Chapter 912 What lineup is this? (third change)

Spider, Jess, Galio...

Cang Hailangchen thought to himself, "What is going on in the mind of the boy captain opposite?"

For some reason, he always felt that this lineup was a bit weird.

The members of the youth training camp who were watching the game even pouted their lips in disdain and began to discuss in a low voice.

"Spider Jess, how confident is this!"

"That's right, I'm really confident in choosing such a fierce hero in the early stage. Do you want to overwhelm the captain and the others in the early stage?"

"It would be fine if they were fierce all the way, but they took another Galio on the third floor."

"It seems that their mid laner is also very clear. Their mid laner is definitely not our opponent. It is easy to resist the pressure with Galio."

"That's right, didn't you see that they banned the male sword and robbed Jess? It just made Galio resist the pressure!"


After Luoxia's training on the first floor was over, the team members below began to discuss.

The spiders and Jess in the front are both very aggressive, but Galio on the third floor, in their opinion, is mostly used to resist pressure.

When the blue team bans people, it bans the male sword, and when it chooses people, it snatches Jess. To a certain extent, it is restricting AD heroes.

And Galio has the passive of w magic shield, and it is easier to resist the pressure of AP heroes online.

In addition to the damage reduction after W is turned on, and the fact that he is relatively fleshy, it is really good to use Galio to resist pressure when his strength is weaker than that of the opponent's mid laner.

In fact, their guess was indeed correct, it can be said that they guessed half of Luo Xia's idea correctly.

This Galio was chosen, to a certain extent, to help Zhong Xiaodie resist stress.

Although Zhong Xiaodie is a master, which professional player is not a king?
It is really difficult for her to beat the opponent online. In this case, she must find ways to stabilize her.

Galio is a good choice.

Of course, Luo Xia's selection of Galio has another meaning.

Another layer of meaning, even the sea waves and dust did not want to understand, let alone these youth training camp members sitting below...

After the blue side selected Spider, Jess, and Galio, the selection continued to the purple side.

In the voice of the team, Cang Hailangchen said: "The opposite side robbed Galio, it should be because they are afraid that we will take the Prince Galio system."

"We can wind up and play small team fights with them in the mid-term."

Although Cang Hailangchen felt that the lineup on the opposite side was a bit weird, he couldn't figure out what Luo Xia was thinking.

In addition to the following opinions of the players in the youth training camp, he thinks there is another possibility that Luo Xia snatched away Galio in advance in order to prevent them from taking the Prince Galio system.

From this point of view, it makes sense.

The member of the youth training camp of the WSF team heard the words of the waves of the sea, and hurriedly chose a clockwork.

In fact, even if the sea waves don't say anything, he still thinks that clockwork is better.

Now that the sea and the waves have said it, he dare not refute it.

Compared with ordinary players, their professional players may not be very strong in operation, but what they are strong in is the ability to seize opportunities.

Just like now, the clockwork is counted for the prince, and the prince's EQ is forced to expand. As long as you master a rhythm, you can make the opponent explode in one wave.

The same principle applies to the Prince Galio system.


The first round of selection for both sides is over, and the second round of banning has entered.

Coincidentally, both sides left the position of the second round to the bottom lane.

And judging from the lineup selected at this time.The purple side is much more reasonable than the blue side.

The main reason is that the purple team's lineup has a high fault tolerance rate.

Players like Prince, Dashu, and Clockwork can turn the tide of the battle through team battles even if they fall into a short-term disadvantage in the early stage.

The team fighting ability of these heroes is extremely strong.

On the other hand, this is not the case with Blue Fang. Although Spider and Jess are extremely strong in the early stage, their fault tolerance rate is also much lower.

Once there is a problem, it will be completely disintegrated.

However, they didn't know that Qiu Yunyun and the others were already so excited that they didn't know what to say in the voice of the team.

Because of them, they got the No. [-] lineup completely!
The current lineup is the one that Luo Xia taught them, and it can be said that they got it without any effort.

Getting the No. [-] lineup naturally gave them a lot more confidence than getting their spare No. [-] lineup.

The corners of Luo Xia's mouth also gradually twitched...

When it came to the second round of banning, Luo Xia wavered a bit, and finally banned a policewoman.

Cang Hailangchen twitched his brows slightly, but still said calmly: "Chen He, come according to the original plan."

Chen He nodded slightly, and quickly banned a hero.

It is the fury of the storm, Janna!

Also known as the wind girl.

Anyone who is familiar with the WSF team knows it.They hardly ban any AD.

Because the strongest AD players in the national server are here, banning AD is tantamount to binding their own hands and feet.

Unless there is a version of AD that is not required to be banned, and they are in a purple side that is not easy to grab, they will choose to ban it.


At this moment, eight classes had been confirmed on the field, and Luo Xia only had one final class left to be determined.

Just when Lu Shiyan was about to get rid of Karma, Luo Xia looked at the lineup opposite, and suddenly thought of something, and stopped her.

"Sister, ban this."

With that said, Luo Xia tapped on her screen.

As soon as Lu Shiyan stopped, she would never doubt Luo Xia's words. According to Luo Xia's words, Ban got rid of that hero.

The last Bab confirmed that Lu Shiyan's ban was Huan Ling, Luo!
When Luo was banned, Cang Hailangchen's eyes finally fluctuated.

Chen He was also a little dumbfounded, and said: "Captain, this..."

They originally decided to support Nalo, but they didn't expect to be banned in the last half.

Cang Hailangchen thought for a while, and said, "Take Thresh, it's okay."

After thinking for a while, Cang Hai Langchen added: "The last half is for Lulu."

Chen He nodded, and banned Lulu as Cang Hailangchen said.

Seeing this scene, Luo Xia frowned slightly.

Sure enough, as he thought, the WSF team gave support to the last two bans, and did not give AD.

"But even if you do this, you can't limit me."

Thinking of this, Luo Xia couldn't help showing a smile on the corner of his mouth.

After banning Lulu, it came to the second-round selection stage. Chen He selected Thresh according to what Cang Hailangchen said.

The eyes of Cang Hailangchen are still as calm as water. If Thresh is chosen, he will be very strong in the early lane, and he is not afraid of using any special heroes to target him.

Whatever hero Luo Xia brings out, he can deal with it calmly.

Cang Hailangchen thought this way just now, but the next second, when he saw the hero Luo Xia had chosen, his eyes fluttered violently.

"The black rose will bloom again!"

The one chosen by Luo Xia is none other than the enchantress LeBlanc!


(End of this chapter)

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