Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1465 Locked Up

Chapter 1465 Locked Up
"You mother-in-law, you escaped, and our work was wasted. We trusted you, but it's good for you to betray us!"

Both men looked a little annoyed.

Zhao Yun'er knew she was wrong, so she didn't say anything more.

This time, being caught again by two men, Zhao Yuner didn't have such good luck. She was directly tied up tightly by the two men to prevent her from resisting. Her mouth was also covered with a cloth and she couldn't break free. .

In this way, Zhao Yuner was brought to the capital by these people amid the bumps and toss along the way.

This was the first time she had been to this place in Kyoto, but her body was restrained, so she couldn't see the situation outside the carriage at all.

In the end, I don't know where these two men took her. After being taken over, she was packed in a sack, and then sent to a firewood room and locked up.

Except that someone brought some rice over during the meal, there was no one at all during the rest of the time. The door was locked, and she was bound by ropes, so she had no ability to resist at all.

Zhao Yun'er saw that these people just tied her up and did nothing to her. She thought they wanted her life, otherwise they would have done it long ago, and there would be no movement until now.

Zhao Yun'er made an elimination method in her mind now, if it was Murong Shuang or Concubine Hua, she would probably have come to her to show off her might, and she wouldn't just lock her up and ignore her, but come to trouble her.

It is very likely that it is Mu Lianfeng's political opponent. They should want to catch her and threaten Mu Lianfeng, right?
Come to think of it, that political enemy was really despicable.

Don't you feel ashamed to threaten a woman?
Tut tut tut, really interesting.

When Zhao Yun'er was fine, she was thinking about how she could escape.

It is estimated that the place where I am now is some kind of high official's mansion, such a big yard, if I want to escape, it will not be an easy task.

In addition, her hands and feet were bound, and it was not easy to break free. As long as the ropes on her body were removed, the lock on the door would be easy to say.

After being a policeman for so many years in the 21st century, he has arrested thousands of thieves. Among those thieves, there are not a few who have lockpicking skills. She has seen the demonstration of the thief. Although the lockpicking skills are not as good as theirs, they are still okay.

The locks of the 21st century are much more complicated than the ancient ones, and she can open them, let alone the ancient ones.

In the evening, another maid brought her food and prepared to feed her. Zhao Yun'er said, "Sister, I don't have an appetite for the time being. I can't eat. Can you put the food down first and wait until I'm hungry?" eat?"

The little maid had a simple mind, and didn't think too much, but asked worriedly. "If I don't feed you, how will you eat by yourself?"

"It's okay, it's okay, just leave me a few steamed buns, and I can eat it by myself!"

The little maid hesitated for a while, and finally said, "Okay then, I'll throw you three steamed buns and one steamed bun, and I'll take the rest first!"

Zhao Yuner nodded, "Okay, thank you, little sister!"

"You're welcome!"

The little maid tidied up and gave a bowl with buns and steamed buns in it.

Waiting for the little girl to lock the door and walk away, Zhao Yun'er's eyes suddenly became serious.

The originally good bowl was smashed into pieces by Zhao Yun'er.

(End of this chapter)

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