Chapter 899 What about your integrity! (Second update)
After thinking through all this, Luo Xia scratched his hair, feeling a little restless in his heart.

"Brother Xia, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Luo Xia's actions, Ke Bei said something strange.

"It's nothing, it's just annoying."

Luo Xia scratched his hair, and said with a little anger.


Hearing what Luo Xia said, Ke Bei couldn't help letting out a sigh.

Just when he was about to ask something more, a voice suddenly came from the field.




Three loud voices suddenly sounded in the stadium, the flashes kept flashing, and the sound became more dynamic in an instant.

Today's game is finally about to start!

After being interrupted like this, Ke Bei didn't ask any more questions, and focused on the game.

At this time, on the commentary stage, the voices of two commentators came.

"Hi everyone, welcome to the match site of City H, where the top 32 of the National University League matches advances to the top 16."

On the commentary stage, there was a hearty male voice, it was Wan Tao who was talking about the commentary that changed the soup but not the medicine.

"I'm explaining Wan Tao."

"I'm explaining Mi'er."

Soon, on the commentary platform, the voices of the two commentators came down in unison.

Luo Xia had already received the news that Wan Tao and Mi'er were still the commentators for the top 32 to enter the top 16 of the college league today.

However, when Luo Xia slightly raised his head and saw clearly the two people on the commentary stage, he was still slightly surprised.

Today's Wan Tao is wearing a clean suit with a tie, and looks very energetic.

It seems that there is no difference from before.

What surprised Luo Xia was Mi'er's outfit today and Wan Tao's intentional or unintentional actions.

The last time Luo Xia saw Mi'er, she was wearing a lavender evening gown, which was slightly loose, and Luo Xia could roughly tell that she was pregnant.

Today's Mi'er not only has a slightly looser dress, but also has a relatively obvious bulge in her lower abdomen.

Last time Wan Tao had been protecting Mi'er intentionally or unintentionally, for fear that she would get bumped, but now, it's not limited to this.

It can be said that this time, Wan Tao is not only protecting Mier, but to a certain extent, is already supporting her!

"Mi'er's commentary is very dedicated, her body is like this, and she still insists on being on the commentary stage."

Seeing Mi'er on the commentary stage, Luo Xia sighed inwardly.

Mi'er probably doesn't want to be separated from Wan Tao either.

But Luo Xia knew that with Mi'er's current physical condition, she definitely couldn't bear much bumps.

The commentary task in City H may be adequate, but the game in Shanghai may be very reluctant.

At this moment, Wan Tao said: "Today's first match will be the Lxsky team from Xincheng University against the SZ team from Yazhong University!"

Hearing Wan Tao's words, all the audience who heard Luo Xia's team name for the first time were stunned.

Team Lxsky?

Which team actually came up with such a domineering team name!

Mi'er and Wan Tao looked at each other and smiled at each other. The audience's reaction was within their expectations.

The two of them also watched the team come all the way.

After Wan Tao finished speaking, Mi'er said: "What I want to tell everyone is that the main team of the Lxsky team is five girls."

"Simply put, they are a women's team!"

After Mi'er finished speaking, the audience didn't recover for a moment.

Not counting substitutes, the starting players in the five main positions are all girls?

This Lxsky team turned out to be a women's team? !

After reacting, there was a burst of discussion in the auditorium.

"Damn it, women's team, is it true or not?"

"With such a domineering team name, it turns out to be a women's team?"

"Can the female players do better than the male players? Whether it's reaction or operation, they can't keep up at all!"

"That's right, and their opponent is Shanzhong University, which is 985 University!"

"Oh, it's getting colder, I think this women's team is just going for a show."


When Mier said that Lu Shiyan and the others' team was a women's team, many viewers couldn't help but start discussing, obviously they didn't think they would be opponents of Shanzhong University.

Luo Xia and Ke Bei sat in the auditorium and heard the discussions of the people around them, but they didn't argue about anything.

They have been questioned many times, and they don't blame the audience. Anyone who hears a women's team coming to play a game will probably have the same first reaction.

But Luo Xia believes that the facts will make these audiences shut up!
And many around who watched Lu Shiyan and the others compete, especially some college students from Xincheng University, heard the discussions around them, and they even sneered in their hearts.

I don't understand anything, I just mess around with BB here.

Not to mention anything else, Xincheng University's team reached the semi-finals in the college league last year. Where is the mountain university you are talking about?
Just managed to secure a top eight, okay, I didn't even see the shadow of the top four!

These spectators who watched Lu Shiyan and the others' matches could even be said to be their fans, but they were not as good-tempered as Luo Xia and Ke Bei.

In the audience, debates about which team is stronger can be said to happen from time to time.

"Okay, now the players of the two teams have entered the field one after another, and the game is about to begin!"

Accompanied by Wan Tao's voice and the audience's comments, Lu Shiyan, the others, and people from Shanzhong University all came out from the backstage.

On the big screen of the broadcast, the figures of both sides also appeared, switching constantly.

The moment the players from both sides entered the field, the discussion in the audience instantly weakened.

"My God, beautiful girl!"

" beautiful, and she has such a good figure, am I blind?"

"Big screen, zoom in the camera a bit more, the director in the background is not sensible!"

"I didn't expect this women's team to be so good-looking. The five male players on the opposite side shouldn't be able to make it to the game, right?"

"That goes without saying, if there are five girls like this sitting across from me, I can give away their heads!"


Seeing Lu Shiyan and the others walk out, many audience members murmured, their eyes almost straightened.

Soon, another voice broke out in the auditorium.

"Based on their looks, I support them!"

"That's right, appearance is directly proportional to strength, and their strength is absolutely indistinguishable!"

Luo Xia: "..."

The audience who supported Yamanaka University at the beginning, most of them turned defected directly at this time.

Hearing what the audience said, Luo Xia didn't know what to say.

The clamor was so loud just now, and so quickly, there was a 180-degree change.

These audiences even uttered nonsense about the direct ratio between appearance and strength.

Now Luo Xia really wants to say something to these audiences, what about your integrity!

(End of this chapter)

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