Chapter 900 Everyone's Attention (Part [-])
The reason why the audience had such a big reaction is also very simple, it was Lu Shiyan and the others who came out from the backstage.

As the captain, Lu Shiyan was naturally at the front. It can be said that the reason why the audience lost their composure was largely because of her.

Walking in the forefront, Lu Shiyan appeared in the center of the big screen, with long hair and shawls, a beautiful face, and a picturesque beauty.

On the extremely delicate Qiong nose is a pair of clear and deep water-cut eyes, and the two willow eyebrows on the beautiful eyes are as soft and beautiful as a crescent moon.

Luo Xia knew that Lu Shiyan never wore lipstick, but her pink lips were delicate and charming, as if she had applied rouge, which was shockingly beautiful.

And because of the large screen in the center of the competition venue, her beauty was magnified several times.

Rather than saying that the audience was amazed by the beauty of the five of them just now, it would be better to say that they were completely amazed by Lu Shiyan's beauty.

Even Ke Bei has little stars in his eyes.

"Brother Xia, Sister Shiyan is really good-looking." Ke Bei said sincerely.

"I never doubted that."

Hearing Ke Bei's words, Luo Xia said very naturally.

"Then why didn't you respond?"

"Oh, if you watch a lot, you will have a certain degree of immunity."

Ke Bei: "..."

When Luo Xia saw Lu Shiyan for the first time, although she was calm on the surface, she was really shocked in her heart.

It is conceivable that Luo Xia, who has a beautiful sister Luo Zhixuan since childhood and is only interested in games, has a high degree of resistance to beauty.

But even so, when she saw Lu Shiyan for the first time, Luo Xia was amazed.

Only he himself knew that there was even a moment of sluggishness in his heart at that time.

It was also the first time for Luo Xia to know that someone could see this well.

It is an exaggeration to say that it is really a kind of beauty that should not exist in the world.

Back then, Shi Haochi wanted to get her even by force.

Thinking of this, Luo Xia couldn't help but think of the place where Lu Shiyan lived when she was a child.

Although it is very tattered, there is no dirt, and what she eats are vegetables that she has planted and watered herself.

"Only in that kind of environment can a perfect girl like Shiyan be bred."

Looking at the big screen, Luo Xia couldn't help thinking this way.

The director's camera only stayed for a while, and quickly cut away from Lu Shiyan's face, which made the audience curse inwardly.

But soon, they could no longer swear, and their eyes were all straightened.

The director zoomed out a bit, and the whole picture of the five of them appeared on the big screen. The most eye-catching one was Lu Shiyan who was walking in the front.

Lu Shiyan was wearing a slightly baggy team uniform, but it still couldn't hide her slender figure.

Many people almost stare blankly.

Of course, Luo Xia would not lose her composure like these audiences. After her eyes stayed on Lu Shiyan for a short while, she looked behind her.

He first saw Qiu Yunyun and Xia Rou who looked confident, and then Zhong Xiaodie who followed behind the two of them, although he was nervous, he still raised his head.

The one who walked at the end of the line was Mu Xueyi who lowered her head slightly and looked obviously unconfident.
Seeing this situation, Luo Xia couldn't help but sighed softly in his heart.

He had never noticed this before, but after the conversation with Ke Bei today, Luo Xia understood a little.

In Mu Xueyi's heart, she was indeed not confident all the time. To put it simply, her lack of self-confidence was due to her strength.

If her strength could be stronger, perhaps this would not be the case, but
Not to mention that strength doesn't happen overnight, and he can improve it if he wants to. Even if he wants to help Mu Xueyi, he doesn't know if she has that thought.

"Brother Xia, what tactics did you help Sister Shiyan and the others formulate before the match?"

Seeing that both parties were ready and entered the BP page, Ke Bei couldn't help asking.

Hearing Ke Bei's words, Luo Xia's thoughts were pulled back.

Afterwards, he shook his head lightly, and said, "No, I didn't participate in today's game. They made all the tactics themselves."

Luo Xia was telling the truth, he did not interfere at all in today's game.

Everything, including the formulation of tactics and lineup, was determined by the five of them.

According to their words, if they can't even pass the first round, there is no need to continue.

Besides, Zuo Tiande also helped them make an appointment with a team to play a training match, and the other party proposed a condition for them to enter the top sixteen.

If this is the case, you have to fight in with your own strength, otherwise, you will be looked down upon by the other party in vain!
It was precisely because of this that Luo Xia didn't interfere with even a single hero selection before the game, and let them handle it all by themselves.

Luo Xia really didn't know how they would fight, what tactics and lineup they would come up with.


Hearing what Luo Xia said, Ke Bei let out a soft oh, and didn't say anything else.

Looking at the BP of both sides, Luo Xia's expression has not changed much, he nodded secretly in his heart, and said a few words to Ke Bei beside him from time to time.

It wasn't until he saw Mu Xueyi's last candidate on the fifth floor that his mood became complicated.

The one Mu Xueyi chose was the Clockwork Demon, Orianna!
On the field, Zhong Xiaodie has already chosen a rock sparrow, and this clockwork is a support at first glance.

"It seems that she still listened to what I said to her."

Seeing the hero Mu Xueyi chose, Luo Xia thought to himself.

When helping Mu Xueyi in single training, he once told her that when Zhong Xiaodie and Lu Shiyan cooperate, they often use AP support.

At that time, Luo Xia also recommended a few to her, such as Clockwork, Karma, and even a fierce support like Lux.

Luo Xia originally thought that she was distracted and didn't listen to it, but unexpectedly, she still listened to it.

It can be seen that she really wants to improve her strength, and she has seriously considered his opinion.

"She is obviously a hard-working and filial girl, why is she so stubborn..."

Thinking of this, Luo Xia scratched his hair vigorously again.


(End of this chapter)

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