Chapter 951 Competition Situation (Part [-])
Chen He knew that none of the players from the youth training camp who played against Lu Shiyan and the others that day could actually be regarded as real professional players.

Including the substitute players who have been sitting on the bench all year round, it doesn't count.

Their strength is not at the same level as Chen He's other LPL teammates.

From Chen He's point of view, using a real WSF team to play against Lu Shiyan and the others is still a little too much.

"Have you ever done it? Chen He, that's what we thought last time. What happened?"

Hearing Chen He's words, Cang Hailangchen asked back.

Hearing that Chen He was at a loss for words for a while, indeed, that was what they thought last time, and they lost very miserably in the end.

This time, if he came to the door to lose again, he would really be ashamed to face others.

"Alright Captain, I understand, I will notify them in a while." Chen He said.

But even though he said so, Chen He still had some doubts in his heart.

He understands Cang Hailangchen, and Cang Hailangchen's heart is the same as his appearance, he is definitely a real gentleman.

He is definitely not the kind of person who goes to find a place just because he lost a game.

Not long after the match with Lu Shiyan and the others ended, Cang Hailangchen was going to come to play with them, which made Chen He a little strange.

"Maybe, the captain thinks that the female AD player on the opposite side deserves his attention."

Unable to think of any reason, Chen He could only think like this.

He knew that Cang Hailangchen liked to fight against the strong ones the most. Previously, this was the first time he suffered such a big loss in the bottom lane.

Although the opponent had some opportunistic elements in it, it cannot be denied that Lu Shiyan's strength is really strong.

Perhaps Cang Hailangchen also felt that Lu Shiyan's strength was worthy of his recognition, so he wanted to fight her again.

Thinking of this, Chen He didn't ask any more questions, and went to inform several other teammates.

His guess was indeed somewhat reasonable, but only Cang Hailangchen himself knew the truth.

At this time, in Cang Hailangchen's mind, Lu Shiyan's beautiful smile slowly reappeared, lingering...


On the second day after Luoxia arrived in Shanghai, the first round of the group stage of the global finals had all been completed.

Among the three LPL teams, the No. 3 seed team QWG has achieved a complete victory record, and the current score is 0:[-].

It can be said that the qualifying of the QWG team is already a certainty.

Although the second-seeded MTC team was a little bit worse and lost one game to the same group as the YSM team, it also achieved a 2:1 record.

Especially the fierce battle between the MTC team and the Korean Dragon Pig team, it can be said that countless viewers were worried.

After nearly five to ten minutes of bloody battle, the MTC team finally won.

The MTC team now has a record of 2:1, and the qualifying situation is also very clear.

I dare not say the first place in the group, but the second place in the group is still very guaranteed.

The only one that made the audience scold them was the third-seeded EAF team.

That is what the audience jokingly called, the No. [-] seed team.

The EAF team lost all three games in the first round of the group stage!

The current record is 0:3, and the chance of qualifying is very slim.

Unless they win all three rounds in the second round, they will hardly get out of the line.

However, the group that the EAF team is in is a bit special. Their group has the behemoth of FKT. No matter which team they face, they can almost guarantee victory.

The other two teams, whether it is the wild card GAA team or the Baodao AHH team, are slightly weaker.

In this case, the EAF team has a "theoretical qualifying" situation, that is, they have to play two overtime games.

What is a theoretical qualification?

Speaking of this, we have to start with the competition system of the global finals group stage.

The competition system for the group stage of the global finals is a double round BO1 in the same group. In simple terms, each team has to play against the other three teams twice.

The total is twelve games.

If a team can win both rounds, it will have a record of 6:0, and it will be the first place in the group.

Except for the first place in the group, the team with the highest points among other teams will qualify as the second place in the group.

But in this simple competition system, it involves several overtime situations.

There are a total of twelve games, and in each game, there must be a winning side and a losing side.

From a mathematical point of view, that is, the total number of victories adds up to 12, and the total number of defeats also adds up to 12.

If the scores of the two teams are tied, overtime will be played.

For example, among the four teams, if one team wins all two rounds and one team loses all two rounds, the remaining two teams must play overtime.


The total number of victories adds up to 12, and the total number of defeats also adds up to 12, which is in line with the rules of the group stage.

However, in addition to this overtime situation, there is also a "theoretical qualifying" situation.


In this case, the total number of victories adds up to 12, and the total number of defeats also adds up to 12.

However, in this case, the scores of the three teams are the same.

In other words, two overtime games will be played!
If this happens, according to the schedule, two teams will be randomly selected to play the game, and the winning team will play against the last team.

The last one left will qualify as the second in the group.

Why is it called "theoretical qualifying", it can be understood that this way of qualifying only exists in theory.
Because it is too difficult to create such a situation!
One team won all two rounds, and the other three teams had the same score. What a coincidence.

Unless there is a super strong team in this group, it may only appear when the other three teams are similar.

But the group that the EAF team is in is the closest to this condition.

In their group, there is the existence of the giant FKT, which is definitely a super strong team.

Among the other three teams except FKT, the EAF team was originally stronger than the other two teams, but their round of games was really bad.

It can be said that the EAF team is now completely on the same starting line as the other two teams, and even a little behind.

In this case, their group has one more possibility of qualifying in theory than other groups, but the audience has long given up hope for them.

Theoretically qualifying is only theoretical after all, with the current state of the EAF team, go to hell!

In addition to the global finals, the college league is also going on simultaneously.

It seems that in order to keep up with the global finals, when the first round of the group stage of the global finals is over, the quarterfinals of the college league are also over.

The Shanghai Division, North China Division, South China Division, and Shenzhen Division each determine two teams to form the quarterfinals.

Just as Luo Xia thought, Lu Shiyan and the others advanced in the South China Division and became one of them!

(End of this chapter)

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