Chapter 947 Journey to the Demon City (Third Change)
Seeing Lu Shiyan's Qiushui eyes that showed a bit of worry and emotion, Ling Yan waved her hand gently.

"Shiyan, unlike what you think, I have just woken up, and I haven't been standing here for a long time."

Ling Yan didn't lie to her, driving that Lamborghini, she arrived here in less than an hour.

The moisture on her head was also stained by the morning dew on the road when she got out of the car and came here, not soaked by the fog while waiting at the door.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, Shiyan, come in first."

Seeing Lu Shiyan's puzzled gaze, Ling Yan didn't explain anything, and dragged her to the Tenglong Internet Cafe.

After getting angry about being caught speeding this morning, she felt a little headache again.

If possible, she doesn't want to call Jin Yuena, it's really shameful.

But if you don't call Jin Yuena, she really can't handle it...

"Even if you call Nana, will she really help?"

Thinking of something, Ling Yan felt a little guilty.

If something happened to her, Jin Yuena would definitely spare no effort, but if it was just a Lamborghini.
Based on Ling Yan's understanding of Jin Yuena, she definitely doesn't want to go through such trouble, even if it's just a matter of calling the chief of the police station.

If she called Jin Yuena, Jin Yuena would definitely say: "Just leave it there, don't worry about it."

After all, it’s just a cheap car worth around 3000 million
No matter what Ling Yan thinks, that Lamborghini will never come back.

After ten seconds of silent mourning for that Lamborghini, Ling Yan didn't think any more, and walked into Tenglong Internet Cafe with Lu Shiyan.


Magic City, the central commercial street.

Today's commercial street is still bustling, with countless pedestrians coming and going, no different from usual.

But today, there are a lot of men and women who make passersby look at them.

The girl's long hair like a waterfall hangs down her shoulders, her skin is extremely fair, and her facial features are exquisite. Her looks amaze everyone.

The most amazing thing is her pair of slender and straight jade legs, which are so perfect that they don't look like anything in the world.

At this time, she was holding her hands behind her back, taking small steps, her toes were tapping the ground lightly, and the smile on her mouth never stopped.

The boy had short, fluffy hair, and was handsome and handsome, but at this time he was a little sad.

Compared with the girl with her hands behind her back, the boy is carrying a lot of things, which are almost out of reach.

"Xiaoyu, okay... okay, don't buy any more." Luo Xia said with a trembling tone.

Today when he came to Shanghai to see Su Chunyu, the joy in his heart was indescribable.

But after several hours of shopping, his legs were completely weak.

However, his legs were a little weak, but Hu Chunyu seemed to be fine...

It's scary for girls to go shopping!

"No, I will buy it."

Su Chunyu said coquettishly, bought another pair of men's shorts from the street, and handed the bag containing the shorts to him.

Luo Xia could only accept it with a sad face.

Most girls go shopping to buy things they need and ask their boyfriends to carry them for them.

But along the way, Su Chunyu didn't buy a single thing of her own, and bought everything for Luo Xia.

If someone knew that the things they bought were all for Luo Xia, those jealous eyes would have killed Luo Xia countless times.

After receiving the bag containing the shorts, Luo Xia casually looked to the side, and found that many people were looking at them.

Most of the other people's eyes stayed on Su Chunyu, especially on her pair of jade legs, and they couldn't take their eyes off for a long time.

Not to mention them, even Luo Xia would unconsciously look at Su Chunyu's legs along the way.

Luo Xia is very clear that Su Chunyu has such a pair of amazing and proud long legs.

Su Chunyu's height was not even much shorter than him. Among all the girls Luo Xia met, she was definitely the tallest one.

Although her jade legs are extremely slender, they don't make people feel that their proportions are out of balance at all. On the contrary, they have a kind of stunning beauty to the extreme.

When everyone sees her, the first thing they look at is her legs.

After meeting her, Luo Xia knew that a person's legs could be so beautiful.

Compared with Su Chunyu, those leg models are so weak!

Seemingly aware of Luo Xia's gaze, Su Chunyu turned his head and said charmingly, "Luo Xia, do I look good?"

"It's beautiful, my little rain is the best." Luo Xia said sincerely.

Hearing what Luo Xia said, the smile on the corner of Su Chunyu's mouth grew stronger.

Seeing that Luo Xia's hands were already filled with large and small bags, she pouted her pink lips and walked to his side.

Stretching out her lotus arms, she gently took Luo Xia's arm, and nestled happily on his shoulder.

Pedestrians on the road are heartbroken...

Luo Xia went to Shanghai to find Su Chunyu, and Lu Shiyan went to Tenglong Internet Cafe to find Ling Yan.

One went to a friend, and the other to a master.

No matter in terms of geographical location, purpose, or other aspects, there is no intersection.

However, Mu Xueyi, who is extremely sensitive in her heart, still thinks that the two are together now.

Under the jealousy and unwillingness, after struggling in her heart several times, she found someone.

"You, you hate Luo Xia, don't you?"

"If this is the case, we can cooperate"

(PS: The little character who promoted the plot in the first [-] chapters mentioned before is coming out soon, I think many people may have already guessed who it is.

Hmm... For those few characters in the first hundred chapters, Shi Haochi is definitely not possible. He has been sent to the "Frontier" and will never come back.

Besides, although he is a small person, he can be regarded as a small person the size of a fly in terms of plot participation. The small person I am talking about is the size of an ant...

Sister Xueyi’s ending is very happy, but the ending of this little’s miserable when you think about it⊙﹏⊙)
(End of this chapter)

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