Chapter 944 Bored (Third)

"Xueyi, get up first, and talk when you have something to say."

"Go away! I let you go away!!!"

Luo Xia wanted to help her again, but his hand was slapped off by the emotional Mu Xueyi again.

Her expression became more agitated than before, and she did not calm down in the slightest.

Seeing this, Luo Xia sighed softly in his heart.

Gently draping her clothes on her body, Luo Xia said: "Xueyi, I know you won't listen to what I say now."

"Think about it, we... are still friends."

After finishing speaking, Luo Xia didn't say anything more, and didn't try to help her, turned around and walked towards the door of the training room.

At this moment, Mu Xueyi, who had her hands on the ground, finally raised her head.

Perhaps it was because she shed a lot of tears that her eyes were terribly red and swollen.

She understood Luo Xia's last words.

Still friends... This sentence contains many meanings.

The most obvious point is that Luo Xia will forget what happened today, pretend it never happened, and be friends with her from now on.

In addition to this point, these short four words also contain other meanings.

Still friends, but only friends, not one step closer.
Luo Xia's words completely cut off the possibility of a further relationship between the two.

Luo Xia walked slowly to the door, Mu Xueyi still kept her hands on the ground, her body seemed to be completely stiff.

Her heart is really numb now.

As she said at the beginning, she is inferior to Lu Shiyan in almost every aspect.

Mu Xueyi already had low self-esteem in her heart, if Luo Xia wasn't even interested in her body...

She really couldn't think of any other places where she could surpass Lu Shiyan.


Luo Xia unlocked the training room, and just opened the door of the training room, but was taken aback.

Because of him, he actually saw Lu Shiyan walking towards here!
At this time, the sky had just dawned, and Lu Shiyan had already arrived at the e-sports club early, and she was ready to train by herself.

However, the time she came here was not at the right time...

If she walked in at this time, she saw the pool of tears on the ground.

Seeing Mu Xueyi half covered with clothes, her eyes were red and swollen, and her palms were still scratched.

In addition, Luo Xia still came out of it in a hurry at this time...

Even if Luo Xia had a hundred mouths, he still couldn't tell!

It is estimated that everyone would think that he did something to Mu Xueyi.

"Luo...Xia, why did you come so early?"

Seeing Luo Xia, Lu Shiyan said in surprise.

"Ahem, yes, I came a little earlier."

In Luo Xia's mind, she was still thinking about how to prevent Lu Shiyan from entering here.

The voice by the door attracted Mu Xueyi's attention, she looked up mechanically, and the sadness and despair in her eyes were completely covered up in the next second.

Instead, there was deep jealousy and unwillingness.

Seeing Lu Shiyan walking towards the small training room, Luo Xia didn't have time to think, and grabbed her hand directly.

"Shiyan, come with me, I have something to tell you."

Saying that, Luo Xia directly took her hand and led her out of here.

Mu Xueyi vaguely saw Luo Xia grabbing Lu Shiyan's hand and leaving, the jealousy in her eyes became more intense.

After shedding the last tear, not a single tear fell from her eyes.

"Luo Xia, you like your two girlfriends very much..."

Until now, she still stubbornly believed that both Su Chunyu and Lu Shiyan were Luo Xia's girlfriends.

"Luo Xia, what happened today, in the future, don't regret it!"

After finishing speaking, she wiped away the tears on her face, put on her clothes, and walked to the small training room.


Luo Xia pulled Lu Shiyan all the way to the outside of the e-sports club, and it was not until he dragged her away for a long time that Lu Shiyan broke away from his hand with a slightly red face.

"Luo...Xia, what do you want to tell me?"

Looking at Luo Xia in front of her, Lu Shiyan asked softly.

Hearing what she said, Luo Xia began to feel troubled.

Just now he just asked Lu Shiyan to leave the place and talk casually, how could he have anything to say to her.

"Shiyan, you look so beautiful today!"

Luo Xia thought for a long time but didn't know what to say to her, so he said something indiscriminately.

After speaking, Luo Xia ran away as if fleeing.

After Luo Xia ran away, Lu Shiyan stood where she was, with a slightly surprised and stunned expression on her face.

After a while, two faint blushes appeared on her snowy face, which looked extremely attractive.

Luo Xia's words were enough to keep her in a good mood for a day.

Just as she turned around and was about to enter the e-sports club, a figure suddenly flashed in front of her.

Luo Xia, who had just left, unexpectedly came back again!
"Shiyan, I haven't had breakfast yet, go, go have breakfast with me!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Xia didn't care if she agreed or not, just took her hand and ran to the restaurant.

He suddenly realized just now that there was nothing he could do in such a short time, Lu Shiyan would still find Mu Xueyi when he went in now.

The best way is to keep Lu Shiyan away longer.

Luo Xia directly thought of an extremely lame reason and asked her to accompany him to have breakfast.

Not long after dawn, there are no students on campus.

After struggling a few times without breaking free, Lu Shiyan didn't struggle anymore and let Luo Xia hold her hand.

The nearest canteen is only tens of meters away from the e-sports club.

However, Luo Xia didn't go to that canteen at all, instead she dragged Lu Shiyan to the farthest canteen.

When he arrived in the cafeteria, Luo Xia didn't choose food right away, but walked from the left window to the far right, and then from the right to the far left.

Finally, go from the left to the far right.

This breakfast can be said to be eating slowly, slowly.

After I finally finished eating, almost an hour had passed.

When it was almost time, Luo Xia didn't dawdle any longer, and after finishing the breakfast, she and Lu Shiyan left the cafeteria.

Sending Lu Shiyan all the way to the e-sports club, seeing her walk in, Luo Xia breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's the matter today..."

If he had known that something like this would happen this morning, he would not have promised Mu Xueyi to help her train this morning even if he killed her yesterday.

Luo Xia felt slightly bored in his heart.

It's okay if Mu Xueyi figured it out, but if she didn't figure it out, Luo Xia didn't know how to get along with her in the future.

Thinking of something, Luo Xia hesitated for a moment, and Luo Xia took out his phone.

Afterwards, he dialed a number that he was so familiar with that he couldn't be more familiar with it. It can be said that he had penetrated into his soul.

"Xiaoyu, do you have time for these two days, accompany relax, okay?"


(PS: Xueyi will not harm Luo Xia. In fact, the few wrong things she did later became the driving force for Luo Xia.)
(End of this chapter)

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