Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1836 The Shabby Greeting Team

Chapter 1836 The Shabby Greeting Team

Zhao Yun'er's attitude displeased Feng Changxia a little, and she said in a sour tone, "I said, girl Yun'er, isn't it that the son of the world doesn't plan to marry you? This man really intends to marry a woman back, so there's no reason to delay it for so long, right?"

Zhao Yun'er gave Feng Changxia a blank look, "Auntie, don't worry if you tell me, it's not something you can change with a few words. Master Shizi and I have been married by the emperor, unless Master Shizi kills me, there will be That dare not marry me!"

Only then did Feng Changxia shut up. She had also heard that the emperor bestowed a marriage on Zhao Yun'er and that she had rewarded so many things, and she was even more envious in her heart.

It's a pity that in this lifetime, Zhao Yun'er's family's height will be difficult for her to match.

The only reliable person is her Tianlong.

When his Tianlong high school graduates, he will be able to become an official and lead a big family to live a good life.

Although not as rich as the eldest son's family, he can live a prosperous life after all.

Several people continued to work, and there was a sound of cooking in the kitchen.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Mr. Zheng came to pick him up.

But very few people came, only two sedan chair bearers and Mr. Zheng.

Mr. Zheng was sitting on the horse, not even wearing his wedding clothes, it seemed that he didn't attach much importance to this marriage.

But it's understandable, after all, Zhao Jing'er married only as a concubine, not the main wife, so naturally she won't make too much trouble.

However, in the eyes of others, it has another meaning, and they regard Zhao Jinger as a joke.

"Look, this old Zhao's family doesn't like anyone who marries a girl or concubine. There are only a few people here, haha!"

"A concubine, how much do you expect to see him? He didn't come to the stage in the first place. Could it be that he expects someone to come and pick him up?"

"That's true. It seems that when you get married, you have to be the main wife of the family. At least you can get it on the stage, but the concubine still can't..."



Many people in the village ridiculed Old Zhao's family.

In addition to feeling that it is really too shabby, the most important thing is that I am too jealous of the old Zhao family.

The happy events held in the village during these days were actually occupied by the old Zhao's family.

It's a girl getting married, and it's a banquet for building a house. Which banquet is not a good thing?
The two girls of the old Zhao family, one Zhao Xinhui and the other Zhao Jinger, although they were married as concubines, at least they married into a rich family.No worries about eating and drinking in the future, this is something that many people can't look forward to.

Mr. Zheng came here so easily, which was somewhat beyond the expectation of the old Zhao family. Both Zhao Baoshan and Zhao Wenshui looked a little ugly.

Especially when he heard what the villagers said, he trembled with anger.

It's a pity that they can't blame Mr. Zheng...

They already knew that Zhao Jing'er was married as a concubine, and they couldn't ask for too much, otherwise they would displease Mr. Zheng.

Seeing that the relatives were coming to me, Zhao Xinhui and Huo Chunhua, who were originally staying in the room, came together to have a look.

Seeing so many people coming, Huo Chunhua was a little displeased and said, "What does Mr. Zheng mean...these few people came, didn't they intend to embarrass our old Zhao family?"

Zhao Xinhui replied lightly, "Mother, girl Jing'er just married to be a concubine. It would be nice if she could carry a sedan chair. What are you going to do?"

Huo Chunhua curled her lips and said, "That's not true, Hui'er girl, didn't you bring a lot of people over when you married Mrs. Huang? The battle is huge!"

(End of this chapter)

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