Chapter 943 Pain in Heart (Second Change)

Luo Xia was afraid of hurting Mu Xueyi just now, so she only used less than half of her strength, but that was far from what Mu Xueyi could break free.

Unless, the belief in her heart is really strong to a certain extent.

Luo Xia knows very well that if a person's potential is fully stimulated, he can burst out five to ten times his usual strength in an instant.

Looking at Mu Xueyi who looked at him with a stubborn face, Luo Xia only felt a big headache in his heart.

In his heart, he finally knew how stubborn this girl was!

Looking at the stubborn Mu Xueyi, Luo Xia had already made up her mind.

In any case, I have to explain to this stubborn girl today!

If it doesn’t work, find a chance and run as far as you can
Luo Xia believed that Mu Xueyi would figure it out sooner or later.

"Xueyi, stop playing, first..."

However, what Luo Xia didn't expect was that before he finished speaking, Mu Xueyi became extremely excited.

"Playing? You think I'm playing!"

Luo Xia's words seemed to have hit Mu Xueyi's sore spot.

Her whole body became extremely excited.

"Since I was a child, you are the first boy I like. Do you think I'm just playing?"

"It's the first time for me to let go of all my reserve and do this for a boy. You think I'm just kidding!"

"Is it in your heart that I have always been that kind of slutty girl!"

While speaking, Mu Xueyi's beautiful eyes were already filled with tears, and she pushed towards Luo Xia step by step.

As a last resort, Luo Xia could only retreat again and again, while waving his hands repeatedly.

"No, Xueyi, you misunderstood, I didn't mean that."

"You are!"

Mu Xueyi yelled, the tears in her eyes finally poured out.

"No matter what I do, I can't compare to that Lu Shiyan!"

Seeing her excited expression, Luo Xia knew that what he said was useless now.

Sighing softly in his heart, he knew that it would be better for him to leave now.

"Xueyi, think about it carefully, I...I'm going first."

With that said, Luo Xia turned and walked towards the door.

Seeing Luo Xia's back, Mu Xueyi's face became paler and paler.

However, she still has no intention of giving up!

"I...I feel so uncomfortable and dizzy."

Mu Xueyi's voice suddenly became weak, and her whole body began to shake slightly.

Hearing her voice, Luo Xia stopped and looked back, just in time to see Mu Xueyi falling to the ground.

Luo Xia was startled, and hurried back as fast as she could, trying to help her.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Mu Xueyi's mouth, as if she was about to throw herself into Luo Xia's arms.

When Luo Xia rushed to Mu Xueyi, she found that she was breathing steadily, and she didn't look like she was weak enough to faint.

Seeing Mu Xueyi rushing towards his arms, Luo Xia quickly understood what her plan was, and almost subconsciously withdrew her hand.

However, just because of this, Mu Xueyi fell heavily to the ground.


Mu Xueyi let out a cry of pain, her delicate palm rubbed against the floor, leaving a trace.

In the traces, a faint scarlet can be seen.

With her hands on the ground like this, she fell to the ground, and she was directly scratched by the hard ground.

Although it was just scratched a little, girls are the most afraid of pain, this little pain is enough for her to breathe out in pain.

However, the pain in the body is not as good as the pain in the heart.
She put her hands on the ground like this, and didn't stand up for a long time.

"Xueyi, I... I didn't do it on purpose."

Seeing her throwing herself to the ground like this, Luo Xia was filled with apology and remorse, and hurried to help her.

"Go away!"

Mu Xueyi slapped his hand off forcefully, almost screaming.

Luo Xia stood beside him like this, feeling at a loss for a moment.

Mu Xueyi still put her hands on the ground, she didn't get up for a long time, she didn't even look up at Luo Xia.

The atmosphere became quiet in an instant.


After a while, a small voice sounded.

Although the voice was small, it could be said to be amplified countless times in this quiet environment, and it fell into Luo Xia's ears clearly.


There was another soft sound, and Luo Xia's mood became sour and complicated.

The sound was nothing but the sound of Mu Xueyi's tears falling on the floor and touching the floor.

It is enough to prove how sad she is at this time.

"why treat me like this……"

Mu Xueyi's voice had become a little hoarse, and there was a hint of despair in her voice.

And in front of her, there was a puddle of water stains, which were all formed by a drop of her tears.

(PS: I feel sorry for a wave of Xueyi sister, don't worry, this plot will pass soon.)
(End of this chapter)

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