Chapter 950 Another fight? (third update)
Seeing Luo Xia's eyes, Su Chunyu was both ashamed and happy.

"Luo Xia, do I look good?"

Su Chunyu straightened up slowly and turned around in front of him.

"Look good." Luo Xia subconsciously said.

Luo Xia's gaze made Su Chunyu even more ashamed and happy. She straightened her skirt gently and sat beside Luo Xia.

Luo Xia also embraced her slender waist very naturally, and pulled her into his arms.

The two snuggled quietly for a while, until Luo Xia's hands began to feel dishonest.

Su Chunyu also slowly closed his eyes, waiting for that moment to come.

However, she waited for a long time, but Luo Xia didn't make any move.

She turned her head with some doubts in her heart, but found that Luo Xia was in a daze, as if thinking about something.

Slowly sitting up straight, looking at Luo Xia, Su Chunyu asked softly, "Luo Xia, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

Hearing her words, Luo Xia came back to his senses and hurriedly said.

"You don't like me wearing this suit, okay, I'll change it."

With that said, Su Chunyu was about to get up.

And Luo Xia instinctively grabbed her hand.

"Xiaoyu, no, I just"

Halfway through the talk, Luo Xia couldn't continue.

It can't be said that he is bored because of a girl who just did that to him this morning.

At this time, Luo Xia suddenly thought of something, and said: "Oh yes, I haven't told my sister about it in Shanghai yet, so I still need to send a text message to her."

After Luo Xia finished speaking, Su Chunyu's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

"Luo Xia, you dare to think about other girls when you're with me, how bold you are~"

Hearing this, Luo Xia's expression froze instantly.

His hand that took out the phone froze in mid-air. It didn't matter if he sent this text message or not.


Seeing Luo Xia's appearance, Su Chunyu immediately burst out laughing.

"Okay, let's post it quickly, why would I be jealous of Senior Sister Lu?"

Saying that, Su Chunyu stretched out his jade finger and tapped Luo Xia's forehead lightly.

Hearing what she said, Luo Xia breathed a sigh of relief, took the phone, and quickly edited a text message and sent it to Lu Shiyan.

"First Blood!"

In the Tenglong Internet Cafe, there was a sound of a bloody notification, and Ling Yan couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Shiyan, what's the matter, you seem to be out of shape?"

Seeing the gray screen in front of Lu Shiyan, Ling Yan asked with concern.

"Master, nothing."

Lu Shiyan said softly, but in her tone, she could still hear a sense of loss.

Ling Yan frowned even tighter, Lu Shiyan's appearance was definitely not as 'nothing' as she said.

Thinking of this, Ling Yan began to recall Lu Shiyan's emotional changes during this period.

After thinking about it, it seems that Lu Shiyan's heart became a little messed up after receiving a text message.

Thinking of something, Ling Yan suddenly became angry.

"Okay, Shiyan, did a boy send you harassing text messages again, tell me, I'll beat him all over the place!"

As she said that, she had already snatched Lu Shiyan's cell phone.

"Shiyan, unlock it, let me see which bastard dares to bully my apprentice!"

Lu Shiyan woke up suddenly, and said: "Master, don't"

Seeing Ling Yan's insistence, Lu Shiyan knew that she would not give up without showing her, so she could only unlock the lock honestly.

In fact, it wasn't something private, it was just a greeting from Luo Xia, and a simple explanation.

After seeing the contents of the text message clearly, most of Ling Yan's anger disappeared immediately.

"Silly apprentice."

Seeing Lu Shiyan's appearance, how could Ling Yan get angry.

"Forget it, Shi Yan, since your condition is not good, we won't train today."

Hearing this, Lu Shiyan came back to her senses, and hurriedly said: "Master, it's okay, I can do it."

Ling Yan looked at her with a smile on her face, "It's okay, take a good rest, I can't bear to exhaust my good apprentice."

"Besides, your current strength is also one of the few in the entire national server. At most, that sea wave is stronger than you."

"You can't get in touch with him for the time being, it doesn't matter if your strength doesn't need to improve so fast."

After speaking, Ling Yan had already turned off her machine and her own machine, and pulled her out.

Seeing what Ling Yan said, Lu Shiyan didn't insist anymore.

There is another sentence that Ling Yan didn't say——

If that sea wave Chen dares to trouble you, Master will definitely beat him to the ground to find his teeth!

Huaxia, the training base of the WSF team.

In the training room, Canghai Langchen and Chen He were still sitting next to each other, conducting double-row training.

But the thoughts of the waves of the sea are obviously not on this...

After the game ended, Cang Hai Langchen said: "Chen He, do Zi Xin and Xiao Yun have time recently?"

"Well, they all have time."

Although he didn't know what the sea waves and dust were going to do, Chen He answered honestly.

"Okay, tell them that we will have a training camp in the next two days, and then go out and play a game."

"No problem, Captain, which club are we going to this time?" Chen He asked.

It is not uncommon for professional teams to compete in training matches, and this is not the first time they have gone out to play a match.

Canghai Langchen shook his head lightly, and said, "Don't go to the club, go to...Xincheng University!"


Hearing Cang Hailangchen's words, Chen He couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

If you go to Xincheng University, you don't have to think about it, Chen He knows that Cang Hailangchen wants to play against Lu Shiyan and their Lxsky team.

"Captain, is... isn't it too much?" Chen He asked.

In his opinion, it was really exaggerated.

The Zi Xin and Xiao Yun mentioned by Cang Hai Langchen are teammates in their team.

That's a real LPL player!

Cang Hailangchen's words clearly meant to let their complete WSF team go to play against Lu Shiyan and the others!

(End of this chapter)

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