Chapter 894 Powerful FKT! (first update)
The short-haired words made the pre-match atmosphere a lot easier, not only the audience, but also the three major commentators with smiles on their faces.

Soon, the smiles on their faces gradually disappeared, replaced by solemn faces.

In this round, they once again witnessed the strength of FKT and the strength of the great devil Saker!

EAF team's mid laner Blood Lian Cang Ming, although his character is not very good, but he still has some strength.

If he had no strength and poor character, he would definitely not be officially recognized as the number one mid laner in the national server.

However, even Xuelian Cangming didn't have much power to fight back when facing the Great Demon King Saker.

If Saker in the competition was compared to an ordinary teenager, then Xuelian Cangming was like a baby in swaddling!
The jungler of the EAF team ran to the middle lane countless times, but every time, he didn't want to catch Saker at all, but to preserve the blood and refine Cangming's development!

If he didn't come, Xuelian Cangming wouldn't be able to get a chance to develop at all.

The jungler of the EAF team died in the middle, but the middle still didn't help, and he almost fell.

Almost every time, he can meet that ghost-like Benkg, who protects Saker's middle lane to death!

The aircraft combination is no joke!
Ten minutes later, the situation on the court was almost one-sided.

Seeing the situation on the field, Jokkr sighed softly, turned off the headset silently, and sighed: "FKT is still strong!"

Han Ying at the side vaguely heard Jokkr's words, and temporarily turned off the headset, and temporarily handed over the commentary work to Short Hair.

Compared with the combination of Miwa and Leva, the combination of Jokkr and the three of them is somewhat different.

Strictly speaking, Jokkr does not belong to the official commentary of the league. To a certain extent, it is only commented as a guest.

It's like those popular anchors who come to act as guest commentators in the Intercontinental Games.

Among the three of them, the orthodox commentators are Han Ying and Short Hair. Even if Jokkr doesn't say anything during the commentary process, no audience will feel anything unusual.

And the game on the court was one-sided, without much ups and downs. Seeing Jokkr lamenting something, Han Ying simply handed over the commentary work to Short Hair for the time being.

Hearing Jokkr's words, Han Ying looked at the broadcast screen and said, "Yes, the Great Demon King is still tyrannical."

Hearing that, Jokkr nodded, and sighed again: "The key lies in the strength of FKT, not only limited to the big devil, Jin Zhengxun is also an extremely powerful guy."

"Since Marin left the team in S5, FKT has been lacking a strong top laner."

"Whether it's the top laner Duke or the substitute Huni, they can't stand alone. Many people think that this will become a fatal shortcoming of FKT, but..."

Having said that, Jokkr paused visibly.

Han Ying understood what he meant, and continued, "But FKT's coach, Kim Jung-hoon, used his super BP ability to minimize the impact."

"Just like this round, Duke's Shen in FKT's top lane is just under the tower to resist pressure, even if he sacrifices a little development, he just waits for his teammates to help."

"Benkg basically saves the middle lane, and will not go to the top lane. If he goes, he will definitely bring Saker!"

"Duke's Shen in the later stage only needs to be controlled by the line. Even if his strength is really weaker than EAF's top laner, it is enough to restrain him."

As expected of Han Ying, who has been a commentator for many years, her vision is not without viciousness, and she quickly saw the problems on the field.

Jokkr remained silent, and after a while, finally nodded slightly.

"Han Ying, what do you think is the possibility of QWG sanctioning FKT?"

Hearing Jokkr's words, Han Ying briefly thought about it and said, "The odds of winning are less than [-]%."

"Thirty percent?"

Hearing this, Jokkr gave a wry smile and said, "It's about the same as what I thought."

After finishing speaking, Jokkr didn't say anything more, turned on the headset again, adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses, and took the short hair's words without a trace.

Han Ying also turned on the headset, with a smile on her pretty face, explaining together with Jokkr and Short Hair.

The audience didn't feel anything unusual, but everyone didn't know that the two commentators had had a somewhat helpless conversation in private just now.

"Okay, let's congratulate FKT for pushing down the EAF team's base at 10 minutes and winning this game."

"If FKT continues to maintain this state, their undefeated dynasty may continue."

At 10 minutes, with the explosion of the EAF team's crystal base, Short Hair also said the commentary for the ending.

"Well... EAF's performance is also good. If this momentum continues, there should be no problem in qualifying for the group stage."

After Jokkr finished speaking, Han Ying followed closely.

Hearing the words of the two commentators, while the audience sighed in their hearts, they also agreed with Han Ying's words.

At least from today's point of view, the state of the EAF team is much better than yesterday, but it is a pity that they met FKT and did not escape the fate of failure.

However, if the state of today continues, if they meet the AHH team again, they will basically win.

Thinking of this, many viewers sighed in their hearts, FKT is still so powerful.

Today, the EAF team has played well, but it is still not FKT's opponent.

Although many viewers satirized the EAF team, the fourth seed team and the fourth seed team, some even suspected that the EAF team used tricks to defeat the WSF team.

But the score of 3:2 in the double-F battle was already very telling. The strength of the EAF team and the WSF team should be on par.

Even if the WSF team is really better than the EAF team, it is not much stronger.

Since the EAF team is not an opponent of FKT, and even said that they don't have much power to fight back, this has already shown to a certain extent that the No. [-] seed team of the LPL is not an opponent of FKT.

The MTC team that Anye Wufeng belongs to is even stronger than the WSF team and the EAF team, but it is impossible to win the EAF team so easily.

It can be said that if the MTC team faces FKT, the odds of winning are still very low
While the audience hated iron and steel, they also sighed secretly, how could FKT be so strong!

This is still the case when Marin is gone. If Marin is still there, isn't it really invincible?

And Luo Xia looked at Saker's super god 8-0-3 clockwork on the ending page, and subconsciously pursed his lips.

This guy is really not a weak opponent!
After the game ended, players from both sides shook hands and left the field one after another. Saker still had the same serious expression on his face, and there was no change.

When the camera panned to Saker, Lorshaw was watching him.

As if feeling something, Saker also raised his head, and after standing quietly for a while, he smiled at the camera again.

That smile was like greeting an old friend whom I haven't seen for a long time.
(End of this chapter)

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