Chapter 895 Doubt (Second Update)
Seeing Saker smile for the camera again at the end of the game, the audience was at a loss.

What good thing happened to the Great Demon King today? Why did he meet twice in one day in a scene that he usually doesn't see once every ten thousand years?
Could it be that she really had a secret relationship with the beautiful hostess, with a 'sex-blessing' smile on her face?

If this is the case, the Korean media is too useless!

If it were placed in Huaxia, any paparazzi would definitely pick it up for you!
Just like smart paparazzi, they don’t have to wait for Saker at the entrance of the club to take sneak shots.

If that is the case, it is estimated that there will be no results.

Smart paparazzi, ask someone to investigate Saker's diet directly, if there are more supplements such as oysters, leeks, sheep whip...

Then, basically it can be hammered!
"This guy……"

The audience were all thinking wildly, only Luo Xia read something different from Saker's smile.

It looks like an old friend is greeting, and it seems to be a little provocative?

"This guy is really getting stronger and stronger!"

Looking at Saker in the camera, Luo Xia murmured in his heart.

Thinking of the performance of the EAF team today, and contacting his previous guess, Luo Xia felt a little uncertain again.

"Could it be that I was thinking wrong, was it really just that the EAF team's state was not adjusted properly yesterday?"

Luo Xia felt a little strange in his heart. Judging from today's situation, the EAF team can still play well.

As several commentators have said, if this state is maintained, there is no big problem for the EAF team to qualify for the group stage.

After all, although the behemoth FKT is in Group C where the EAF team is located, the strength of the other two teams is not strong.

In the four-to-two competition, the EAF team still has a great chance.

Regardless of the current record of the EAF team is 0-2, but the other two teams probably won't win a game against FKT.

The situation in Group C can basically be said that FKT has qualified 6-0, and the other three teams are fighting for that spot.

But just like this, Luo Xia felt even more strange.

Could it be that the EAF team really didn't perform, and yesterday's match against the AHH team was just in a bad state?
Just when Luoxia felt strange, the live broadcast of the game was turned away from Saker and turned to the members of the EAF team.

At this time, the handshake between the two parties has ended, and all members of the EAF team are packing their things and preparing to leave.

It was this seemingly ordinary scene that made Luo Xia frown.

"It's not right, it's still not right!"

From the camera, Luo Xia clearly saw that the EAF team members were talking and laughing when they were packing their things.

Logically speaking, losing a game at a top event like the World Finals will definitely affect your mood.

Not to mention anything else, even if you don't show how decadent you are, you will definitely feel depressed.

However, Luo Xia didn't see even a little bit of this emotion from the EAF team members. Instead, he saw them talking and laughing.

It seems that the members of the EAF team don't care about the result of the game at all.

This is very abnormal...

"Could it be that they don't care about this World Finals at all, they just come for fun?"

In Luo Xia's heart, this thought could not help but pop up.

The match against the AHH team yesterday may have been nothing wrong in the eyes of others, but in Luo Xia's view, the EAF team made mistakes again and again, as if they were acting.

In today's game, although the EAF team didn't seem to be acting and played very hard, after the game, the players were all talking and laughing.

This means that they have a good mentality, or that they have a big heart!

Luo Xia couldn't help but wonder if the EAF team didn't care about this global finals at all, they just came for fun.

"But if that's the case, it doesn't make sense."

Luo Xia frowned slightly, and murmured: "At the time of the double-F battle and the competition for the No. [-] seed in the LPL World Finals, EAF didn't seem to pay attention to the game."

Luo Xia still remembers that when they competed with the WSF team for the No. [-] seed in the LPL, the EAF team was not what it is now.

It can be said that they put all their energy into feeding and played a full BO5 with the WSF team.

Some viewers even wondered for a while whether the EAF team won the game by kicking power.

If the EAF team really didn't care about the global finals at all, how could they compete with the WSF team to that extent?

If you don't care, why don't you just give up the third seed of the LPL in the global finals to the WSF team?

After turning off the live broadcast, Luo Xia still couldn't figure it out more and more. In the end, he could only scratch his head and muttered: "EAF team, what a strange team."

After thinking for a while, Luo Xia didn't want to understand the reason, so he stopped thinking about it and fell asleep on the sofa.

Tomorrow, there is another very important matter waiting for him.

Tomorrow is the day when the top 32 of the National University League will advance to the top 16!

Luoxia and their Xincheng University belong to the South China Division. The top 32 will advance to the top 16, and the top 16 will advance to the top 8. The competitions are all held in H City.

In this way, it can be said that they have saved a lot of effort.

But thinking of the college league game, Luo Xia couldn't help but feel a little headache.

He didn't know if he would be embarrassed when he saw Mu Xueyi again, if that little girl was still so stubborn and stubborn.

Luo Xia always has a feeling that Mu Xueyi should not give up so easily...

"Forget it, never mind, let's go to sleep first."

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Xia said something in a fit of anger, and fell asleep without thinking any more.

Regarding the EAF team, although Luo Xia didn't understand what kind of plans they had, but at least one thing, Luo Xia was right.

In today's match against FKT, the EAF team really didn't play, and it can even be said that they played very seriously.

They know that there is no need to act, and whether they act or not, they are not FKT's opponents.

That being the case, it's better to play hard, at least let those local tyrants in the 'gambling game' think that they are capable.

Otherwise, if those local tyrants changed the proportion of betting amount and changed the odds, the EAF team would not be able to earn as much.

It can be said that after today's game, almost all the audience thought that the EAF team was in a bad state on the first day, and today it recovered.

Luo Xia was different from these audiences, and realized that something was wrong.

In addition to Luoxia, the abnormality of the EAF team also attracted the attention of one person...

At this time, the EAF team didn't know, because of this person, their seemingly perfect plan finally fell through completely.

It can even be said that it has completely become a joke...


(End of this chapter)

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