Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1466 Escape

Chapter 1466 Escape
In this woodshed, there were too few things she could use. If she wanted to untie the ropes on her body, she could only find some relatively blunt things.

All she could think of was smashing the bowl and using the mouth of the bowl to slowly cut the rope on her body.

Zhao Yun'er picked up the smashed bowls and chopsticks, and cut slowly. The rope was very thick, and it took a lot of effort to cut it, but there was no rush for a while.

Zhao Yun'er cut slowly, and it took nearly an hour to cut to the end. Her wrists were sore and sore, and she finally cut off the rope on her body.

Then he quickly untied the ropes on his feet.

Freed, Zhao Yun'er went to the door and looked through the crack of the door.

It was getting dark now, and there was no one guarding the door. It was probably because she was a woman, tied up and locked up, and she simply didn't have the ability to run out.

It was just right that there was no guard, otherwise she would not have had the chance to run out.

Fortunately, the hairpin on her head was still there, so Zhao Yun'er took off the hairpin on her head, fiddled with it, and after a while, saw that the lock on the door was unlocked.

Zhao Yun'er fled out in a hurry, and when she saw someone, she quickly avoided it.

But what made Zhao Yun'er desperate was that she didn't know where she was, and after running for a long time, she couldn't find the exit at all, so that she got lost in the end.

If he can't hang around again, he still has to wait to be caught.

She's been away for too long and is sure to be found out.

I don't know if he escaped and was discovered. Many maids and other guards in the mansion were dispatched, looking for people all over the yard.

Zhao Yun'er had no choice but to hide in a courtyard.

This courtyard is very remote and full of weeds. It is estimated that everyone lives there. It is probably quite safe to hide here.

Just as Zhao Yun'er entered the yard, she heard a few small footsteps coming towards her. Zhao Yun'er hurriedly got into the haystack and was almost spotted.

Several servant girls came to the front of the courtyard and listened, only to hear these servant girls discussing, "Are we really going to visit this courtyard?"

"Then what should we do, the master asked us to search in the whole house, we have to search carefully in every place, we must find the person!"

"But... don't use this place! I dare not go in!"

"I don't dare to go in, I heard it's haunted!"

"Yeah, sometimes when passing by, I can still hear the screams inside."

"I've also heard that when someone passed by, they saw a very fierce-looking monster inside! It was very scary. I don't know if it is a ghost?"

After the discussion among the little maids, they became more and more frightened.

What the ancient people were most afraid of were ghosts and ghosts, and the ones they dared not provoke were ghosts.

"This... don't we go in and look for it? What if the master blames me?"

"Let's not talk about it, just say that we have searched for it, and no one knows!"

"That's right, that's right, we all said that we can just look for it. This place looks gloomy, and it's still late at night. It's too creepy. I don't want to have nightmares after I go back."

"Hey, then don't go, I don't dare to go in anyway!"



After a few maids discussed it, they finally decided not to go to that yard to watch, but Zhao Yun'er escaped a catastrophe.

Looking at the maidservants who left, Zhao Yun'er let out a heavy sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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