Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1837 Find Mr. Huang

Chapter 1837 Find Mr. Huang

Huo Chunhua thought about it for a while, and felt that she had a good face. Back then, her daughter got married, which was a rare thing in several villages.

How many people are envious of her, the daughter married a rich man, and she married a beautiful man.

Thinking about the life she is living now, if her daughter was not married well, how could she be so comfortable?You must have money these days, and if you don't have money, you can do anything.

Zhao Xinhui snorted coldly and said, "Mother, can girl Jing'er compare with me? My husband-in-law loves me very much, and girl Jing'er is just a child-bearer after marriage!"

Huo Chunhua nodded in response and said, "That's true, Jing'er girl can't compare with you. My Huier girl can't compare with anyone else!"

Zhao Xinhui curled her lips, "Of course. So mother, don't blame Mr. Zheng. It would be nice if you can get a sedan chair to come over. Do you really expect him to show some kind of power? Many people are concubines. Those who go directly into the mansion have nothing to do!"

"Yes, yes, Huier, you are right!" Huo Chunhua replied with a smile.

Suddenly thought of something, Huo Chunhua approached Zhao Xinhui and asked, "Girl Huier, you have been at home for a while, why hasn't Mr. Huang sent someone to pick you up?"

When it came to this topic, Zhao Xinhui's face suddenly became a little displeased.

"How do I know? I also want to ask! Mother, do you dislike me, think I've stayed at home for too long, and want to drive me away?"

Huo Chunhua hurriedly smiled and said, "Girl Huier, don't be angry, who wants to drive you away, mother doesn't mean that.

I just feel that our family's life is definitely not as good as that of Mr. Huang's mansion. If you go back earlier, you can enjoy the blessing earlier, right?Compared with the Huangfu, life in the countryside must be one heaven and one underground, right? "

Zhao Xinhui listened and nodded, her mother was right about that.

Life in the Huang Mansion is simply not too happy.

There are people who take care of everything every day, so forget it, and you can eat delicious and spicy food.The food and snacks of the Huangfu are all cooked by special cooks. How can it be compared in the countryside?
Thinking of the enjoyment of that time, Zhao Xinhui wanted to go back to Huang's mansion more and more.

She was also looking forward to going back soon, but the strange thing is that Mr. Huang hasn't come to pick her up yet...

Her husband obviously dotes on her very much, after such a long separation, it's hard not to miss her?

Her husband-in-law hasn't taken care of all the troubles at home, how long will she have to wait if this goes on?
If she continued to stay at home, she would probably be very bored... I didn't think before that, after enjoying the rich life, let her live the poor life before, she would not be able to survive at all.

"Mother, aren't you talking nonsense? How can your family compare to Huang's Mansion?" Zhao Xinhui replied angrily.

Huo Chunhua smiled embarrassingly again, "Girl Huier, there is no way you can wait like this. In my mother's opinion, you should take the initiative to ask Mr. Huang..."

She mentioned this matter last time, but Zhao Xinhui didn't take it to heart, and didn't go to Yangcheng to find Mr. Huang.

Now mention it again, I just hope Zhao Xinhui can listen to it.

Even though she is very old, she still understands some truths.

Men have to watch closely, there are so many women out there, maybe if they are not around, they will go out to flirt and find other women.

(End of this chapter)

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