Chapter 901 Bear grudges? (first update)
Soon after the BP ended, the game officially began.

The entire audience also shouted and cheered in unison.

"Lxsky team, come on!!!"

"SZ team, come on!!!"


Both Luo Xia and Ke Bei couldn't help being affected by that fanatical atmosphere.

"Brother Xia, it feels great to sit in the auditorium, much better than sitting in the background!"

Feeling the surrounding atmosphere, Ke Bei was also extremely excited.

If it is in the background, the game can still be watched, but the lively atmosphere is gone.

"Haha, that's natural."

Luo Xia responded with a smile, and quickly focused on the game.

What surprised Luo Xia and Ke Bei was that the first round of the game went extremely fast.

It's even hard to imagine getting to Luoxia soon.

At 19 minutes and 30 seconds, Lu Shiyan and the others directly pushed down the opposite base!
If it was in the past, if they hadn't surrendered in advance, at this time, the other side wouldn't even be able to surrender!

Luo Xia always knew in her heart that Lu Shiyan and the others were very strong, but she never expected that they would become so strong before she knew it.

In this game, from the beginning, they were playing against each other across the board.

Simply, it was a crushing victory!

Thinking about it is also true, since the opening of the 32nd selection competition of the college league, they have never relied on Luo Xia, and they have all made it up little by little by their own strength.

The only time he was asked to rescue the field was also when Zhen Pi and others were found out to find substitutes.

It can be said that leaving aside the special situation of proxy fights, under normal circumstances, they can already stand alone.

The team formed by these ordinary college students is far from their opponents.

After the results of the first game came out, many spectators were dumbfounded.

"My God, this women's team is so strong!"

"To be honest, this is really strong. I don't have to say anything about operation and awareness. Although the league can't see the rank, but their average rank is at least around the third rank, right?"

"Absolutely more than that, not to mention anything else, that AD girl is at least a master, the strength of both ADs is obviously not at the same level!"

"I have both good looks and strength. I'm going to be a fan of this women's team. Let them take care of me!"

"Yes, yes, especially the beautiful ADC, she is simply perfect!"


Seeing the results of the first game, the audience's attitude changed 180 degrees.

Previously, after Lu Shiyan and the others appeared on the stage, many viewers said that appearance is directly proportional to strength, and they should support them.

But at that time, there was something of a joke in it.

Now that the first game is over, these spectators are really impressed by their strength.

They said before the game that they were just going through the motions, they couldn't keep up with the operation and reaction, and those people who were definitely not the opponents of Yamanaka University, their faces were almost swollen from the beating!

Let them talk at this time, and they are too embarrassed to talk anymore.

Almost all those who supported Shanzhong University before the game were now supporting Lu Shiyan and the others!

There are even some people who are jokingly talking about asking for a baby.

Hearing what the audience said, Luo Xia looked at Mu Xueyi on the broadcast screen, but sighed softly in his heart.

In fact, in this round, he has been paying attention to Mu Xueyi's performance, even when the camera is not on the bottom lane, Luo Xia is paying attention to the bottom lane.

In this round, even from Luo Xia's point of view, Mu Xueyi's performance was pretty good.

In many cases, it can be said that you dare to fight hard, and the details are at least qualified.

But because Lu Shiyan's performance was really good, too dazzling, so dazzling that it covered up Mu Xueyi's little bit of light.

It was also because Lu Shiyan was too strong that Mu Xueyi was always in an extremely awkward position.

"Is it optional..."

Thinking of what Ke Bei said to him before, Luo Xia couldn't help sighing softly in his heart.

If Qiu Yunyun or Xia Rou were to play AD, Mu Xueyi would definitely not be out of touch in coordination.

Zhong Xiaodie's words will not be much worse.

Although the gap between Diamond Three and the master is not small, it is not obvious that there is any obvious disconnection in coordination.

But it happened that Lu Shiyan played the position of AD, and Lu Shiyan was still the strongest in their team.

Even Zhong Xiaodie had a hard time helping Lu Shiyan, let alone Mu Xueyi.

Mu Xueyi's efforts, under Lu Shiyan's strength and dazzling light, could not achieve much results at all.

After the game, the audience discussed the most about how well AD played, and there was no such thing as "how powerful the support is".

Even when the audience joked about begging for support, they were talking about Lu Shiyan, not anyone else.

Everything is because of Lu Shiyan.

Aside from the strength in the game, in reality, Lu Shiyan is even more of a disastrous beauty.

Just like what Luo Xia thought in his heart before, Lu Shiyan's beauty has really reached the level of unparalleled beauty.

Be sure to turn heads wherever you go.

In fact, based on looks alone, Mu Xueyi is not bad.

At least, she's a classy beauty.

If Lu Shiyan wasn't there, she would definitely be the focus of attention.

She is a little beauty, and with her petite and cute, shy temperament, she will definitely be liked by many people.

But under Lu Shiyan's suffocating beauty, whether it's her or Qiu Yunyun, they can only be reduced to a foil.

Thinking about it now, Ke Bei used 'poor' to describe Mu Xueyi, it seems that there is really nothing wrong...

"If I were Xueyi, I would hate Shiyan to death."

For some reason, such an idea suddenly popped up in Luo Xia's heart.

Because he suddenly realized that Mu Xueyi's current situation seemed to be related to Lu Shiyan.

Whether it is the strength in the game or the attention outside the game, Lu Shiyan is the most eye-catching.

If Lu Shiyan wasn't so perfect, Mu Xueyi wouldn't be in such an embarrassing situation.

Even Mu Xueyi only plays a support position, because the gap in strength between her and Lu Shiyan is too large, she often has to give up her position.

From this point of view, Mu Xueyi has a lot of reasons to hate Lu Shiyan.

"Hehe, what am I thinking, Xueyi has such a good temper and such a delicate personality, how could she hate Shiyan."

Luo Xia had just thought of this, and soon shook his head lightly, with a hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He himself felt that his own thoughts were ridiculous.

Gradually, the smile on the corner of Luo Xia's mouth disappeared.

"Xueyi, you don't really hate Shiyan, do you..."

Looking at the rebroadcast footage on the big screen, the thought that made Luo Xia feel funny just now somehow made him a little uneasy.


(End of this chapter)

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