Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 1803 Crazy capital

Chapter 1803 Crazy capital

After Yun Linghan finished speaking, his eyes stared at the little woman in his arms without blinking, with deep eyes.

To be his King Han's woman, you have crazy capital!
There's no need to force yourself to meet anyone you don't want to meet.

While Yun Linghan was thinking about it, his handsome face like a god's devil was slightly raised, his sword eyebrows were raised high, and there was an inherent evil charm and domineering all over his body.

Feng Qingge's heart warmed, and she whispered to Yun Linghan.

"Ling Han, thank you very much."

"My concubine, call me husband."

Yun Linghan suddenly lowered his eyes, and said with a faint smile towards Feng Qingge's voice.

Feng Qingge met those evil and unpredictable eyes, and was taken aback for a while.

Then he raised the corner of his lips and said two words with a smile.

"Okay, husband."

As soon as the words came out, Feng Qingge immediately felt that there seemed to be a sweetness flowing in her heart, and the whole heart was full of indescribable tenderness and sweetness.

"Ha ha."

Seeing this, Yun Linghan immediately let out a burst of joyful laughter, and the original gloom on his face was swept away.

The two hadn't walked a few steps, Zuo An had ordered someone to carry the sedan chair, and walked over quickly.

Zuo An knelt on one knee and said in a respectful voice.

"See the lord and concubine. Your lord, the sedan chair you ordered your subordinates to prepare is ready. Please get on the sedan chair with your lord and concubine."


Yun Ling answered coldly, his deep eyes glanced at the upholstery on the sedan chair, and then the corners of his lips twitched.

"My concubine, let's go back home." Yun Linghan said to Feng Qingge.

"Okay." Feng Qingge nodded.

The two of them got on the sedan chair together, and after Zuo An gave an order, they quickly walked towards the palace gate.



Han Wangfu.

As soon as Yun Linghan and Feng Qingge returned to their residence, they saw Yun Jingyan and Nangongyou, and they greeted them excitedly.

"Third Brother, Sister Qingge, you are finally back. But let me and Big Brother Nangong wait for you."

While complaining from his mouth, Yun Jingyan had already approached Feng Qingge with a smile on his face.

"Sister Qingge, how do you feel about entering the palace today? Are you used to moving to Prince Han's Mansion? Are you still missing anything? If you're missing anything, just tell me and I'll ask Tang Qi and Xiaofeng to bring it to you."

When Yun Jingyan said this, he did not forget to pat his chest triumphantly.

Listening to his series of questions, Feng Qingge said dumbfoundedly.

"I'm used to living here. King Han's Mansion doesn't lack anything. Thirteen, thank you very much."

"Hey, you're welcome, you're welcome." Yun Jingyan waved his hands carelessly, and smiled at Feng Qingge.

Nangongyou also leaned forward and looked Feng Qingge up and down.

I found that she was not generally good in terms of mood or spirit.

Nangong You's evil eyes were bent, and his whole body suddenly began to smile.

"Little Ge'er, if this cold blob bullies you in the future, just tell me, and I will teach him a lesson for you."

While Nangongyou was talking, he did not forget to cast a fierce glance at Yun Linghan.Obviously, he was still very upset about the fact that his identity was exposed last night
Yun Linghan met his gaze, the corners of his lips curled up meaningfully, and he said nothing coldly.

Feng Qingge nodded helplessly: "I see. Nangong, don't worry, Ling Han won't bully me."

After all, she is also at the ninth level of the Spiritual Sect, and she still has the bodyguard Dragon Spirit and Xueren on her body, so how could she let others bully her casually?

(End of this chapter)

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