Chapter 913 Luoxia's BP Ideas (Part [-])
Seeing that Luo Xia had selected Yao Ji, the group of youth academy players sitting below were a little dumbfounded.

"I read that right, he chose the Enchantress!"

"Isn't there already Galio, don't they want to play double mid laner?"

"Compared to double mid laners, I am more willing to believe that the enchantress is a support."

"Speaking of which, could it be the mid-laner enchantress supporting Galio?"

"It's also possible in this case. Use the enchantress to counter the clockwork. The key is, does their mid laner really have that kind of strength?"

"Jess, Spider, Fairy, Galio... what kind of lineup is this!"


Seeing that Luo Xia had selected the Enchantress, the group of players watching the battle below were discussing in a hurry.

Because Luo Xia was chosen by Yao Ji, it was really surprising.

They discussed and discussed, and suddenly discovered that any lineup is possible!

On the surface it seems to be the support of the enchantress and the mid laner of Galio, but can it really not be the support of Galio and the mid laner of the enchantress?

It is not impossible for Jess to be the mid laner, Galio to be the top laner, and Enchantress to support.

If you think about it this way, it's even possible for Jess to assist!
After all, it is not without precedent, such as the one-handed Jess assist of a well-known Korean player...

If they were playing professional games, these youth academy players would definitely not be so entangled. Many heroes and styles of play are not suitable for the version.

But the problem is that this is not a regular professional game, the opponent is just a college team, who knows what routine they will play?
When choosing a hero, it is very likely that you will not follow the version at all!

At this time, Cang Hailangchen had calmed down after the initial surprise.

Looking at the heroes on the opposite side, Cang Hai Langchen said: "The enchantress should be a support."

"Well, captain, I think so too."

Chen He nodded and agreed.

The possibility of being assisted by Enchantress is much greater than that of being assisted by Galio.

As for Jess' support, if you don't refer to the Korean player... Is there such a possibility!

Cang Hai Langchen stared at Luo Xia's lineup for a while, then suddenly said: "So that's the case, I think I know what their captain thinks."

Hearing what he said, several other people in the team also looked at him.

Chao Hailangchen continued: "Their Jess is undoubtedly on the top road, and our top road is a big tree."

"In the case that the top laner's laning strength is definitely not as good as ours, we must find other ways to make up for it."

"Heroes like Jess can make up for this very well."

Hearing Cang Hailangchen's words, Chen He showed a dazed expression on his face.

Indeed, the hero Jess is very restrained against short-handed heroes like Dashu, especially this kind of meat tank.

If the strength of the two players in the lane is about the same, Dashu will definitely be suppressed by Jess in the early stage.

And the top laner on the opposite side is weaker than his side, so he must not be able to suppress Dashu too much.

Now that this kind of strong hero makes up for it, the top laner on the opposite side can roughly fight Dashu at a [-]-[-] split.

Galio and the others in the middle lane have just analyzed it, and they are relatively fleshy.

Galio himself also has a w passive magic shield, as well as the damage reduction effect after w is turned on, and the pressure resistance in the middle can also achieve considerable results.

When the strength gap between the two sides in the middle lane is not particularly large, it is really not easy for the mid laner of their WSF team to kill the opposite Galio.

The wild spider is also relatively strong in the early stage. To a certain extent, he is not too afraid of the prince turning against the wild.

"It's really embarrassing for the male captain on the opposite side. When the overall strength of the team is weaker than the opponent's, this level can be achieved through BP."

Cang Hailangchen said indifferently, but he did not hide his praise for Luo Xia in his tone.

Luoxia's BP idea is difficult to say, but also simple to say.

Its core has only one point: since Qiu Yunyun and the others are weaker than their opponents, they should use strong heroes to make up for it!

On the line, even if Qiu Yunyun and Zhong Xiaodie are really weaker than the sea and waves, they will not collapse.

The sea and the waves finally figured out the second meaning of why Luo Xia chose Galio.

But the third meaning, he still didn't think of it...

Hearing this, Chen He thought for a while and thought it made sense.

The overall strength of the team is weaker than that of the opponent, such a BP is indeed very good.

It can also be said that there is no way.

"Such BPs can indeed make up for the shortcomings in the early stage, but their advantages are not so obvious in the mid-term."

"At that time, what should they do?" Chen He asked.

Hearing that Cang Hailangchen's eyes flashed a gleam of brilliance, he said: "That should be his intention to assist the enchantress."

"If I'm not bad, they want to use our bottom lane as a breakthrough!"

Hearing this, not only Chen He, but also several other teammates were shocked.

Taking the bot lane as a breakthrough, using the bot lane of their WSF team as a breakthrough?
Just like what Chen He said, this is a newborn calf not afraid of tigers!
That is, the bottom lane of the EAF team tried to avoid fighting against their WSF team, and this university team actually wanted to use their bottom lane as a breakthrough.

After recovering, he hesitated for a moment, Chen He said: "Then captain, should we change our tactics?"

Cang Hailangchen naturally knows what the tactics in Chen Hekou are.

When playing against other LPL teams, the junglers of the WSF team all revolved around the bottom lane, which can be said to be a dead team.

But in today's game, Cang Hailangchen and them made a plan to let the jungler help other lanes more.

After all, playing against such a university team, if they played all their cards, it would appear that they were too bullying.

When Chen He heard Cang Hailangchen say that the opponent was going to take down the road as a breakthrough, he couldn't help asking Canghai Langchen if he wanted to change his strategy.

Cang Hailangchen shook his head and said, "No, proceed as originally planned."

"On the bottom road, I am never afraid of anyone!"

Hearing what Cang Hailangchen said, Chen He felt a little relieved.

Even if the opponent really wants to take down the road as a breakthrough, how can it be so easy?
You know, the number one AD in the national server is on their side!

Are they still afraid of being targeted by a university team?
After finishing what he just said, Cang Hailangchen didn't say anything more, as if he was thinking.

Slightly looking sideways, Cang Hai Langchen saw Luo Xia who was wearing earphones and talking with Lu Shiyan.

Luo Xia saw him, turned his eyes around, and showed him a sunny smile.

Seeing Luo Xia's harmless appearance, Cang Hai Langchen frowned slightly in his heart.

"I don't want the jungler to help the bottom lane, maybe it was also calculated by him."

Thinking of this, Cang Hai Langchen felt a little uneasy in his heart.

At this time, Lu Shiyan finally chose her last hero, and an extremely arrogant voice suddenly sounded.

"Welcome to the Draco Alliance!"

(End of this chapter)

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