Chapter 948 Cooperation (Part [-])
Looking at the boy she was extremely unfamiliar with in front of her, Mu Xueyi remained expressionless and said firmly.

This boy has a fairly handsome appearance and a height of about 1.8 meters, but his expression is a bit gloomy.

What Mu Xueyi said was correct, this boy did have a relationship with Luo Xia, and he also had reasons to hate Luo Xia.

However, even if Luo Xia was here, he might not be able to recognize this boy.

This boy is exactly the Hui Yuanzhou who was brutally abused by Luo Xia when he first came to the e-sports club!

When the e-sports club was recruiting new students, Hui Yuanzhou was the strongest one.

His strength is quite good even among the old students of the e-sports club.

When Hui Yuanzhou joined the club, his rank was Ionia, Diamond Three!

One must know that Qiu Yunyun and Xia Rou were only at around four drills and five drills at the beginning, and Guo Minglang and the others also stayed at around three drills.

As a freshman, Drilling Three's strength is already enough to make him proud.

But by chance, he bumped into Luo Xia...

At the beginning, he wanted to perform in Su Chunyu's heart, so Luo Xia naturally wanted to 'do as he wished'.

Luoxia's poodle completely destroyed his little murloc, and even jumped into the spring to kill him.

Completely, just like hitting a human machine!
Hui Yuanzhou has never forgotten this matter in his heart.


Hearing Mu Xueyi's words, Hui Yuanzhou couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Afterwards, he began to look at Mu Xueyi in front of him.

He naturally knew who Mu Xueyi was, and also knew that she and Luo Xia were teammates, so he didn't believe Mu Xueyi's words at all.

"How to cooperate?"

Looking at Mu Xueyi, Hui Yuanzhou said with some vigilance, but in his tone he still showed a strong interest in the cooperation she mentioned.

One thing Mu Xueyi said is correct, Hui Yuanzhou really hates Luo Xia, even now!
When the e-sports club was recruiting new members, until Luo Xia appeared, how high-spirited he was.

In front of people, it can be said that he has earned enough face.

But after Luo Xia appeared, everything changed.

From that day on, Luo Xia directly rose to fame, even though he had not been exposed as Lxsky at that time.

As for Hui Yuanzhou, it became a complete joke.

What's more, Hui Yuanzhou's family background is very good. He has been chasing girls easily since he was a child, but he was severely frustrated by Su Chunyu.

How could he not hate him!

Hearing Hui Yuanzhou's words, Mu Xueyi looked around for a few times, and only after finding that there was no one around, did she express her thoughts to him.

During the process of speaking, Mu Xueyi remained expressionless, as if she was talking about something that had nothing to do with her.

Hui Yuanzhou's expression is constantly changing, from calm at the beginning, to gradually interested, to surprised at the end, and even...

After Mu Xueyi finished speaking, Hui Yuanzhou took a deep breath, and looked at her seriously for the first time.

Then, he suddenly laughed.

"Haha, it's said that women are the most poisonous. I didn't believe it before, but now I really believe it. It's a good plan."

"It's just that I still don't understand, why do you hate that Luo Xia so much, what did he do to you?"

Looking at Mu Xueyi, Hui Yuanzhou asked with great interest.

"You don't need to know this, you just need to answer, yes or no."

Mu Xueyi said coldly, it was completely different from her usual behavior.

Hui Yuanzhou did not agree immediately, but asked instead: "Then why did you come to me, and what is my value to you?"

Mu Xueyi glanced at him, her pretty face still expressionless.

"About why I came to you, I said that you hate Luo Xia very much, and you are the best candidate."

"And your value, first, you can give me a fictitious identity, and second, your family is a big company, and your contacts are useful to me."

After hearing Mu Xueyi's words, Hui Yuanzhou didn't say anything.

I have to say that both of what Mu Xueyi said are correct.

Hui Yuanzhou's family also runs a listed company, and he can barely be regarded as a rich second generation.

He can easily fulfill the two conditions that Mu Xueyi said.

Looking at Mu Xueyi, Hui Yuanzhou said, "I have no problem with these two things, but are you sure you can do what you promised just now?"

"You don't need to worry about this, I have my own way." Mu Xueyi said coldly.

Hui Yuanzhou stood up from his seat and said, "If you can do it, it will be a perfect cooperation."

In what Mu Xueyi told Hui Yuanzhou just now, the first thing she had to do was to expose Luo Xia's identity.

Expose the identity of Luo Xia, the passer-by king in Hanbok, Lxsky!
And this is obviously something Hui Yuanzhou can't do.

Luo Xia's identity is not a secret at all in the e-sports club.

Many people know about it, but they won't tell the outside world. Even if they tell the outside world, not many people will believe it, and they will take it as a joke.

After all, everything depends on evidence. If anyone goes out and says that Lxsky is in our e-sports club, no one will believe it.

The same is true for Hui Yuanzhou.

After knowing Luo Xia's identity, Hui Yuanzhou tried to use this identity countless times to cause trouble for Luo Xia.

But he knew that no one would believe him.

He couldn't find even a shred of evidence, and Luo Xia never logged into his Hanbok account in the e-sports club again.

Later, Hui Yuanzhou could only let it go.

But Mu Xueyi's words today reminded him that what he couldn't do, Mu Xueyi might really be able to do it!
Mu Xueyi needs a proper identity and his contacts, and he needs the 'things' that Mu Xueyi went to get.

It can be said that both of them have what the other needs. If they choose to cooperate, they can achieve mutual benefit and win-win.

"I promise, very good cooperation."

With that said, Hui Yuanzhou stretched out his hand to Mu Xueyi.

However, Mu Xueyi gave him a disgusted look, and didn't shake his hand.

Hui Yuanzhou froze for a moment, then laughed and said, "Haha, you don't think I want to take advantage of you, do you?"

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in a little girl like you who hasn't grown up at all."

At the end, Hui Yuanzhou's tone obviously had a hint of sarcasm.

"There is no best."

After leaving a word coldly, Mu Xueyi turned around and left without saying anything else.

Hui Yuanzhou didn't go to see Mu Xueyi again, as he said, he didn't have any interest in Mu Xueyi.

In his heart, he was only interested in Su Chunyu, and he had a strong possessive desire!
After Luo Xia let him lose face at that time, his possessiveness became more and more intense.

"Hate because of love, haha, the little girls nowadays are really scary."

Thinking of the hatred that Mu Xueyi inadvertently showed just now, Hui Yuanzhou laughed very heartily.


(End of this chapter)

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