned casually. Her setting in this book is the Boss!

Uh... No, the Boss is a bit too much. Simply put, if the outline of this book does not change, she will show up before the peak battle.

As for the form in which it will appear, this will definitely not be disclosed.)

(End of this chapter)

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