League of Legends: I really don't want to master all positions

Chapter 907 The Restoration of the Seas and Dust

Chapter 907 The Restoration of the Seas and Dust (Part [-])
Huaxia, a professional team training base.

Two professional players are sitting in the training room, the computer screen in front of them is on, and they seem to be preparing for a double row.

The man sitting on the left seems to be about 20 years old, but his appearance is a bit too handsome.

The man's face is well-defined, his figure is straight, his profile is as handsome as a chiseled knife, and he looks vigorous.

Under the long sword-shaved eyebrows, the pupils shone like stars, and the pupils were a faint black color, which looked deep and charming.

His gaze is calm, but there is a bit of sharpness in it, and his outline is clear. Coupled with his handsome body, he really can be called a jade tree facing the wind.

The identity of the man is the captain of the WSF team, the number one AD in the national server, and the waves of dust in the sea!
Li Hongwei is known as the most handsome coach, but he is known as the most handsome professional player.

Even Ou Cheng of the FNA team is much worse than Cang Hailangchen.

Every time Canghai Langchen appears on stage, it can cause a bunch of little fans to scream!

Many people are jokingly saying that Cang Hailangchen is a person who can rely on his face to make a living, but he relies on his strength.

There really wasn't much exaggeration in this statement. In terms of appearance, Chao Hai Langchen would not lose to those so-called stars at all.

Coupled with his sunny temperament and hard-working spirit, he is really attractive.

Beside him, sat another man, Chen He, the assistant of the WSF team.

Compared with the waves of the sea, Chen He's appearance is much worse, and his appearance can only be regarded as ordinary.

Seeing Cang Hailangchen's high-spirited look, Chen He also smiled, and said, "Captain, your condition is much better, it seems that you have fully recovered."

When Cang Hailangchen was discharged from the hospital last time, the two of them lined up once.

At that time, although Cang Hailangchen was discharged from the hospital, his face was pale and full of sickness.

At this time, Cang Hailangchen's face was rosy, and he couldn't see a little sickness.

Hearing Cang Hailangchen smile, he said, "Chen He, don't worry, I've fully recovered a long time ago."

"We are partners, and you should know best about my state."

Hearing this, Chen He nodded lightly, in fact, he was already at ease in his heart.

He and Cang Hailangchen have been training duo for so long, and he knows best what Cang Hailangchen is like.

The sea and the dust have long since recovered the number one AD in the national server with strong online suppression!

The current state of the waves of the sea is no different from the peak period.

The two are still in the queue now, as if they remembered something, Chen He hesitated for a moment, but still spoke.

"Captain, I don't understand, why did you agree to the match with that college team?"

What he was referring to was naturally the training match between the WSF team and Lu Shiyan and the others.

Wen Yan Cang Hailangchen smiled and said: "It's nothing, we haven't invited the team to play a training game for a long time, and it's good to play a game."

"Besides, didn't QWG's Yiye Zongge strongly recommend that team, saying that they are very strong, and it's good to give him face."

Hearing Cang Hailangchen's words, Chen He only felt helpless.

"Captain, it's okay if it's someone else, but if he sings all night, I always think he is the most unreliable one in QWG."

Chen He said helplessly, it would be fine if it was someone else, but Zuo Tiande's words, no matter how he looked at them, he felt unreliable.

Besides, in his opinion, a college league team composed of college students, or a women's team, how strong can it be?
"No need to say any more, I've already decided, prepare well, and play a training match with them the day after tomorrow." Cang Hailangchen said.

Hearing what Cang Hailangchen said, Chen He didn't say anything anymore, he knew that once his captain made a decision, he wouldn't change it easily.

It doesn't matter if it's a fight, it's an exchange match.

"In this case, Captain, what tactics should we use to fight? Do we use the system we are best at?"

Now that the waves of the sea have already made their decision, Chen He naturally can no longer object.

But he was still a little curious, how to play this game?
You can't use all your strength to push the opposing team's base in ten minutes, right?

If you really do this, no matter how you look at it, there will be a feeling of being bullied by the big...

"I have a plan for this."

Canghai Langchen said, "Let's go down the road, let Ronaldinho play in other positions, and the rookies who performed better in the youth training camp can also let them play."

Hearing Cang Hailangchen's words, Chen He showed a look of surprise on his face.

Captain, are you ready to support newcomers?

Canghai Langchen knew what Chen He was thinking, and sighed: "Yeah, it's time to support the substitutes and newcomers."

"Situations like Zhao Hao's, try not to let it happen again in the future."

Hearing Cang Hailangchen's words, Chen He fell silent.

Regarding Zhao Hao, he would naturally not forget that he was a substitute mid laner in their team.

After the last match against the EAF team, Zhao Hao couldn't help knocking Xuelian Cangming to the ground, and was sentenced to a suspension.

Although the WSF team Lu Yan did not have a permanent suspension under the plea of ​​the WSF team, he was also sentenced to a forced termination of the contract with the WSF team and a three-month suspension.

Now, no club dares to ask for it.

Speaking of it, God was really unfair to him.

Last season, there was a mid-laner Korean aid in the team, and Zhao Hao can be said to have been a substitute in the team for most of the season.

It was not easy to play once, but this happened again.

Suspension is undoubtedly the most serious punishment for a professional player.

After experiencing this incident, the WSF team completely eliminated Korean aid, and Cang Hailangchen also discussed with coach Lu Yan to support the newcomers a lot.

Jin Yuena once told Luo Xia about the shady scenes of the youth training camp, and Cang Hailangchen, as a professional player, is very clear about this.

But he still wants to fight hard.

After all, for a player with a dream, sitting on the bench for a season is really too cruel.

This time when Zuo Tiande contacted him, Cang Hailangchen didn't want to agree.

However, Cang Hailangchen considered that this would give the newcomers and substitutes of the youth training camp a chance to play, so he agreed.

The top [-] of the college league is also a small condition he put forward. At least the other party has achieved this, which proves that their strength will not be too bad.

Of course, even if he has recruited a lot of newcomers from the youth academy, Cang Hailangchen doesn't think that Lu Shiyan and the others can really win.

In his heart, he also played with the idea of ​​an exchange match.

Even he was thinking in his heart, should he tell the members of the WSF team's youth training camp to put some water in.

However, Cang Hailangchen didn't know that his thoughts were exactly the same as Luo Xia's analysis for Qiu Yunyun and the others...


(End of this chapter)

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