Chapter 906 What a Crazy Plan! (third update)
Seeing that they had come to understand, Luo Xia's eyes showed a bit of fanaticism.

"That's right, what we want to use is their thinking."

"Since they gave us such a good opportunity, we must work hard to defeat them!"

At the end, Luo Xia became more and more excited obviously.

Playing against strong players and playing against strong teams has always excited him.

And the WSF team is undoubtedly one of the best teams in the LPL!
It can be said that apart from this opportunity, Luo Xia and Lu Shiyan have hardly had the opportunity to come into contact with such a strong team.

Luo Xia really hoped that Lu Shiyan and the others could defeat them.

After all, it's not like there's no chance at all!
Qiu Yunyun and the others understood Luo Xia's meaning, but Zhong Xiaodie was still a little worried and said, "What if they still use the system they are best at against us?"

"Haha, no, Xiaodie, when you play Doudizhu, will there be four twos and two kings?"

Before Luo Xia said anything, Qiu Yunyun smiled and said.

Hearing this, Zhong Xiaodie showed a shocked expression on his face, and said weakly: "What do you mean?"

"That goes without saying, it must be the low card first, we are not worthy of the WSF team playing four twos and two kings." Qiu Yunyun said very naturally.

Hearing what she said, Zhong Xiaodie was stunned. Unexpectedly, Qiu Yunyun used this as an example.

It sounds pretty apt, though.
As she said that, Qiu Yunyun looked at Luo Xia again, and said, "For example, if they have a 40-meter long knife in their hands, they wish we could run 39 meters before making a move."

"Luo Xia, is that what you mean?"

Hearing this, Luo Xia scratched his head, although it sounded a little weird, but it still made sense to some extent.

"Uh haha, that's pretty much what it means. As long as we run fast enough and get out of the range of their long knives, they won't be able to do anything to us anymore."

Luo Xia scratched his head, and smiled heartlessly.

It can be said that he followed Qiu Yunyun's train of thought and made metaphors.

Although this metaphor sounds a bit awkward, Lu Shiyan and the others understood the implication.

The rhythm must be fast, so fast that the WSF team cannot react.

Even if you want not to be injured by this 40-meter long knife, you must be fast when you start running!
To make sure that when they swing their knives, it is too late to hurt them. Only in this way can they have a chance to win the WSF team!
And, run to the finish line quickly!

After all, even if you have an advantage in the early stage, if you are delayed and fall into the middle and late stages.
Compete with professional teams for operational capabilities?
Then, there is really no chance of winning.

Wanting to understand Luo Xia's words, Qiu Yunyun became more and more excited, and said: "Luo Xia, if the above conditions are met, can we win against the WSF team?"

"Uh...Under normal circumstances, even if all the above conditions are met, there is not much chance of winning."

Luo Xia's expression froze slightly, but he still gave his answer truthfully.

Seeing Qiu Yunyun's puzzled gaze, Luo Xia showed a bit of helplessness, and said, "Yunyun, do you really think that the No. [-] seed team in the LPL is so easy to win..."

"Even if all the above conditions are met, we will only have a chance to win if they give us a chance."

"This opportunity mainly depends on whether they can be on the bench or other backup players, otherwise..."

Qiu Yunyun and the others understood Luo Xia's words.

Even if they do everything perfectly, if they face the five starters of the WSF team, there is no possibility of winning.

The five starters of the WSF team did not know how many times they cooperated, and they did not know the level of tacit understanding. Even if they were temporarily disrupted by them, they would soon be able to stabilize.

As Luo Xia has always said, a complete professional team and a semi-complete professional team are not on the same level at all.

Even if the players in each position are replaced with players of the same rank, the strength of the team will be greatly reduced.

Only a whole team is the strongest!

If it wasn't for the last complete WSF team, Luo Xia really had a sliver of confidence to win them!

After realizing it, Qiu Yunyun, Xia Rou and the others had expressions of excitement on their faces.

What Luo Xia said today is to overthrow the WSF team!
To overthrow the WSF team, which is equivalent to the LPL No. [-] seed team, this... what a crazy plan!
After sorting out his thoughts, Luo Xia said: "We only have one chance, whether it's a hero or a tactical play, we have to choose well."

"Yunyun, you have to use the kind of hero who can withstand pressure, at least in the mid-term."

"For Xia Rou, it's best to play a jungler who is more aggressive in the early stage, and it's best to have the ability to jump towers."

"I've probably already thought about what Xiaodie's mid laner will use. As for Xueyi, I'll use..."

In the middle of Luo Xia's words, he felt that someone was pulling him, and he held back the words halfway through.

Turning her head, Luo Xia only saw Mu Xueyi, looking up at him with her small face up.

"Luo Xia, you don't need to assign me any tactics. This time, I won't hold back." Mu Xueyi said with a smile.

Hearing what she said, Luo Xia showed a complicated expression after being slightly stunned.

If it was before, he would have agreed without hesitation, but now, how can he be so determined?
In this team, Mu Xueyi really endured too much silently.

Luo Xia not only didn't want to replace her this time, but even thought that if she could cooperate with Lu Shiyan to win the bottom lane of the WSF team, it would also be a good boost to her confidence.

But Luo Xia knew that the chances of Mu Xueyi and Lu Shiyan winning against each other were really low.

Moving his lips, just when he was about to say something, Mu Xueyi said: "Luo Xia, you don't need to say any more. Since the next step is so important this time, you must not let me hold you back."

"If I go up, it will only become a burden for Sister Yan."

Seeing that Luo Xia was still hesitating, Mu Xueyi said with a relaxed expression: "Actually, I just worry that I don't have time to rest recently."

"It's just right. If you go to the competition, you can take it as a half-day off for me. Do you think it's okay?"

Seeing that Mu Xueyi had said this, Luo Xia finally didn't insist anymore, but she didn't let her stay alone either.

"Okay, but you must follow. When I come back, I will find time to give you a single training, and I won't let you become the one who drags you back."

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Mu Xueyi's beautiful eyes lit up, but soon dimmed.

After Luo Xia finished speaking, she didn't say anything more, she just nodded with a smile.

Seeing Mu Xueyi's appearance, Luo Xia felt slightly blocked.

He knew that this delicate little girl had once again sacrificed herself for the team.


(End of this chapter)

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