Chapter 905 Chance of Victory! (Second update)
What Luo Xia said was something that everyone knew, and it could even be said to be nonsense.

But it was this round of 'nonsense' that made Qiu Yunyun and the others stunned for a moment, as if they had thought of something.

Seeing their reactions, Luo Xia nodded and said: "That's right, the strongest point of the WSF team is in the bottom lane, and our strongest point is also in the bottom lane!"

"Only when our strongest point develops and the opponent's strongest point develops limited, can we have a chance to win against such a strong team!"

Luo Xia is right, compared to several other strong teams, the strongest point of the WSF team is in the bottom lane.

Coincidentally, the strongest part of Lu Shiyan's team is also in the bottom lane.

If it was against other teams, even if Lu Shiyan really eliminated the opponent's bottom lane, it would not be of much use.

Because other positions on the opposite side can also stand up and carry.

Just like the EAF team, their strongest is the mid laner.

If the bottom lane is abolished, as long as their mid lane development is not affected, they can still bring the rhythm up.

For QWG, not to mention how difficult it is to destroy the bottom lane on the opposite side, even if the bottom lane is really suppressed, Maple Leaf Setting Sun on the top lane can also stand up immediately.

MTC is even more difficult to deal with, because their strongest is not the lane, but the perfect overall view of the jungler, the awareness of catching people and anti-squatting.

When they met the other three teams, they didn't have any chance.

The only difference is the WSF team!

As long as Lu Shiyan can suppress the opponent's botlane, or even cripple her, then while ensuring her own development, she will also limit the opponent's strongest point.

If they can really do this, it's not like they have a chance to win against such a strong team!

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Qiu Yunyun and the others felt like they were in a dream.

They already understood what Luo Xia meant.

After being stunned for a moment, Lu Shiyan finally came back to her senses, and said a little unconfidently: "Xue Luo, I...should not be able to do it"

She understands that whether she can win the WSF team or not, the burden rests on her alone.

Hearing Lu Shiyan's words, Luo Xia smiled slightly and said, "Sister Shi, believe in yourself, you are very strong."

Lu Shiyan didn't speak yet, but Qiu Yunyun said excitedly: "Luo Xia, what should we do, I'm all up to you!"

At this moment, there was no worry on her face, but a look of excitement.

It's exciting to think about winning the WSF team and defeating the No. [-] seed team whose strength is close to that of the LPL!
Luo Xia nodded slightly, and said: "I have watched a few games of the WSF team. Their junglers have always liked to play around the bottom lane."

"This is something we can use."

With that said, Luo Xia slowly turned his gaze to Xia Rou.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Qiu Yunyun and the others also felt very normal.

The strongest part of the WSF team is the bottom lane, and it is understandable for the jungler to play around the bottom lane.

Just like the extremely powerful FKT, isn't their jungler Benkg hovering in the middle like a ghost?

What's more, compared to the other two lanes, the development time of the bottom lane is longer. If the AD does not develop, the team battle will not be able to deal damage.

For the WSF team, the jungler must often go to the bottom lane.

Seeing Luo Xia looking towards her, Xia Rou nodded and said: "I understand, their junglers will often go to the bottom lane, and they will rarely go to other lanes."

"I'll help other roads more, and it's better if I don't go down the road, right?"

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Xia Rou also understood something.

Since the jungler of the WSF team likes to go to the bottom lane, then she just avoids it and turns to other lanes.

When the WSF team and the EAF team fought the double F battle, Lu Shiyan, Xia Rou and others also watched it on the live broadcast.

In the first game, the bottom lane of the EAF team took the policewoman Jia Morgana in an attempt to suppress the wheel mother of the sea and waves.

As a result, in that round, the EAF team was suppressed by the wheel mother of Cang Hailangchen in the early stage, and the wheel mother brought the rhythm.

In the next game, the EAF team directly did the opposite, took a double-shield combination of a wheel mother and a wind girl to promote development, and switched to other paths, but stabilized the situation.

Xuelian Cangming in the middle lane also played his strength as the number one mid laner in the national server, wandering around in a few waves, making the bottom lane of the sea and waves very uncomfortable.

From this point of view, if you want to win the WSF team, you must first open the gap from other channels.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Xia Rou also took it for granted that Luo Xia wanted her to help in other ways.

However, to her surprise, Luo Xia shook her head, and said very seriously: "On the contrary, I ask you to help me out more!"


Hearing what Luo Xia said, Xia Rou didn't recover for a while.

The jungler on the opposite side is already stationed in the bot lane, and they go to help the bot lane more. Can it really achieve results?
Xia Rou doesn't even think that her consciousness will be stronger than that of professional players. If she is caught in the bottom lane, if she is squatted back, it is really easy to crash!

"Luo Xia, why do you want to do this? Help other lanes and avoid the opponent's jungler, isn't it good? The EAF team also responds in this way."

Hearing this, Luo Xia shook his head, and said: "The way the EAF team handles is not suitable for us, besides..."

Speaking, Luo Xia smiled slightly, and said: "If you want to avoid the opponent's jungler, you need more help."

Hearing Luo Xia's words, not only Xia Rou, Qiu Yunyun and others were also a little confused.

Isn't the jungler on the opposite side always fighting around the bottom lane? How can you help out and avoid the jungler on the opposite side?
Only Lu Shiyan didn't say anything. After thinking for a while, she said uncertainly, "Xue Luo, you mean that the WSF team...will fight us in a different way?"


Luo Xia glanced at Lu Shiyan approvingly, and said: "When fighting us, not only will their junglers not stay in the bottom lane all the time, they may even not come once in a while!"

"Why?" Xia Rou asked puzzled.

Luo Xia's expression was extremely determined, "Because they are a strong team, they naturally have their arrogance!"

"When playing against other strong LPL teams, their jungler has been playing around the bottom lane. It can be said that this is their best style of play."

"Put yourself in the shoes and think about it. Since it's the best style of play, a training match with us won't make them so serious."

"Besides, their captain, Canghailangchen, is the number one AD in the national server, and the strongest person in their entire team."

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Qiu Yunyun and the others showed stunned expressions on their faces.

I have to admit that what Luo Xia said made sense.

Now in the eyes of the WSF team, they should be very inconspicuous, and they can be defeated easily.

The strength of the two sides does not seem to be equal at all, how can they come up with the best style of play to beat them?
Not only will they not try their best to beat them, but it is possible to release some water.

Thinking of this, Qiu Yunyun and the others' eyes lit up.

This is really a chance to beat the WSF team!

(End of this chapter)

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