Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 1804 Wait for me

Chapter 1804 Wait For Me

Feng Qingge thought from her heart with a burst of laughter.

But then again...

Ever since she had a bridal chamber with Ling Han last night, I don't know if it was her illusion.

She seemed to feel that the spiritual power in her body had become thicker, and even the bottleneck from Lingzong to Lingzun seemed to have loosened a little bit.

"However, maybe it's just an illusion."

Feng Qingge shrugged, silently suppressing the suspicion in her heart.

Yun Jingyan said to Feng Qingge: "By the way, sister Qingge. Brother Nangong and I are here today because we have important matters to discuss with you."

"Thirteenth brother, if you have something to say, go in and talk."

Yun Linghan dropped these words, put his arm around Feng Qingge's shoulders, and strode into King Han's mansion with strides.

Yun Jingyan and Nangongyou looked at each other.

They also raised their feet, and the group walked quickly towards the backyard.


in the room.

Zuo An served a few cups of tea, and then retreated respectfully.

Lu'er and Zhixi stood obediently behind Feng Qingge, looking at Yun Jingyan and Nangongyou with a smile.

Feng Qingge raised her eyes with a smile, and asked Yun Jingyan and Nangongyou.

"Thirteen, Nangong, if you have anything to do, just say it."

"Hey, Sister Qingge, the thing is like this. Now that you have moved into King Han's Mansion, the Feng family is also idle. Brother Nangong and I have made a plan to bring up the renovation of the Feng family's training ground as soon as possible. What do you think about the schedule?"

When Yun Jingyan heard Feng Qingge's question, he immediately rushed to speak first.

Nangong You also nodded, and opened his mouth to agree.

"That's right. Xiao Ge'er, didn't you say that there is a way to transform the Feng family training ground into a small Qi gathering pavilion? What is the way, tell us quickly and let us hear."

While Nangongyou was talking, he looked at Feng Qingge with curiosity and anticipation.

"Yes yes, miss."

"Miss, the Thirteenth Prince and Mr. Nangong are right, we are also very curious."

Lu'er and Zhixi also interjected from the side, their two little faces were also full of strong curiosity.

Only Yun Linghan sat at the side with a calm face, carefully blowing hot tea for Feng Qingge.

With that appearance, it seems that he intends to thoroughly implement the model of protecting his wife and madmen to the end.

Feng Qingge met the curious looks of the people present, and suddenly burst into laughter.

Nodding towards several people, Feng Qingge said with a smile.

"It's true that there is such a thing. By the way, you wait for me here."

As soon as the words fell, his mind moved in front of everyone, and the people had already flashed into the clear water beads in the space.


in space.

As soon as Feng Lao saw Feng Qingge coming in, he immediately let out a soft "Huh" sound from his mouth, and the translucent figure swished and came towards Feng Qingge.

"Hey, girl. Why did you come in at this time?" Old Feng looked at Feng Qingge in surprise and asked.

At this time today, shouldn't the girl enter the palace to offer tea to the elders?

"Teacher, later, I want to bring Ling Han and Shisan in. Can you hide in the spirit forest on the mountain first, so that they don't see it?"

Feng Qingge did not answer Feng Lao's words, but explained to him as briefly as possible.

"No problem." Feng Lao nodded without thinking.

Then with a "whoosh", the person quickly disappeared in place, flashing towards the spirit forest.

(End of this chapter)

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